O.o Dumb Weapons o.O
Dislike a movie without having seen it, I wonder how you could.
Like them you might.
Get over yourself Nova…
Go do yourself a HUGE favor and watch the 1st film (that’s episode IV… entitled… StarWars - A new hope )
Come back and tell me after watching it, what you think of possibly the BEST sci-fi movie ever made… And something alot of us grew up with and hold dearly close to our hearts… you next generational whippersnappers and your fancy elitist attitudes towards sci-fi won’t play well with the older crowd… Its our world… you little ones are the guests/newbies… . OK rant ended…
Now can someone please help DVDman?? you all turned this into a majorly confusing issue when he probaly just missed a simple step… I myself have never played with gun models… so outa luck there today im afraid…
NOW… BACK TO TOPIC… please 8-)
Forum rules
Wha??.. he dissed SW… ban me… i don’t care… this place has gone a tad stale latley anyways… every second post is another topic we’ve already covered… nailed down and fixed… yet that’s not good enough…
MORE… MORE… MORE!!!.. they ask for… and alot just can’t be done with FL’s engine… so yeah im frustrated… shitty and downright upset that a once exelent place for info has turned into a hack request fest dominated by ppl with laguange barrier problem’s… they tell us “do it”… ect… but when we get a tad upity back at them… ohh… “thats a paddling”
& besides… that’s a “restrained” reply… the ADMINS are well aware of just how “unrestrained” I can be when offended
Im not the only one that feels this place is spiraling outa control and being handed to the dogs… one simple check of “who’s still posting” & who aint… is enough to back that up… we feel like idiots in our own domain… so please… cater to the rude & obnoxious if you will… but don’t be surprised when alot of us old timers start to vanish (because we were offended by some newbie who “thinks” they know better… )
Im merely standing up for what i hold dear… and Ignorance is intolerable
Err, sorry Xarian, what was that about? There are new people around, shouldn’t that be a good thing? I’m sorry if the old timers don’t post, but I can’t grab them by the nuts and force them to post, now can I?
Nova, stop being an ass please. I don’t care if it’s a language barrier, you’ve been told over and over that your language is crude and insulting half the time.
Nova, stop being an ass please. I don’t care if it’s a language barrier, you’ve been told over and over that your language is crude and insulting half the time.
Sorry FF… I was indeed on a dribble rant that spawned from a dark place somewhere between my 1st and 2nd coffee of the morning… what i meant to say was what is quoted above… I’m a bit too passionate about the old times and old friends in my old age, & seing more and more useless (already covered or just not viable) posts Irking alot of us into just not replying anymore
becuase were told “na uh… that’s not what i want” … its sad… and makes me sad…
Still love this place… and that’s what makes me a tad passionate about its direction… probably a bit too passionate really as i have put it on a high tear, and get frustrated when it’s all the same problems just different posters… ppl should learn to SEARCH more and post less…
Once agian… sry FF
i understand Nova’s position. for the really simple plot SW has it is really blown up to a size and beauty it doesn’t have. that plot could honestly be translated into any time period and any location mankind knows about and therefore it just is not science fiction.
now you can say, what is Star Trek then, people who explore the universe just like europeans did explore the earth? but in star wars you have not the background of advanced technique, it really is about the side, the other side and the disagreement between. in these terms Battlestar Galactica and Stargate are far more than Star Wars or Star Trek, far more scifi. nonetheless, the principe of “whatever people like in mass must be bad” is quite primitive and conservative. of course, most people today are and most people always were even dumber than a wooden fish but to build an opinion on what you heard about mankind can’t be sensible.and yes, the topic is getting lost, i appologize.
to what xarian mentioned, have to agree, most of what we read today are requests and questions solved long time ago. maybe the archive should be advertised more and get more popular and maybe the branch should be extended to cover other languages like german, spanish, russian and french. what i read eg on the old station network was not nearly as much advanced as what we have here. most advances were taken over there after further searchings and askings over here by members of both forums. also, i googled for some russian communities and it is really amazing what child steps they are at now in contrast to what advanced knowledge the starport stores.
Nova wrote:
I hate SW because of stupid mass of fans and ill people. I heard some idiots made a religion lol. Boring storyline and stupidest ship design ever.“stupid”, “ill”, idiots", “stupidest”… Those are all inflammatory words.
You need to read up on how to deal with people in a society, seriously, if you think you’ve done nothing wrong there.