3D Model Showroom
The .sur is operational exept for one wing, but I know what the problem is and will fix it tomorrow. It’s a wrong group name on the export of the model used as input for the sur generator. Had to make this extra model which is just the grouped model with all groups made convex using this tool for MS3D because the sur builder made bad sur parts (many triangles inside the shape, it was nearly solid in HardCMP) for the root and nose groups.
Now my only problem is the 18 groups limit of the exporter, that’s the reason why these antennas/guns got such a bad shape (See attached pictures). But it’s still better than single part.
Nova, is the model meant to be longer than 1 km? I used the one Nightstalker made as base which has the same length. And the textures are green for me ingame, too, there is probably a colour setting in that .mat file.
Nightstalker’s capships are all freaking insanely large mind. I’m guessing you might already know, but just in case, when you get triangles inside the mesh using the sur builder you need to enlarge the radius offset until they stop being rendered.
Do you mean the duplicate radius? Of course the inside triangles decrease then, but also the quality of the sur shape. If I make it less enough to get no inside triangles, the shape does not fit at all. I solved it by using the different mesh I explained.
Some of you might remember the grandfather of all space games (looks at ST) called ELITE. Released back in 1984 iirc. Anyway, there are some excellent clones out there and after playing one of these and managing to talk to the creator of one of the ship packs in that game, i now have permission to create the greatest ELITE ship pack ever. Loads of models, awesome textures, look stunning. As a taster, the old classic, the Cobra Mk.3
Looks very basic, if you don’t mind me saying so. Is this more of a nostalgia thing?
Timmy51m wrote:
Looks very basic, if you don’t mind me saying so. Is this more of a nostalgia thing?I agree the model seems a bit basic, but whoever did the texture did an amazing job which really makes the model.
I agree with both points here,
1. This is way before Timmys time as ELITE was made in 1984. Google Elite the video game for more background on this
2. The textures are lovely, proving that no matter how basic a model is, it’s the textures that make it. All the models i have so far are under 1000 polys btw. -
Well, not like WAYYYYYY before, I was born in 76
I grew up on manic miner, Horace goes skiing, frogger etc, had an older brother see and he had the spectrum 16k and the old atari with wood on it you had to stick massive cartridges in. Don’t believe I’ve ever played Elite though, sounds like I would remember if I had. -
It is basic…but for the Elite and Elite 2 fans these ships are awesome in their basic ways. This ships are part of gaming history, more than Fl ships ever will be…and now finally they will be available for fl mods…I decided to not include imports in my mod project, but I am changing my mind. Elite ships are must. Now only a LOGH ship pack is missing and I will have a X-mas present XDD
Gibbon wrote:
Some of you might remember the grandfather of all space games (looks at ST) called ELITE.Good project Gibbon, nostalgic - darn right, still play it now and then for light relief.
With regard to later comments: this was the first great space fighting and trading game, and ran on a BBC Micro. The ships were simple wireframe sprites, flat shaded.
So stop mocking peoples’ efforts, you dissing young wet-behind-the-ears plebs!
Timmy - shame on you - change your monicker to Timmy34M - thought it was your age and gave you too much cred - no longer will I take your comments literally.
Just watching a bit of snookah - someone can’t decide between the pink or the brown - reminds me of an old bad joke about a bisexual snookerist! rofl!
This will be an ELITE ship pack only. Models i have so far are these
Cobra Mk. I
Cobra Mk.III
Coriolis Station
Fer de Lance
Moray Starboat
Thargoid Mothership + tharglets
Viper InterceptorI’m still missing a bunch and hopefully these will be supplied to me for conversion…
concepting a new sort of capital ship for the Nomads this idea came to me. how do you like it?
i’d be ready to share, just pm me -
well, problem is i can’t trigger the animation via cruise right now. the plugins active in New Universe and FW:ToW were about to be released but there is unfortunately no more news on it. i have made a few animations for that purpose yet the triggering is what remains now.
however, when i once in far future start working on cutscenes for a custom storyline, they for sure will contain this one, too.