Adding destructible = true line to solars weird things
Yeah I am talking about destructible stations.
So I added destructible = true line to solars in solararch.ini and found some strange changes… missiles don’t cause damage if they hit the base too far from the centre. But it seems like it’s not because explosion doesn’t reach the centre of the model, because missiles DO cause damage if they hit target(base) not that far(but obviously further than explosion radius) from the centre.
And even more weird thing with some bases happen. For example, cardiff mining facility in Br03.
It has archetype = space_mining01. When I select it and launch missile, it delivers no damage, when I launch it(without selecting the base) at the part where ships dock - it delivers damage.
I checked the .cmp and the centre when you select that base in space and the actual centre do not match!!!
(The actual centre is located in the part where ships dock at).I also found that if a station does not have destructible = true line, then every missile launched at the station makes the station go hostile, if the station has destructible = true line, the station will not go hostile afterit was hit by missile(unless it hits the station near the centre).
It’s hard to explain, just try it, it won’t take long.
Any ideas why this happens??? And how to override it??
2 things i’ve discovered:```
nickname = Ew04_space_dome_1
pos = 9900, -75, -665
rotate = 0, 180, 0
archetype = space_dome
reputation = gd_z_grp
difficulty_level = 16
loadout = space_dome_co_03
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
parent = Ew04_01Second, when hitting asteroid-like base with missile/torp it won't do damage unless it hits _"metallic"_ part of it. Don't know whether this is a material problem, or explosion ranges again.
And without “parent” object isn’t hostile after getting damages
OutCast wrote:
First, hitting FP9 domes, or anything attached with ‘parent’ to actual base won’t do any damage. I guess that’s your problem with Cardiff.Yeah, I thought so, but it is not. I checked the part I launched missile at in hardcmp - it’s not a parent object.
Sure I will try testing without parent objects, but asteroid bases don’t have them - so I bet that the result will be the same as described above.
So I really wonder why cmp centre and slected base centre(the centre of the base when you select it in space) do not match.
OutCast wrote:
Second, when hitting asteroid-like base with missile/torp it won’t do damage unless it hits “metallic” part of it. Don’t know whether this is a material problem, or explosion ranges again.By metallic you mean docking sphere?
some more questions:
1a).Why cmp centre and slected base centre(the centre of the base when you select it in space) do not match?
1b).How to make them match?2.) Anything to do with asteroid-like bases?