Exe offset edit tutorial
I have seen and tried out fox’s tut on changing values for things like extended scanners. (thanks fox)
Now im wanting to try new (or new to me) things.
Is there an easy to follow tut out there on how to make a change … erm… like these:
0x0F85->0x90E9 in freelancer.exe, 0xD5936, 0xD5936 = remove cruise speed display limit of 300 (in other words, change 0x0F85 to 0x90E9) ~Unknown
– 0xE6->0x00 in freelancer.exe, 0xD3180, 0xD3180 = add faction name to players in contact list (in other words, change 0xE6 to 0x00) ~M0tah
Im almost totally new to hex edits, infact ive only followed fox’s tut and tried a few little other changes which always seem to either end in failure or create problems elsewhere.
I have no clue on how to make the changes, so the simpler the tut, the better.
Any help regarding this would be great.p.s atm im using Hexplorer, is there a better or an easier to use tool out there that someone would recommend?
actually all the tools are the same, its only what youre used to that matters for things like this.
now, the only problem you encounter is understanding the format of these changes.
first thing is the thing to change (it might have either a 0x prefix or some suffixes like i, f and d). if it has a 0x prefix it is a quote of the bytes just like theyre written on the hex table. if it has a suffix you have to look for decoding of numbers. in general, i is single integer, f is float and d is double integer (the encoding matrix is all the same in all programs so don’t care, just decode and once you see the value called here you have picked the right encoding). what you quoted here are direct changes from one byte constellation to another. ignore the 0x and enter the second value instead of the first.
next in line is the file the quote is taken from and after that you have the address. this is a simple hex index number. you can use it by using the goto function of your hex editor. go to the first given address if you have the 1.0 files and the second if you have the official 1.1 patch files. often the address is the same. there you will see the value that stands on first place of the lines you quoted.
it sounds somewhat difficult, me either needed much time before i came after that i, f, d, and 0x thingy but once youve got it you won’t forget again. -
Let’s say you were looking at:
freelancer.exe 0D5936 0F85->90E9 = remove cruise speed display limit of 300 ~Unknown
It basically means that at offset 0D5936, you’ll see “0F85” in hex under where it put your cursor. In Hexplorer, this will be the left column with all the number/letter nonsense displayed. Click the left viewing column so the hex side gains focus (making sure you click where the offset placed your cursor so that you’re still looking at the 0F85), and then change that “0F85” to “90E9”