Using Console the process is:
Install Console.
Start Freelancer.
Load up a game.
Press Enter.
Type co black_dragon_male_1 and Enter.
If you’re in space, land. If you’re already on a base, save and load, or visit another base.However, that will replace Trent with a different character (since it will change his head, too).
Alternatively, you should just be able to edit the costume directly in the save game. Use flcodec -n file.fl to decode the game to file.txt, using nicknames. Edit the descriptions (body is all you want, I guess) as you see fit (for examples of Blood Dragon costumes, see DATA\MISSIONS\mbases.ini and search for affiliation = fc_bd_grp). Then use flcodec file.txt to encode it back. All that can be done while FL is running, so you can immediately load the game and see the results.
the thing is if you change trents head his mouth does not move. you have to keep trents original head then his mouth moves. heres a program for you fl charedit http://www.filefront.com/17174494/flcharedit.zip
credit goes to this person TheJkWhoSaysNi
just read the read me included its for single player and servers.