Starlancer Ship Packs
:: cough :: Crossfire Mod
out of courtesy, ask for use, give credit where its due
Nova wrote:
Haha. Download the 1.5 GB to take 1 model…that sounds as if you thought there is nothing else Crossfire has to offer. besides (and not touching the aspect whether OP would even allow you to use files from Crossfire), why do you think anyone else has to “Download the 1.5 GB to take 1 model…” to share it with you while you can download it yourself? moreover, you are free to browse for those models on the web and to convert them into freelancer format. i understand that you might not want to pay the time and i even understand that you don’t want to download such a large archive if you have no further purpose for it. but if you don’t like solutions that are not only fast and easy to you, maybe you should not request. we are a community, not a service team, we won’t always beam all of the donuts right into your stomach, you have to swallow them yourself. we might put them onto your dish but rarely more than this.
sorry… don’t take it bad, i just read such comments several times, not only from you, and well, its starting to be ridiculous. oh, and i’m somewhat tired so maybe this post sounds more aggressive than i actually wanted it to…
I hear ye Gist… most of us had to do our own dirty work… find ppl… ask ppl… if all else fails convert, texture and format ourselves… normally with no prior knowledge of the task but having (wanting!) to learn along the way… that’s the heart of modding & more often than not brings ppl closer.
Trying someone’s mod your about you lift for resources is just courtesy… talking to the owner/maker and discussing that mod’s points… maybe offering something in return… Is a community
Obviously as one is star wars and the other is…. er not. The two aren’t even connected.
I have my own version of Starlancer/Freelancer going on and there’s a million ways to work out the story between the two.
Yes to anyone who wants to use that gate. Be nice to get a mention where you got it from
And before i forget, if someone can make a decent sur file for it, would be nice. I used the sur maker by LS but it only does wrap round surs, would like a form fitting one if possible. Would save me having to use the phantom physics command lol
In the spirit of sharing Starlancer stuff, I re-did the old Starlancer Fort Bush dustbin model and its damaged conterpart a while ago, stations completely reworked, freelancer textures.
Included both models in the .zip, solar arch as below, both dockable with cams. One of these days I’ll get round to putting animated doors on them.
nickname = base_old_01
ids_name = 60219
ids_info = 60220
type = STATION
DA_archetype = solar\dockable\old_base_01.cmp
material_library = solar\solar_mat_mbase.mat
material_library = solar\solar_mat_dockable02.mat
material_library = solar\solar_mat_dockable03.mat
LODranges = 0, 20000
mass = 10000.000000
docking_sphere = berth, HpDockMountA, 5.000000
docking_sphere = berth, HpDockMountB, 5.000000
;docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountC, 5.000000
;docking_sphere = moor_large, HpDockMountD, 10.000000
docking_camera = 0
solar_radius = 500
shape_name = NNM_SM_DEPOT
hit_pts = 999999961690316250000000000000000000.000000[Solar]
nickname = rogue_base_01
ids_name = 60219
ids_info = 60220
type = STATION
DA_archetype = solar\dockable\rogue_base.cmp
material_library = solar\solar_mat_mbase.mat
material_library = solar\solar_mat_dockable02.mat
material_library = solar\solar_mat_dockable03.mat
LODranges = 0, 20000
mass = 10000.000000
docking_sphere = berth, HpDockMountA, 5.000000
docking_sphere = berth, HpDockMountB, 5.000000
;docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountC, 5.000000
;docking_sphere = moor_large, HpDockMountD, 10.000000
docking_camera = 0
solar_radius = 500
shape_name = NNM_SM_DEPOT
hit_pts = 999999961690316250000000000000000000.000000both use a loadout similar to this
nickname = base_old_pi_01
archetype = base_old_01
equip = infinite_power
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
equip = LargeBlue, HpRunningLight01
equip = LargeBlue, HpRunningLight02
equip = LargeBlue, HpRunningLight03
equip = LargeBlue, HpRunningLight04
equip = LargeBlue, HpRunningLight05
equip = LargeBlue, HpRunningLight06
equip = LargeBlue, HpRunningLight07
equip = LargeBlue, HpRunningLight08
equip = Small_station_turret, HpTurret_S2_01
equip = Small_station_turret, HpTurret_S2_02
equip = Small_station_turret, HpTurret_S2_03
equip = Small_station_turret, HpTurret_S2_04
equip = Small_station_turret, HpTurret_S2_05
equip = sfx_rumble_trading_depotIf anybody wants to make some nice .surs for these they would be most welcome. As always, If you want to use them give credit where its due
quite right, off topic. removed