Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
@Gisteron: Using BPatch to apply and FL Hack to set the ranges, I don’t experience that. Either you’ve applied it wrong, or I need more information (I don’t see anywhere else it writes it).
Regarding the firing count. It’s a local variable (WORD hpid[32]) so it uses the stack. 8C->CC increases the stack usage (WORD hpid[64]); A0->E0 increases the offset for the argument. These are actually int values, so you can easily add more (2 * number, keep number even). So if you wanted to add another 32: CC00->0C01 & E000->2001. You got lucky with this since it was at the top of the stack; if it was at the bottom, I probably wouldn’t have bothered, since a lot more offsets would have to change (which is also why I restrict the system enumerator (best path finder) to ten rather than increasing it).
thank you, adoxa, found the problem: it was the 10k longint limit of D2C32, freelancer.exe (distance over wich fractions of kilometers are not displayed - Dev). i raised the value to 500k (just to ensure it results in the same for larger systems than NY) and all objects in the contact list that could be displayed were shown with nm distances.
well, i didn’t use FL Hack to apply anything about this one. only a hex editor. and all changes are exactly the hack you called (with decimals only), the range over which “kilometers” rather than meters are displayed in both HUD and contact list and finally the distance over which fractions of “kilometers” are not shown anymore.
When it comes to extremely large CMPs (like planetary surfaces), once you face a direction opposite the center of the CMP, the model is no longer rendered and will simply disappear. Usually, this is not a problem - if a regular base is not rendered when you can’t see it anyway; but in case of a planetary surface, it is not like that.
Mostly this issue can be fixed by changing the radius of the CMP, but for some reason this does not work for objects of such massive size.
Is there any way to keep these objects rendered anyway?
SURs have a far greater impact on this than any CMP value you can set.
If your SUR mesh is the same as the CMP mesh it will not dissappear. Aslong as the SUR is visible in the screen it will render whatever it is attached too.
I’ve had a similar idea, but the SUR mesh is exactly the same as the CMP mesh - down to the point that even the CMP is nothing but convex meshes. I also get perfect hit and coll detection everywhere.
I think this needs a separate topic, not to waste space here. I will create one soon. -
sumanuti wrote:
I did make a change to file but is it correct way?
How do you “Zoom in” close enough to see the numbers and letters in Hex editor?.
Cheers, Khayman.
khayman wrote:
How do you “Zoom in” close enough to see the numbers and letters in Hex editor?.Cheers, Khayman.
When you start Hexplorer the first time you will probably want to increase the font size, it is a bit small for me. Click View… Options… and set Font: to Fixed Roman Large, and the Colors: to Matrix (or whatever combination you like).
Good luck.Uncle StarTrader.
Update: These limits are cosmetic to the console only. The server will still prompt a default player limit.
I hope this is a good place to post this. After looking around for a while, I found no information for how to change the maximum limit of players for FLServer.exe. If this was posted before, ignore this.
This should be in the same notation everyone else posted in:
flserver.exe 006A3E 80->FF = Increases player multi count to 255, GUI Limit ~Omicron flserver.exe 006A3F 00->00 = Multiplier for player count, GUI Limit ~Omicron flserver.exe 006C45 80->FF = Increases player multi count to 255, Conditional Check ~Omicron flserver.exe 006C46 00->00 = Multiplier for player count, Conditional Check ~Omicron
This works for version 1.1 of FLServer, however it might also work on 1.0.
The “006A3E” offset is the actual player count allowed by the GUI box when you first start the server. By default, it is set to 128.
“006A3F” appears to be a multiplier for the last value. It is set to “00” above, but setting it to “01” multiplies the last value by 2. For instance, it you have it set to 255 characters, this will allow you up to 511 characters. “02” allows 767 in this case, and “03” allows 1023. As of current, FLServer resets input values over 999 back to zero.
The next two offsets are the values used in a conditional statement when you click “okay” on the GUI prompt. Rule of thumb, set these two values to the same values of the first two.
Omicron wrote:
I hope this is a good place to post this. After looking around for a while, I found no information for how to change the maximum limit of players for FLServer.exe. If this was posted before, ignore this.This should be in the same notation everyone else posted in:
flserver.exe 006A3E 80->FF = Increases player multi count to 255, GUI Limit ~Omicron flserver.exe 006A3F 00->00 = Multiplier for player count, GUI Limit ~Omicron flserver.exe 006C45 80->FF = Increases player multi count to 255, Conditional Check ~Omicron flserver.exe 006C46 00->00 = Multiplier for player count, Conditional Check ~Omicron
This works for version 1.1 of FLServer, however it might also work on 1.0.
The “006A3E” offset is the actual player count allowed by the GUI box when you first start the server. By default, it is set to 128.
“006A3F” appears to be a multiplier for the last value. It is set to “00” above, but setting it to “01” multiplies the last value by 2. For instance, it you have it set to 255 characters, this will allow you up to 511 characters. “02” allows 767 in this case, and “03” allows 1023. As of current, FLServer resets input values over 999 back to zero.
The next two offsets are the values used in a conditional statement when you click “okay” on the GUI prompt. Rule of thumb, set these two values to the same values of the first two.
Does the server is full message work with this hack? I remember once that the discovery main server using w0dk4s server limit hack was full and while trying to connect I didn’t receive the server is full msg but can’t connect to server msg.
Well, those hacks are only for the GUI. There is a lot more involved in patching the max player slots, the most difficult one being to extend the player-connection array in remoteclient.dll which involves messing with .dll section headers, etc…
I released the 200 player hack back in the day so I cannot think of any good reason why you would want to go through the headache again…
This is a huge request, maybe it’s even impossible, I don’t know.
When you are at the equipment dealer and viewing an item’s infocard, you’ll notice two sections: the left hand section is a written text about the item, consisting of headline + text body, whereas the right hand side is an automatically generated stats listing. What I want to be able to do is basically similar to what you have with ship infocards, where you have one infocard containing all the categories, and another one containing all the corresponding values. (ship dealer side only, in space you have both in one infocard)If it would be possible to have one part of the weapon script saying ids_info, where you could store the text, another one called ids_info1 that contains the categories, and another one saying ids_info2 where you could store the values and these ids_info1/ids_info2 replacing the part that’s auto-generated, it’d be possible to add custom information.
Maybe some of you programmers (looking to adoxa mainly
) could at least have a look at it and say what they think of this. If not, then thanks for reading anyways.
Thanks in advance!