3D Model Showroom
A model of Destiny from my good friend Fur Ball
Well, it’s been a while since I’ve done any work. This is the first thing I’ve built in a while, and I thought I’d show it all to you.
This model bears special meaning. Recently, a dear friend of mine and fellow Freelancer modder passed away. So I did what I do best, I modeled a monument to one of the best friends I’ve ever had
The James Kretschmar - Class Battlecruiser
Hey guys, if you know something about my mod, how do you think a Garellianian fighter & elite should look like?
Description:G.U.N: Garellianian United Nations. The natives of RKS (means they are aliens). A specious of cold blood warriors…(rest is not very important)
Ships style: Inverted, built to be fast ships. The name describes the shape mostly.
Ship names: Fighter-Bladewing, Elite-Tankite.
Can someone make me those models please? You can be as creative as you want. (don’t get way too far with the Tankite. More spaceship, less tank.)Thanks ahead.
Link: http://www.moddb.com/mods/freelancer-knowledge-of-sirius -
Here is another one from Gibbon (he will need to give credit for the model)
The Colonial Cloud ship rendered in my new 3D shader engine…
The blue bottom is due to a blue dynamc light passing under the model, you can see the first while light in the view of the side of the ship.
Additional textures I added were a normal map (for bump mapping), a glow map and a specular (gloss) map for light reflection.
TheDvDMan wrote:
What about my ships? Can someone make them?If you help Nova to do patrols, maybe he helps you.
TheDvDMan wrote:
Which patrols?For non offtop write pm to Nova
Nice work m8
Guardian i see is asteroid-friendly
Look at this :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoKdaoOU2Ps&feature=related -
Freestalker.fr wrote:
Look at this :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoKdaoOU2Ps&feature=relatedAWSOME!!! Did you make it?
nah, thats made by my mate lohingren over at discovery
all the same, its pretty awesome
anyhoo. been somewhat busy, but spent the last 2-3 days finishing off some major texturing work for some structures i made for discovery. here is what ive done so far:
Gallic Shipyard:
http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/7491/34202630.pngGallic Manufacturing Plant (Model by Dartstriker/Travis):
http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/759/gallicmanuf2.pngi have to make some changes to the gallic shipyard, but otherwise its mostly done.
That’s awesome, Frozenballz. Great work.
Freestalker.fr wrote:
Look at this :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoKdaoOU2Ps&feature=relatedI’ll post this because I know Lohingren would. The model wasn’t him, he textured it and made the effect, I animated it. But the actual model is Linkus’s I beleive, so it’s his baby.
Just thought I would point that out since me and Loh would be pretty pissed if someone was claiming our work. So I wouldn’t do it to anyone else either.