Dumps of ids_name and ids_info
I am building a web application for the dynamic economy of Freeworlds-tow.
For that I need a table filled with the contents of ids_name and ids_info from the various DLLs.Is there a program that can dump the content of these, like to a txt file of comma delimited?
FLStat - Export - csv or sql
Qi__ wrote:
The csv is only goodsFor the sql you need to know how the table structure is.
If you can open the sql file in a database program then the structure should be obvious.
You can also use the CreateID part of adoxa’s CreateID / WhatIS pair.
CreateID -s -oc > ids.csv
The above will scan all Subfolders in the Freelancer tree, create the IDs, and Output them in CSV format to the file “ids.csv”.
The following utility dumps the infocards for all ships and equipment in FLDev format.
The would be easy enough to change it to dump system object information and change the format to csv or something else. The source is included.