How to add NPCs or (AI ships) at the Single Player???
@ Chips and to anyone
Please help us and me that whoever knew how to ADD again the NPCs at the single player mode. Cause the MOD I am playing removed the NPCs. So I want to add them again at the game. People please help. Thanks.
Chips do you have already the Freeworlds’ 18.2 and 18.60 files?
Chips did you already compared it?
Chips so how is the NPC will be added at the game again?
Your best bet would be to go here and ask…
wasabitoy wrote:
@ Wolfie
I am talking about the NPCs from the Freeworlds - Tides of War.
Can’t you read our post?
Well, sorry for that. I did read this whole thread, but I got such a hard time concentrating at times so I’m not always able to get information into my head.
Do as LS said, ask at their forum, for us to help we have to download the mod ourselves, look through a lot of .ini files etc.
Well… it is silly… and here’s why
Basically… If you can’t easily find were the cut was made… what hope do you have of restoring the code… there is ALOT to learn to get NPC spawns and encounters right… or risk about 7 different problems that will all cause crashes or fill the error log till it does crash…
It’s a LOT of work… don’t kid yourself into thinking otherwise… and your better of erasing everything “new” NPC wise (after re-coding the stock ones back to standard) and setting the new factions up agian from scratch… If that sounds hard… well… dude… that’s the easy path…
Your going to need time ( about a week to learn… another week, if real good at it, to re-add NPC’s) before you can even begin to test if it even works… Of course you could just blunder in blindly and attempt to patch the leaks… but if the ships sinking… bubblegum over the breaches wont do squat… In short… are you prepared for such a daunting task… and more importantly… how well do you know the ENTIRE mod’s code…
Im not trying to discourage you in any way here… I just want you to realize this is a major fix… not a small edit… and you’ll be looking at NPC code for a few weeks before you can really have fun
Best of luck 8-)
@ LancerSolurus
I already send a private message to one of the developers/modders/makers since the past 2 or 3 or even 4 days already.
But he/she is not replying.
I will give it a try to post there and add this topic.
I don’t know if some of the developers will reply to me.
Cause here in Starport, ( I only think ) no one of the developers was replied to me about this topic ( I think ).
But we all know that this website is where the MODS and the original game (Freelancer) are here to be talk about all information, HOW TOs, etc. All about the game is here. RIGHT?
There is no difference to reply here and to the website of Freeworlds.
Cause here, there are more modders who can help us easily.
But I will try to send them this topic their.
Well, I haven’t got those files - and at this crazy am time I’m not going to look (3.30am
I’ll look at the weekend, however, you could utilise (if they have something in faction_prop.ini and some encounters files) Freelancer Explorer in order to add encounters (don’t try patrol paths, just normal zones of area_assault/area_defend etc).
But depending upon what has to be done i may just point otwards a tutorial
@ Wolfie
That’s fine.
Yeah. Sure thing. I will give it a try to post this topic their.
" IF " someone will reply from the developers.
But I already send a private message to one of the developers/modders/makers since the past 2 or 3 or even 4 days already.
And he/she is not replying.
@ Xarian_Prime
That is why I am asking someone who knows where is the " cut was made " - you said.
That is why I post this topic here to ask for help like you and to the modders and people who knew to add NPC back again because it was removed.
So what is silly about this topic?
I am SERIOUS about asking on how to add the NPC back.
I know a little about altering the files and I make backup files for sure not to mess up.
I made my changes and alters as clean as it is to make the game run smoothly.
That’s fine with me.
@ Chips
Sure thing.
I will just wait until the weekend comes.
And make some sleep cause your still awake at 3:30AM at the morning. That is bad dude! HEHE!!!
So that if you sleep well, you can make the tutorial more interesting and make it run/execute at the game well.
And thanks that you will make a tutorial on how to bring back or add back the NPC at the game. I will wait for it.
Can you send it to me first after you made the tutorial so that I am the first person/player who will follow your instructions? HEHE!!!
By the way, don’t forget to compare the files of the Freeworlds 18.2 and Freeworlds 18.60.
Because it might help you also to solve this problem at the Freeworlds MOD on adding the NPC back.
And so that you can easily see the FILES that were altered or changed.
I’m going to put up the old tutorial about factions that Chips made years ago. It’s easy to understand so you should have no problem adding the ships back in for the AI. Explains nearly everything you need t o be able to do this.
Adding a new faction Complete
OKay - this is long and boring
First up - faction_prop.ini, initial_world.ini, empathy.ini for the basics…
first up, you need to think of your nick for your new faction. I use the existing methods of naming, so mine are co_fs_grp - make it what you want (make sure it aint clashing). Backup files (including any dll files you use!)
Good stuff - you need to make an entry in initial_world.ini file firstly.
nickname = fc_ou_grp
ids_name = 196874
ids_info = 66208
ids_short_name = 196922
rep = -0.65, li_n_grp
rep = -0.65, li_lsf_grp
rep = -0.65, li_p_grp
rep = -0.65, br_n_grp
rep = -0.65, br_p_grp
rep = -0.65, ku_n_grp
rep = -0.65, ku_p_grp
rep = -0.65, rh_n_grp
rep = -0.65, rh_p_grp
rep = -0.3, co_alg_grp
rep = -0.3, co_be_grp
rep = -0.65, br_m_grp
rep = -0.3, co_nws_grp
rep = -0.65, co_hsp_grp
rep = -0.65, co_ic_grp
rep = -0.3, co_khc_grp
rep = -0.3, co_kt_grp
rep = -0.3, rh_m_grp
rep = -0.65, co_me_grp
rep = -0.3, co_ni_grp
rep = -0.3, co_os_grp
rep = -0.3, co_rs_grp
rep = -0.3, co_shi_grp
rep = -0.3, co_ss_grp
rep = -0.65, co_ti_grp
rep = -0.3, co_vr_grp
rep = -0.3, fc_bd_grp
rep = -0.3, fc_b_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_c_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_fa_grp
rep = -0.3, fc_g_grp
rep = 0.65, fc_gc_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_h_grp
rep = 0, fc_j_grp
rep = 0.91, fc_lh_grp
rep = 0.65, fc_lr_grp
rep = -0.3, fc_lwb_grp
rep = -0.3, fc_m_grp
rep = 0.91, fc_ou_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_rh_grp
rep = 0, fc_or_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_u_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_x_grp
rep = -0.65, gd_gm_grp
rep = 0, fc_uk_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_n_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_ln_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_kn_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_rn_grp
rep = 0, fc_ouk_grp
rep = 0, fc_q_grp
rep = 0, fc_f_grp
rep = -0.65, gd_im_grp
rep = 0, gd_z_grp
rep = -0.65, gd_bh_grp
That is the outcasts……change it to your nickname for your faction. Next up you need to then change ALL rep values to what you want your new faction to feel to others. This takes A LONG TIME to work out, so i pick a faction i want it to be like…and use theirs. Don’t forget to add your own factions rep with themselves to this as well (ie add a line to the entry for rep = 0.91, co_fs_grp)Next up - you have got to add how every other faction likes yours to their entries (basically stick a
rep = 0, co_fs_grp or whateverObviuosly change it for how you want them to like yours at the start of game.
Now then - nearly done.
nickname = fc_ou_grp
ids_name = 196874 ;- this is the long name - like liberty police or whatever
ids_info = 66208 ;- this is the inforamtion - tells you who they like/hate
ids_short_name = 196922 ;-Shortned version - for Liberty Police it says Police, for Liberty Rogues it says Rogues…you get the idea - the one you see in the hud on radar
You might need the FLED IDS tutorial for that. Its in downloads or the tutorials section as well.Okay - moving onwards. Save that file off.
NOw go to the empathy.ini file.(missions folder).
Okay - this is how the changes for factions reps to you are. So if you shoot a cop, the pirates start to like you more, and pirates hate you more oh arrrr…[RepChangeEffects]
group = li_n_grp
event = object_destruction, -0.030000;Feeling change if you blow up somethign they own
event = random_mission_success, 0.085900 ;feeling change if you complete a mission for them
event = random_mission_failure, -0.045000 ;Feeling change if you fail at mission
event = random_mission_abortion, -0.067500 ;feeling change if you quit a mission once accepted
empathy_rate = li_lsf_grp, 0.400000
empathy_rate = li_p_grp, 0.350000
empathy_rate = br_n_grp, 0
empathy_rate = br_p_grp, 0
empathy_rate = ku_n_grp, 0
empathy_rate = ku_p_grp, 0
empathy_rate = rh_n_grp, 0
empathy_rate = rh_p_grp, 0
empathy_rate = co_shi_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = co_khc_grp, 0
empathy_rate = co_kt_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = br_m_grp, 0
empathy_rate = co_me_grp, 0.275000
empathy_rate = co_be_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = co_rs_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = co_vr_grp, 0.250000
empathy_rate = co_ni_grp, 0.300000
empathy_rate = rh_m_grp, 0
empathy_rate = co_ti_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = co_ic_grp, 0.250000
empathy_rate = co_ss_grp, 0.300000
empathy_rate = co_hsp_grp, 0.250000
empathy_rate = co_alg_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = co_os_grp, 0.200000
empathy_rate = co_nws_grp, 0.050000
empathy_rate = fc_c_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_ou_grp, -0.400000
empathy_rate = fc_rh_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_bd_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_j_grp, -0.050000
empathy_rate = fc_h_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_m_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_x_grp, -0.450000
empathy_rate = fc_b_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_g_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_lh_grp, -0.350000
empathy_rate = fc_u_grp, -0.025000
empathy_rate = fc_gc_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_lwb_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_fa_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_lr_grp, -0.250000
empathy_rate = fc_or_grp, 0
empathy_rate = gd_gm_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_uk_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_n_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_ln_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_kn_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_rn_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_ouk_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_q_grp, 0
empathy_rate = fc_f_grp, 0
empathy_rate = gd_im_grp, 0
empathy_rate = gd_z_grp, 0
empathy_rate = gd_bh_grp, 0.050000Okay - +ve values are good changes - they like you more, -ve values are that they dislike you more.
Okay - these are easy:
empathy_rate = gd_bh_grp, 0.050000 - means that they change +vely with this faction (liberty police). So if you are pleasing liberty police by doing things for them, you will get a better rep with the bounty hunters as well.
The -ve of course is the opposite, their reps change for the worse as you please lib police, and change for the better as you piss the police off! That is what the empathy rate is about. So if you make a faction like that but with total positive values - it means that if you do anything for this faction, everyone will start to love you for it.On the other hand, you then have to add an empathy line for EACH faction here as to how your rep with the new faction changes in respect to doing things to other factions. Confused? Well - you need to add a line for YOUR faction to EVERY factions empathy part. Add it for HOW your new faction should feel if you did stuff for the faction its added to. So if you add it to lib rogues, how should the new faction feel if you do missions for the rogues? They are going to be happy, then you want a positive value like this:
empathy_rate = co_fs_grp, 0.050000Okay - once you have done that (about an hour if your dedicated ), save it off
Now - to make ships for your faction to fly basicallyNow go see the thread about making custom ships for factions to fly…. just make sure you create a new faction_prop.ini entry for YOUR faction…
So, want some custom NPC encounters. Well this is going to build from the ground up. Starting with the basics and running through stage by stage.
Now, for starters…
The real basics.First off - you probs have your faction in mind, and the ship to fly. If you haven’t - think
Right - got it? Now then. Firstly we go to the shiparch.ini You NEED to look at the ship your going for here. this can be exisiting game (I have made xenos fly falcons, unioners and xenos fly eagles, lane hackers fly sabres and others kitted out nicely to!).
So, pick the ship. What are you looking for when picking the ship.You need to know
a) The EXACT NICKNAME as it is in the ini files as.
The EXACT WEAPON HARDPOINTS (like HpWeapon01 to HpWeapon06)
c) EXACT mines, counter measure and more points.Okay - got one? Good. Well, will use a nice simple one for starters. Lets use the eagle. Here is some stuff from its entry (sorry, i like giving examples
EXTRACT OF ENTRIES :nickname = ge_fighter6
shield_link = cv_fighter6_shield01, HpMount, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_gun_special_10, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04
hp_type = hp_gun_special_9, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_10, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_thruster, HpThruster01
hp_type = hp_mine_dropper, HpMine01
hp_type = hp_countermeasure_dropper, HpCM01
hp_type = hp_turret_special_10, HpTurret01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_1, HpTorpedo01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo01Looks a bit strange don’t it? I took out all the class 1 - 8 at least of weapons, shields and turrets. Why? cause it doesn’t matter about lower ones, i just care WHAT mounts are there, and also how high in class they go up to*
So you know we have
1 x Thruster (HpThruster01)
1 x Mine (Hpmine01)
1 x Counter Measure (HpCM01)
6 x Weapons (HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05, HpWeapon06) - class don’t matter for now
1 x Turret (HpTurret01)
1 x Shield (hpShield01)- For NPC’s you can mount class 10 guns on class 1 mounts,its not a problem, i just like to keep things realistic
The rest? Screw it - this is all we want
Okay - so we know the ship you want them to fly? Don’t sigh, this is slow and detailed so EVERYONE can enjoy it. If you already know most of this - then zoom right ahead! lol
Okay - good stuff. Next thing - you need to know WHAT type of ship is it?
type = FIGHTER
So its a fighter. does that matter? Yes it does - for several reasons!!
So what are the other classes?
type = CAPITAL
type = MININGSo - there we go. We know its a fighter. Like you wonder - does that matter? yep - it sure does, and here is why.
We have the ship - but where do we say what it will have ON it? In the loadouts.ini file…well, loadouts.ini IF you are a fighter for Freighter!!
However, for capital ships you would build it in the loadouts_special.ini, for transports and miners - in the loadouts_utility.ini file. So there we go - first problem, make sure you get the right placeAnyway - ONWARDS TO THE LOADOUTS.INI FILE!!!
So - we have to build a loadout for it. This is just so the game knows what will be on the ship that they are flying. Obviously you can create MANY loadouts here! not just one.
So - what we need - well, all the info we found out of course!!!
First up - lets see what you need for a loadout! For a player ship - you do this in the goods.ini file - and it needs three things. Engine, power, scanner. For NPC’s, well, it needs nothing really - but they don’t kill/shoot/move/maim/do anything. They just sit in space. So - what have we got?
nickname = gd_im_ge_fighter6_loadout01 ;NICKNAME - must be unique
archetype = ge_fighter6 - ;Familiar? - its the shiparch.ini nickname EXACT!
equip = ge_bwe_engine_01 - ;the engine
equip = npc_shield03_mark08, HpShield01 ;its shield
equip = infinite_power ;power supply
equip = ge_s_scanner_02 ;scanner
equip = ge_s_tractor_01 ;not the one you drive, but tractor in loot!
equip = ge_s_thruster_01, HpThruster01 ;thruster
equip = armor_scale_2 - ;armor - makes their hulls stronger
equip = gd_im_gun01_mark05, HpWeapon01 ;boom sticks
equip = gd_im_gun01_mark05, HpWeapon02 ;"
equip = gd_im_gun01_mark05, HpWeapon03 ;"
equip = gd_im_gun01_mark05, HpWeapon04 ;"
equip = gd_im_gun01_mark05, HpWeapon05 ;"
equip = missile01_mark03, HpWeapon06 ;missile
cargo = missile01_mark03_ammo, 20 ;the shots for missile!!
equip = gd_im_turret01_mark03, HpTurret01 ;turret
equip = cruise_disruptor01_mark01, HpTorpedo01 ;Cruise disruptor
cargo = cruise_disruptor01_mark01_ammo, 5 ;ammo for it
equip = mine01_mark01, HpMine01 ;mine launcher
cargo = mine01_mark01_ammo, 20 ;ammo for mine
equip = ge_s_cm_01, HpCM01 ;counter measure flare launcher
cargo = ge_s_cm_01_ammo, 20 ;ammo for it!
equip = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight ;lights from here down - who cares?
equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight01
equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight02
equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight03
equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight04
equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight05
equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight06
equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight07
equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight08
equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight09
equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight10
equip = contrail01, HpContrail01
equip = contrail01, HpContrail02
equip = contrail01, HpContrail03
equip = contrail01, HpContrail04
equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01
equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02Okay - so get rid of the lights for now - cause they don’t matter, and you don’t want to be mounting lights on things that don’t exist. IF you are doing this on custom ships, you will need UTF editor, open it up and SEE what mounts its got, then you can put them in. Okay - for now though - that is an example here.
[Loadout ;lets game know that ship loadout is below this thing. It also defines end of one loadout and beginning of another.
nickname = gd_im_ge_fighter6_loadout01;NICKNAME - must be unique The reason why this MUST be unique is that it will confuse and crash the game if its not. This is how things are identified in the game. It identifies ships models by the nickname in the shiparch.ini files - which also tells it what mounts etc. This loadout means that if you put loadout = this nickname in another file, it finds ALL that we have in this loadout
ship - very very important. This is where the shiparch.ini ships nickname needs to be put EXACTLY. This means that the loadout is for that ship. DO NOT GET THIS WRONG!The loadout is then equipment mounted on the ship. You can work out what they are all for. It doesn’ matter too much about the different types - but if you are replacing them, ONE spelling mistake or error, and its crash time!!Be careful. Okay - what you need to give them to make them worthwhile
1 - Engine. WIthout this they cannot move!
2 - Power - without this they cannot shoot, OR move.
3 - Scanner - if you fail to give them a scanner they NEVER shoot you - why? cause they cannot see you.
4 - Weapons - without these - whats the point. Note that IF you give them missiles of mass destruction that they WILL need ammo. They cannot buy it or work out they need it, you have to GIVE it to them here!
5 - Thruster - without one of these they are dull as anything to fight.Okay - things NOT to do here.
1. give them a torp. It doesn’t work okay - i tried. It might be possible to get them using them, infact it probabily is, but i have better things to do with my time then trying to give an NPC a torp he can use.
2. Adding nano bots and shield bats - this won’t make them use them OR drop them. Add them if you WANT them to, but they go as cargo like this:cargo = ge_s_battery_01, 30
cargo = ge_s_repair_01, 30
Note the comma then the amount of them! That is a necessatiy. See my other threads on newbie questions 2 for how to make them use nano bots and bats.
So - you know what to do eh? thats right - make your loadout. If you care about lights - either find other ships loadouts in this file/goods.ini file - or look at CMP file for what mounts Don’t just plug em in and hopeOkay - so here is a loadout.
nickname = mikes_eagle_loadout01
archetype = ge_fighter6
equip = ge_bwe_engine_01
equip = npc_shield02_mark10, HpShield01
equip = infinite_power
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
equip = ge_s_tractor_01
equip = ge_s_thruster_03, HpThruster01
equip = gd_z_gun01_mark05, HpWeapon01
equip = gd_z_gun01_mark05, HpWeapon02
equip = gd_z_gun01_mark05, HpWeapon03
equip = gd_z_gun01_mark05, HpWeapon04
equip = gd_z_gun01_mark05, HpWeapon05
equip = gd_z_gun01_mark05, HpWeapon06
equip = gd_z_turret01_mark03, HpTurret01
equip = cruise_disruptor01_mark02, HpTorpedo01
cargo = cruise_disruptor01_mark02_ammo, 50
equip = mine01_mark05, HpMine01
cargo = mine01_mark05_ammo, 50
equip = ge_s_cm_03, HpCM01
cargo = ge_s_cm_03_ammo, 50okay - mine have decent mines now (screamer) lots of ammo for them, hornet cruise disruptors and adv counter measures. They also have class 10 shield, and a decent thruster - mind you, with the infinite power supply, it won’t matter what thruster they have. Likewise - engine doesn’t matter too much. Okay - so there we go, an eagle loadout for an eagle. now - you can make more if you like. This way you can give your first loadout lighter weapons, and then make several progressively harder loadouts. So they start with crap mines and guns and shield and by loadout 4 you have got rippers, cannonball missiles, firestalker missiles and class 10 shields Give them del cids and watch the players vacate omicron gamma
So - done for loadout eh? Hope you understood that - it was kinda long winded! lol.
Okay - moving on now. You have a ship, and a loadout. now what you need to do is to TELL THE B**GERS TO USE IT!!(self censorship for kids )
Hmm - now we move folders, but make a note of your loadouts nickname, and the ships nickname as in the shiparch.ini file! Now shifting to the missions folder!
Okay - so in the missions folder. There are TONS of files here for encounters and more
however, we are going to keep this from being mega complicated at the moment, - so we aren’t going to be making new classes or anything else here okay!! We are just making a new fighter for some crap outfit- like the xenos
okay - so, we need two files in here, and these two are SO closely interwined that they are inseperable. So, we may have do some cross referencing here
okay - pop open the npcships.ini file
nickname = ku_p_ku_fighter_d9-19
loadout = ku_p_ku_fighter_loadout01
level = d9
ship_archetype = ku_fighter
pilot = pilot_police_ace
state_graph = FIGHTER
npc_class = lawful, class_fighter, d9, d10, d11, d12, d13, d14, d15, d16, d17, d18, d19There are tons and tons of these things Doesn’t look good huh?
[NPCShipArch] ;Title header - knows whats coming beneath
nickname = ku_p_ku_fighter_d9-19 ;the nickname of this
loadout =ku_p_ku_fighter_loadout01 ;the nickname of loadout in loadouts.ini file
level = d11 ;level of difficult - goes to d19
ship_archetype = ku_fighterthe nickname of the ship from shiparch.ini file
pilot = pilot_police_ace ;pilots - later
state_graph = FIGHTER ;ship type - remember?
npc_class = lawful, class_fighter, d9, d10, d11, d12, d13, d14, d15, d16, d17, d18, d19
lawful or unlawful followed by class of encounter it will be in and then the levels of difficulty he can beSo some new, some not eh? Nickname - yet again, so it can find this entry. Other files refer to THIS nickname.
The loadouts name is the nickname for the loadout in the loadouts.ini file - so that the game sees this, reads the name, then hunts through the loadouts.ini file FOR that nickname. Told you its a reference - and therefore why it needs to be singular
The level - this is what level pilots. d1 is dead easy, d19 is hard You know when you see ships flying round with the name and then a 1 or 5 or11 or 19 next to them? this is it here! When your doing missions in gamma against bounty hunters, and you get ones with 17, 18 or 19 next to them, this is the part right here. 19 is the tough guys There is more to this than meets the eye, cause thats not strictly true - but it will do for now
Ship_archetype - this is the nickname of the ship you chose in the shiparch.ini file AGAIN!! God, this thing checks, double checks and then makes sure don’t it
State_graph - this is linked to the type of ship it is again. Fighter, freighter, transport etc etc
Pilot - this is linked to a file called pilots population.ini - and that tells them how good they are at shooting, dodging, evading, manouvering, how long to hold trigger down for, how far to be before attacking, how to attack, what to do if shot, whether to use nano bots and shield bats. So its kinda important. However, that has been done. Further down there are lots of pilots, but generally there are a easy, medium, hard and ace - guess which are the best huh?
Okay - so pick what you want.pilot = pilot_pirate_ace
pilot = pilot_pirate_hard
pilot = pilot_pirate_med
pilot = pilot_corsair_ace
pilot = pilot_military_ace
pilot = pilot_police_aceBy the way - i typed those from memory, so DON’T copy them! I might have spelt it wrong, find them in the file!
okay - moving on
npc_class = unlawful or lawful
guess what that is……yup - for pirates or good guysNow - the part after that is relating to encounters again. This is more envolved than you though huh? It gets worse if you are after making TRULY custom ones, we are doing the easy thing here Basically - for now, we will stick to class_fighter
so - what are the d10, d11, d12 etc after things in there? That is also related to the level of difficulty of the pilot in encounters. If it says d9-19 - then if you had an encounter zone which says it wants level 10 ships - this might appear there (as long as you are wanting the kusari police in a fighter of course), but if you say its a level 19 zone, he will STILL appaer there. BUT if it only said D9 instead, then he would ONLY appear in level 9 zones, and NOT in hte level 10 or 19 or 18 etc etc okayOkay - so now we kinda know some parts about this. So - what are we doing here then? Well - we are making one of these. SO - lets do it. Military pilots are best along with police (they have better shot accuracy and more).
So here goes.
nickname = my_eagle_d17-19
loadout = mikes_eagle_loadout01
level = d19
ship_archetype = ge_Figher6
pilot = pilot_police_ace
state_graph = FIGHTER
npc_class = unlawful, class_fighter, d17, d18, d19Okay - so do you follow what has happened? Note that my nickname includes the levels that he will be appearing in. This makes it so much easier to work with if you do this, cause then you can hone in on the right level thing to change stuff. If it works - why change it? this makes it easy to reference- so i don’t
Good stuff. Okay - so we got MY loadout, and the fighter (remember - nickname from shiparch.ini). Uh oh - its unlawful - that is cause i am going to give it to the xenos
Now then - there we go. IF you had more than one loadout - you could make a range like this, see below:
nickname = my_eagle_d14-15
loadout = mikes_eagle_loadout01
level = d14
ship_archetype = ge_Figher6
pilot = pilot_police_ace
state_graph = FIGHTER
npc_class = unlawful, class_fighter, d14, d15, d15[NPCShipArch]
nickname = my_eagle_d16-18
loadout = mikes_eagle_loadout02
level = d17
ship_archetype = ge_Figher6
pilot = pilot_police_ace
state_graph = FIGHTER
npc_class = unlawful, class_fighter, d16, d17, d18[NPCShipArch]
nickname = my_eagle_d19
loadout = mikes_eagle_loadout03
level = d19
ship_archetype = ge_Figher6
pilot = pilot_police_ace
state_graph = FIGHTER
npc_class = unlawful, class_fighter, d19Now you can see why its so handy to have the loadouts named fairly similar - so its easy to keep track of, and also why the nicknames in this file have the difficulty - its easy to keep track of which is which eh?
So - will they use this yet? Nope - we have another file to add to at the moment. That file is the faction_prop.ini file - the twin of this one
Okay - so dive in. this is seperated up by factions okay - so we need to search for our faction. And here are the xenos:
[FactionProps ;title again - it lets the game know its a new part to be read
affiliation = fc_x_grp ;the faction name
legality = unlawful ;good or bad guys
nickname_plurality = plural ;plural? Xeno or Xenos when more of them (you don’t get polices when more do you?
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_faction_fc_x ;How they are referred to , so fc_x is the “I am Xenos” voice recording
jump_preference = jumphole ;Bad guys don’t come via jumpgates at the mo
npc_ship = fc_x_ge_fighter_d1-2 **;interesting bit
npc_ship = fc_x_ge_fighter_d3
npc_ship = fc_x_ge_fighter2_d4-7
npc_ship = fc_x_ge_fighter4_d8
npc_ship = fc_x_ge_fighter4_d9
npc_ship = fc_x_ge_fighter4_d10
npc_ship = fc_x_ge_fighter4_d11-19
voice = pilot_f_ill_m01 ;pilots voices here
voice = pilot_f_ill_m02
mc_costume = mc_fc
space_costume = pi_pirate2_head, pi_pirate5_body, comm_ge_generic1
space_costume = pi_pirate4_head, pi_pirate5_body, comm_pi_pirate
space_costume = sh_male4_head, pi_pirate5_body, comm_ge_generic1
space_costume = ge_male2_head, pi_pirate5_body, comm_pi_pirate
space_costume = ge_male4_head, pi_pirate5_body, comm_ge_generic1
space_costume = ge_male1_head, pi_pirate5_body, comm_pi_pirate
firstname_male = 226608, 226741 ;names - inbetween numbes as well
lastname = 227008, 227307 ;ditto, so inbetween these two numbres are all names they use
rank_desig = 197101, 197102, 197103, 5, 8 ;corporal, captain, idiot if you make it say so - lol
formation_desig = 197808, 197820 ;alpha xenos Jon doe - formation alpha when you have pilots in formation - erm, bloody look when playing!
scan_for_cargo = commodity_diamonds, 1 ;what they are after - you can add your own or others here, then they will want it if they scan you and your carrying
scan_for_cargo = commodity_food, 0
scan_for_cargo = commodity_gold, 1
scan_for_cargo = commodity_H_fuel, 0
scan_for_cargo = commodity_mox_fuel, 2
scan_for_cargo = commodity_oxygen, 0
scan_for_cargo = commodity_pharm, 0
scan_for_cargo = commodity_sidearms, 2
scan_for_cargo = commodity_water, 0
scan_announce = false ;no warning - just a drop cargo
scan_chance = 0.300000 ;30% chance of them scanning you
formation = fighters, fighter_pirate **;formations that they useOkay - so yes you can add commodities, and the 0 or 1 or 2 is priority of things! If you are carrying 3 things then the one with the 2 behind it is MORe important then the others okay.
Formation - what formation they fly in - check formations.ini - there the fighter_pirate will specify how far apart and other stuff.okay - the npc_ship = is the part we are interested in okay. This is the meat and bones, and you guessed it, each of those refers to a npcships.ini file nickname okay.So you can see that there are some already there for the levels - but who cares, as longs as ours is named differently - its fine
Okay - so you can put yours in there. Now you can see how they are all linked! they are also linked via the encounters parameter - but my stubbs that used to be fingers are actually getting some blisters on the end i think!! lol - too much typing
okay - add yours in there then! SO you get this:
npc_ship = fc_x_ge_fighter_d1-2
npc_ship = fc_x_ge_fighter_d3
npc_ship = fc_x_ge_fighter2_d4-7
npc_ship = fc_x_ge_fighter4_d8
npc_ship = fc_x_ge_fighter4_d9
npc_ship = fc_x_ge_fighter4_d10
npc_ship = fc_x_ge_fighter4_d11-19
npc_ship = my_eagle_d14-15
npc_ship = my_eagle_d16-18
npc_ship = my_eagle_d19Now your done. Now you need to edit an encounter in system of theirs so that higher classed Xenos popup. Yours will be mixed in with the normal ones - like the hawks cause they STILL have those there. Don’t worry thouhg - you can change that Put YOUR loadout into that npcships.ini part, add YOUR ship archetype part in, and bingo - done. I personally edit the nickname to be d11-13, and then do the same in the npcships - also taking down the d14, d15, d16, d17, d18, d19 part as well, and leaving it as d11, d12, d13. Then i make mine go from d14 - 19 instead, and have about three loadouts.
Have fun, my fingers are bleeding.
Also - back up files, and check spelling - DO NOT COPY AND PASTE, cause i am lazy and didn’t bother to check if i spelt somethings correctly etc, so although the weapons in the loadouts should exist, maybe hours of typing drove me made and made it so they didn’t
To make formations:
Formations are harder than they look, and regard many files.
Easiest way is to use existing ones, but if you are dying to make your own (I don’t know why ) - then go for it.
ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_fighters ;ship class - see below
pilot_job = scout_job
make_class = wanderer
formation_by_class = fighters
behavior = wander
arrival = all, -tradelane, -object_jump_gate
allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
zone_creation_distance = 0
times_to_create = infinite[Creation]
permutation = 0, 3Ship class is as per the shipclasses file:
nickname = sc_fighters
member = class_fighterThis is the entry as per above. The member is class_fighter - and if you look at npcships.ini file:
nickname = gd_z_ge_fighter4_d10
loadout = gd_z_ge_fighter4_loadout01
level = d10
ship_archetype = ge_fighter4
pilot = pilot_pirate_hard
state_graph = FIGHTER
npc_class = lawful, class_fighter , d10pilot_job = scout_job
make_class = wanderer
formation_by_class = fightersPilot job is in the pilots populations:
nickname = scout_job
wait_for_leader_target = False
maximum_leader_target_distance = 10000
flee_when_leader_flees_style = False
scene_toughness_threshold = hardest
flee_scene_threat_style = hardest
flee_when_hull_damaged_percent = 0
flee_no_weapons_style = True
loot_flee_threshold = equal
attack_subtarget_order = anything
field_targeting = always
loot_preference = lt_all
combat_drift_distance = 10000
attack_preference = fighter, 5000, guns / guided / unguided
attack_preference = anything, 5000, guns / guided / unguidedokay - make class only seems to be in fighters parts, otherwise its just pilot_jobs
make_class does appera in the shipclass though:[ShipClass]
nickname = wanderers
member = wandererThe formation line is referenced to the faction_prop.ini file:
formation_by_class = fightersformation = fighters , fighter_li_n
where the fighter_li_n is now referencing the formations.ini file.
nickname = fighter_li_n
pos = 0, 0, 0
pos = -45, 0, 14
pos = 45, 0, 14
pos = -90, 0, 26
pos = 90, 0, 26
pos = -135, 0, 40
pos = 135, 0, 40
pl_pos = 0, -50, 105Which tells them where to be positioned (notice player position as well).
behavior = wander
arrival = all, -tradelane, -object_jump_gateOkay - arrival is easy, tradelanes - they will spawn out the end of tradelanes (arrival), from jumpgates, from anywhere. Others are different as to where tehy spawn from.
Behaviour - how the behave when they arrive - they “wander” is the fighters, trade is the traders and stuff, and patrol is for patrol paths,
These are always the same i think, but I would guess at them though:
allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
zone_creation_distance = 0
times_to_create = infiniteAllow more than one to be made (if zone can take population)……yes
zone_creation_distance = 0 - have no idea. Is it really the distance from the zone for the creation to be (ie you need to enter the zone for NPC’s to spawn in the zone?!).
times_to_create - not a foggiest - its always infinite.The permutation part - dunno either - I don’t know what permutation means! Suppose i should get out a dictionary and look HOwever - there is a permutation count line in the voices - so i am not sure.
voice = pilot_f_ill_m01a
permutation_count = gcs_scan_happy, 3Anyway - there is a lowdown on what it means. What you can do is make your own formations and much more - as long as its all referenced. I haven’t found the file telling me what the different things are (behaviours) or if i did, as usual, i wasn’t paying attention as to what it meant. One thing is for sure though - these files interlink ALOT here, so be careful what you change****
wasabitoy wrote:
@ ChipsSure thing.
I will just wait until the weekend comes.
And make some sleep cause your still awake at 3:30AM at the morning. That is bad dude! HEHE!!!
So that if you sleep well, you can make the tutorial more interesting and make it run/execute at the game well.
And thanks that you will make a tutorial on how to bring back or add back the NPC at the game. I will wait for it.
Can you send it to me first after you made the tutorial so that I am the first person/player who will follow your instructions? HEHE!!!
By the way, don’t forget to compare the files of the Freeworlds 18.2 and Freeworlds 18.60.
Because it might help you also to solve this problem at the Freeworlds MOD on adding the NPC back.
And so that you can easily see the FILES that were altered or changed.
eek eek! I am not saying I’m going to write a tutorial that specifically tells you how to add NPC’s to the game
What I will do, if I have the spare bandwidth (depends on mod size) is download and have a look as to why there are no NPC’s. It may be that there are no factions, or just that those that exist have no ships assigned.
If it’s just encounters are removed, we can go about helping you get them in - but it’s not something I personally am going to do for you, but will help with how you can achieve it.
If it is something more serious, such as the factions don’t exist, or they don’t have ships assigned, then it will be much more involved. I like Star Wars a lot (damn you Lucas, why didn’t you let real writers on the scripts for the films! Your dialogue was painful most of the time!), but I’d be useless at knowing what ships/loadouts/factions etc. At that point the tutorials come in real handy, as they give you a template to follow.
Bear in mind that the tutorial above (here) was probably written in late 2003 or early 2004, so it may contain errors (errors as I didn’t know what everything meant!), but I think it gives a reasonable pro-forma upon how to create ships for your NPC’s and plonk them into encounters etc.
So long post to say I will do my best, but don’t get your hopes up for something that’ll mean 2 hours later you can have everything done perfect! I’ve no idea of their systems, or anything else!
@ Chips
I misunderstood you.
I thought that you were going to make a tutorial HEHE!!!
OK that’s fine.
Me too. I also like Star Wars since the day I was born. HEHE!!!
Thank you very much on helping me with this problematic MOD.
Removing the NPCs!!! Oh great! Where is the fun there if no NPCs flying/roaming in space!
HEY! This is Star Wars my Freeworlds-TOW development team!
Make the NPC back at the game to have the reality back!
My friend just look and compare the files from the FW 18.2 and FW-TOW 18.60 to add back again the NPCs.
Cause I also do it and compare them both. But I can’t see what was the different from the both files on how to add the NPCs.
I want to tell you that I can also alter/mod the files and some little knowledge to other files.
So I know what to do to the files. I do backups of course to make sure nothing will mess up.
I made my changes/alteration as clean as it is so that it will run/execute smoothly in the game.
Each files is very understandable and easy to alter/mod it.
I just did it!
I know what files they altered to removed the NPCs to roam/fly around the Galaxy of Star Wars.
It is from the DATA\UNIVERSE\SYSTEM and then find each file of .INIs on each folder at the SYSTEM folder. The first file you will see when you open each folders. There will be one folder and one .ini file. That is the INI file.
Then I altered/modded/changed it to bring back the NPCs at the game again.
Then I executed the game and WOWHOOWYOOO!!!
I see them flying/roaming again.
That’s it.
Thanks to the people who helped me and replied to me.
@ Chips
Don’t bother this anymore. I finally did it.
Thank you very much on a ZILLION times on helping me and staying with me to solve this problem.
OH MEN!!! It is a very hard to find this missing entries.
Problem solve to this Freeworlds - TOW which they had the NPCs removed.