Site Feel,Layout & Speed
i dont want to come off wrong as i may to some. only saying what i think that would help keep freelancer alive & keep people from leaving & keep them with us.
the site is abit slow to load.
the menu bar to the left of the site does not look like its part of the site but a add. i only say that as the way it looks.
the site is alittle to dark. maybe keeping the above image but adding another down at the bottom of the site. not full screen just a middle ground image would help.
the latest post & news is alittle scare to look at aswell.
as i said i dont want to come off very rude or get people wanting to kill me on the server. just giving feedback.
if i knew were to find layouts id look thro & find one that i think would best suite the site.but i have never done anything relating to forums.
I think your’re right. This site design is good, but I think its quite ‘old’ for nowadays. Especially the big fontsize. The image at the top looks great. The bar with home, forum, unread etc. could be moved horizontally. Thats how I would design this site
Many of those points I agree with, unfortunately they also take a lot of work to fix properly. Site speed can only be improved by rebuilding from the ground up, for instance (Xoops, our underlying content management system, is slow and clunky). The menu also comes from Xoops.
As for text size, it’s funny you say that because I had a lot of complaints in the old version that people found the text too small.
i argee with that. the color of the site & how it overall feels is great. its a real welcoming feel.
the ads on the left side of the site could be moved somewhere else. & the menu at the left of the site could be cleaned up so it dont look like a ad.
a quick reply would be great insted of having to go to another page to post a reply.
but again i argee with that. mmm i wonder if i find a layout for the site if they will use. i cant program one. but if i found one.
dont know where to even look for one.
warlordfmike wrote:
a quick reply would be great insted of having to go to another page to post a reply.
you don’t have to do that?
Just scroll down the page and there is a reply button to.
Even there is a reply button on every post from the people. -
lol that was a fast post. just read & hit the reply.
well i guess you cant move to the same system that Shattered Worlds forum is using with out losing all the content that this site has. inless you can pull all off & move it.
i think there using SMF customization services i think is who there with. im not sure.
i argee i like the dark feel of the site. but the overall layout could be moved around. to bring a new look to the site. move the menu to the left along the top running horizontally & place Home,forum,unread horizontally aswell. pull the top image down abit. not to much. and than place the menu to the left just under the “the starport” make the menu see thro so you can see whats behind it. clean up how teh latest post & news works & views.
and you got one great looking site. if i could i might try & do that. but im not web programer. thats how i would like the site out. much cleaner looking & its a fresh look on a old site.
the one thing i love thro is how the overall feel of the site is. makes you not want to leave. and the bar at the very tipy top of the site is kool. love how it changes.
rasauul wrote:
……i like it, nice and dark… it’s great…rocking site…dont change a thingI agree with Rasauul.
Well, change ONE thing: The text highlight color in the Reply Editor. It is so close to the background color that it is very difficult to see which text is highlighted.
Otherwise, the layout is both functional and esthetically pleasing.
w0dk4 wrote:
because I hate dotted lines in general, they’re just ugly.
But I guess thats just me.
I don’t like underlines anyway.
Only sometimes you need them. -
I dislike underlined even more than I do dotted, so I stuck with dotted
It’s important to have something that still “feels” like a link so that it’s instantly recognizable as one. Many sites deal away with underlining hyperlinks and usually they become more confusing as what is a link suddenly doesn’t seem like one.
Just leave them the way they are.
What annoys me is that the textboxes you write in when posting/writing a pm are so narrow.
when making long posts and taking time with it… you time out & get the “session expired” message still… forcing you to copy your post & re-login to send it.
Apart from that… I’m a happy camper
Xarian_Prime wrote:
when making long posts and taking time with it… you time out & get the “session expired” message still… forcing you to copy your post & re-login to send it.Apart from that… I’m a happy camper
Don’t know how you have set when you log in, but do you have mark the “remember me” ?
This could be a problem if you haven’t and the cookie expired.
Same problem as on our forum -
ah… yes, thanks witchy
I’ve been trusting Mozilla to remember such things (i normally check the “keep logged in”) I’ll check my settings latter.