Ship Spawning
Defining those structures was relatively trivial, due to exported constructors. Doing the points above will take a bit more effort, which I’ll not do (not for a while, anyway, by which time I’ll have forgotten). I expect point two can be solved by set_current_directive, so I suppose you want IDirectiveInfo and the remaining Ops?
I’m not asking you to do them at all, you’re a busy man with a lot on your plate
What I wondered is whether you could give some insight on how to do what you do. A tutorial if you want, just some tips otherwise. I’d like to stop having to ask you or w0d all the time, but I’ve never gleaned much from disassemblies
Well, if you want to give it a go, here’s an example using DirectiveFollowOp.
* Exported function Common.??0DirectiveFollowOp@AI@pub@@QAE@XZ | =1<===== 062DAF30 8BC1 mov eax, ecx 062DAF32 33C9 xor ecx, ecx 062DAF34 C7400404000000 mov dword[eax+04], 00000004 062DAF3B 894808 mov [eax+08], ecx 062DAF3E C7001CE13906 mov dword[eax], Common.??_7DirectiveFollowOp@AI@pub@@6B@ 062DAF44 89480C mov [eax+0C], ecx 062DAF47 C7401000001643 mov dword[eax+10], 43160000 ; 150 062DAF4E 894814 mov [eax+14], ecx 062DAF51 894818 mov [eax+18], ecx 062DAF54 89481C mov [eax+1C], ecx 062DAF57 C740200000C843 mov dword[eax+20], 43C80000 ; 400 062DAF5E C3 ret ```I have a separate program to demangle names, which gives us the namespace and constructor. [eax] is the virtual function table, [eax+04] & [eax+08] are from BaseOp. Looking at Follow in the mission files and where it reads it in content.dll (6F27400), +0C would be the nickname, but I still don't know what the other values are, apart from being float (probably maximum distance, x,y,z offset and something else). So assuming that, we can say:
namespace pub
namespace AI
enum OP_TYPE { FollowOp = 4 }; // and the others, of courseclass DirectiveFollowOp : public BaseOp // inheritance based on observation { public: DirectiveFollowOp()/* : BaseOp( FollowOp )*/; // some more functions here, should be in the CoreSDK virtual bool validate(); UINT leader; // 0 float max_distance; // 150 Vector ofs; // 0, 0, 0; copy constructor indicates Vector float unknown; // 400 };
} -
Very nice, that should help a lot!
Can I know what program(s)/steps you use to get the output you’ve shown? I think I read you use Ollydbg to disassemble the DLLs, but how do you get the values like 150 or 400? From the INIs, from a debug process?
Excuse me while I go hang myself for being so blind. -_-
The listing was generated by a customised PEReaDeR, which I’ve attached, since I should do a bit more on it before releasing the patch (I haven’t updated my first patches with Freddy’s better code). Use perdr -b common.dll >common.lst for the listing shown. I’ve also included the demangler:
[[url=]tde] c:/Projects/undec ??0DirectiveFollowOp@AI@pub@@QAE@XZ
public: __thiscall pub::AI::DirectiveFollowOp::DirectiveFollowOp(void) -
FriendlyFire wrote:
Excuse me while I go hang myself for being so blind. -_-Never do that.
Go blow away a criminal who escapes justice.
You will feel a lot better afterwards!
And then 8 years later they will let you out and you can do another one!
class IMPORT DirectiveGotoOp : public BaseOp { public: DirectiveGotoOp(class DirectiveGotoOp const &); DirectiveGotoOp(void); virtual bool validate(void); public: int x00; int iGotoType; // 1 = Vec, 0 = Ship Vector vPos; // pos int iTargetID; // id Vector vSpline1; // ? Vector vSpline2; // ? Vector vSpline3; // ? Vector vSpline4; // ? float fRange; float fThrust; bool x58; // in INIs, don't know what it does bool x59; // Always true? short iFlag; // 0 = goto, 1 = goto_cruise, 256 = goto_no_cruise int x5C; float x60; // 200 float x64; // 500 int x68; int x6C; };
Remove x00.
iGotoType also has 2 = spline, 3 = undefined (I guess, that’s what the constructor does).
short iFlag; is actually bool goto_cruise; bool goto_no_cruise; (“goto” is ignored).
x59 has no apparent reference in content (certainly not where it reads the Goto lines), maybe it gets used in common. -
I gathered as much for the types (I just hadn’t tested it). For the iFlag, I kinda guessed they’d be bools. It seems that goto_cruise overrides goto_no_cruise, too, if both are set to true inadvertently.
As for x00, I had to add that because of a hack I did to BaseOp. I can tell you it works perfectly right now so the definitions are proper
Hello everyone,
I’m very interested in this topic, and I follow it since its beginning. Thanks to your great work, I slowly understand how to make NPC’s spawning.
As Wodk4 said, It would be nice to give Waypoints to NPC. Unfortunately, I didn’t reach this objective.
Here the first thing I tried to do :
pub::AI::DirectiveGotoOp testOP; testOP.iGotoType = 1; testOP.vPos.x = -14507; testOP.vPos.y = 124; testOP.vPos.z = 11492; testOP.iFlag = 256; pub::AI::SubmitState(iSpaceObjID, (pub::AI::BaseOp*)&testOP);
but this does’nt work. (This would be too simple, you can laugh at me)
so I tried to use the Personality.cpp given by Adoxa, but unfortunately, I don’t know how to use it. I tried to place it into server.h, in the AI namespace, but I have some errors.
Can you help me to find what’s wrong ?
(No code required, but at least a little clue)Thanks a lot,
Kid -
pub::AI::DirectiveGotoOp testOP; ```Is wrong. It's waiting for a pointer (notice the *). Use
pub::AI::DirectiveGotoOp* go = new pub::AI::DirectiveGotoOp();
And remember to replace all the "." by "->". You also need to define fRange and fThrust.
Well, I tried to do as you said, but the spawning ship really doesn’t want to move. I think I haven’t the skill yet to understand it well, and don’t want to annoy you more than that. I don’t know what fThrust & fRange stand for, even playing with values.
(The weird thing, is that in the code quoted by Wodk4, it’s not a pointer which is used in the submit state line).Here’s my current code, according that iSpaceObjID represent a ship we’ve just created. The waypoint is approximatively 500 m away from the spawn point.
pub::AI::DirectiveGotoOp* testOP = new pub::AI::DirectiveGotoOp(); testOP->iGotoType = 1; testOP->vPos.x = -14507; testOP->vPos.y = 124; testOP->vPos.z = 11492; testOP->iFlag = 1; testOP->fRange = 1; testOP->fThrust = 1; pub::AI::SubmitState(iSpaceObjID, (pub::AI::BaseOp*)&testOP);
Really, if you don’t have the time / motivation to help me, no problem, I 'll try to go on by myself.
A huge Thanks anyway
fThrust is the speed at which the ship goes. -1 is the default value in the game and means full speed.
fRange is how far from the destination the ship has to go.
Did you define a pilot and a state graph?
You changed testOP to a pointer, but didn’t change it in the call.
pub::AI::SubmitState(iSpaceObjID, testOP); ```Although depending on just how DirectiveGotoOp has been defined, you might still need to cast it (it should have been derived, so there should be no need).
The older headers don’t have the inheritance. You’d need to add it to the definition of all Op classes.
I have set all the personality settings, but I either only get a standing ship (setting state_graph to -1) or an instant server crash.
int iStateGraph = pub::StateGraph::get_state_graph("FIGHTER", pub::StateGraph::TYPE_STANDARD); IStateGraph const *sg = pub::StateGraph::get_state_graph_internal(iStateGraph); pub::AI::SetPersonalityParams pp; pp.state_graph=(int) sg; pp.personality=p; pp.state_id=true; pub::AI::SubmitState(iSpaceObjID, (pub::AI::BaseOp*)&pp);
It doesn’t matter whether I set state_id to true or false or use iStateGraph for the state_graph variable.
Any hints?
Ok, I solved it by setting the stategraph afterwards using the BehaviorManager. But as long as you don’t know much about Freelancers internal objects you wont get that far ^^ Maybe there is an easier way?