FL Promotion Thread
Serious good news for you guys.
4chan’s videogame board (Not the bad section the good section) has chosen Freelancer as the flavor of the month.
That means that EVERYONE (I.E a ton of people) is playing it, they’ve set up their own server already, it’s great. -
xD, posted at 4chan ^
http://zip.4chan.org/v/res/33132726.htmlBTW - One thing I recognized about ex-FL players, quite often they play the game again if you remind them to it - So I thing we should now send the massmail to ex TLR members^^
Can anyone move it to the Mission Save FL area so I will find it later again? ^
Ty @ Staff
FYI, Shattered Worlds will be included in two PC magazines, and I am unsure about if I was at least the cause that it will get included in PC Action magazine.
See aslo SW forums:
http://freelancer-swwt.com/Forum/index.php?topic=5075.msg35254#msg35254Though, this could raise more chances for Freelancer mods, but unfortunally it will be hard to impossible to include mods like Freeworlds due to copyrights…
Just 1 small criticism… why is PF still on there?? wouldn’t it be better to replace that section with something “active” … & don’t stir deep feelings of anger and “man i wanna hit that dude” 8-)
Redundant, self important ninnys don’t deserve the “slot”… I can think oh… about 6 mods that do… & are actually hosting servers with players.
Well, www.dfls.de hosts or is going to host Plasmafire with permission in their own mod.
best of luck… truthfully, but that’s the 1st i’ve heard… so untill that last post i was under the impression it was closed & locked to anything that may actually benefit it… extra modding… a server… ect…
Don’t mind me… I get angry at PF for many reasons… but being a FL mod Isn’t one of them… lolz
In 08/2010 the german “PC Action” posted 2 FL mods (SW:ToW and P.R.O.J.E.C.T.)
A little success?
Syd wrote:
In 08/2010 the german “PC Action” posted 2 FL mods (SW:ToW and P.R.O.J.E.C.T.)A little success?
Guess it was at least a bit my doing (Though, I just informed about SW:WT, didn’t even know about PROJECT). I might try to convince them to include other mods as well into their magazine.
SW:WT: Have you found any peek of player numbers or a lot of new users registered in the last two months? Just out of interests.
http://modsreloaded.com intresting site.
I have asked about Freelancer section in Downloads.
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Looks like statistics at modsreloaded is [d]pseudo-generated[/d]
Almost each user in stat has 0 postsIn total there are 68 users online :: 6 registered, 0 hidden and 62 guests (based on users active over the past 60 minutes)
[d]Really 6 users online, i think[/d]
EDIT: Not true, checked. -
I’m the webmaster on Mods Reloaded, we will get a Freelancer section up over the next couple of days.
Hm, a small suggestion for your website, make more of your forums vieawable by guests.
I agree with Bas. I like to review before registering instead of just helping to create a members list. If it’s interesting and holds my attention then, I register. If it’s full of drama and unrelated kiddy stuff then, I decline. I’m not an Emo Fan.
No offense meant. 8-)
People mainly visit the stuff to download files and leave. People rarely post something on the forums. I’ll see what I can do, any more suggestions are welcome.
I’m not sure if I want a database full of users who never come back.
loder wrote:
People mainly visit the stuff to download files and leave. People rarely post something on the forums. I’ll see what I can do, any more suggestions are welcome.I’m not sure if I want a database full of users who never come back.
Actually, I doubt there is a big difference if you enable forums for guests. Those who want to participate in the community will do anyways, and those who just want to DL/read something will do it as well and will leave, too. No matter if they are registered or not (Though, registered users are more likely to leave comments, TBH)
I’m going to register and check it out anyway, it was just to let you know that many just won’t register to review a forum. I leave my forum open for registration but there’s areas to review without it.
Nice looking forum though. 8-)