Plugin Request - Start animation in cruise
I need a plugin that when you start the engine cruise starts Animation (eg bay_door_anim) and, when off cruise engine will go back.
Animations can also be triggered by pressing a button.
It should be mostly compatible with FLHook 1.6.7 test 19, or at least FLHook plugin 1.6.0-P3.
Thanks. -
Just New Universe 2.0 supports that. It’s a very complex plugin so just Schmackbolzen wrote it in a few weeks.
But be sure that you won’t get it. -
Well I explained it in a thread a while a ago and also told wodka how I did it. But you still need client and server hooking and as wodka also noticed it is rather elaborate to implement. If you guys are lucky I will find the time to release a custom mod version you can use, but atm it looks very bad.
w0d made it work for Freeworlds, maybe his code could be made portable more easily than yours, Schmack.
maybe a bit offtop but related to animations however. is there a way, or can there be done a way (don’t hit, i know there can) to force any equipment onboard a ship, that contains in its model an animation called the same name as the one on the ship itself, to trigger it always when the ship’s animation is triggered?