Max number of Trade Lane Rings per system?
Chips wrote:
Giskard used to say there can be too many objects in a system for the gameYeah I remember that this was told. And no doubt with good reason and thorough research, but usually this was told in combination with the fact that there couldn’t be added (almost) anything to New York - which in my personal experience was not true (I’ve had version of New York with at least three or four additional trade lanes). So, I never took it too literally.
Yet, it’s likely I have run into a limit now.
Chips wrote:
I have a funny feeling my method of testing was to move my tradelane to the start of the file and the system loaded… meaning if something was removed, the last object of the file was obviously not important :lol:Hmmm… That’s bad news for me, because I had plans to move quite some more stuff. Like about at least 10 bases.
Well, it seems I’d better totally redesign the system!
What about removing TL rings, have fewer per trade lane?
Maybe having only one at the beginning and one at the end might work?
StarTrader wrote:
What about removing TL rings, have fewer per trade lane?Maybe having only one at the beginning and one at the end might work?
That would possibly work . Even probably, but -no offense- that’s kinda lame. A TLRing is the place where action could be expected, either thru an attack (trade lane assault patrol path) or Adoxa’s TL fail plugin). A Lane with just a start and end is 100% safe.
To have this System as closest to how I envisioned it, I needed to scale it down a bit. So I scaled it down to 0.75. (Rimshot’s online System calculator is priceless!! I hope this won’t stop him fro making a GUI though
With an additional mirror function, though that can be done with Notepad without too much trouble) The system used a 200% mirrored Stuttgart System as a basis. So now it’s build on a 150% mirrored Stuttgart. Barely recognizable as such, imho*.
And I redid the Lanes, so there are only about 87 or so TL Rings instead of 149. (It did notice that one of my Lanes had so many rings, that I prolly set the interval way too small for that Lance. I might look into it to save the larger version, but I plan to add quite some more stuff, so redoing this Lane alone won’t be enough).
*(For my House Systems, I prefer to use existing files, otherwise the paths are way too much work, as I don’t use a system editor, and I want these Systems to remain close to the original House Systems, wen it comes to Lanes, Paths etc. For the more exotic Systems, paths aren’t necessary imho, so designing those is freestyle
hi Moonhead, im glad you find it useful, btw i didnt see your pm until now. am i missing a “notify on pm” option or can anyone tell me where it can be found?
im currently refactoring my fl libraries and generally extending them, so i could make a desktop app pretty quickly in the new
if any admin reads this, please remove me from sever admins as im no longer affiliated with the void server. -
I had a server crash too when resizing manhattan to 2x , 2.5x with rimshot`s online system resizer .
Also problem was when docking with the lane from fort Bush to planet Pittsburgh .
I tried remaking the lanes add more lanes or moving some exclusion zones but still the same problem. -
RimShot wrote:
ill be looking into the problems, thats for sure.
the online tool was made long time ago when my skills were far from now.Your tool is great dude!!!
I think the faults people have, are more or less inherent to the scaling as such, not your tool. Like patrol_paths no longer really touching (although that strangeley enough doesn’t seem to trigger a crash. Just looks weird on the NavMap).
Only issue I can think off is an interface issue: The Z and Y do not correspond with FL’s X,Z,Y coordinates. But now I think of it, FL actually says nowhere how the axes are named… So we might as well say I am the one naming them incorrectly. I always take the West–>East axis to be X, the North–> South axis to by Y, and the Up–>Down (the middle coordinate) as Z. Must have been that way in the first tutorial I ever saw. Your tool calls the Up–>Down Y and the North–>South Z.
If you ever make a new version, a mirror function might be cool, though it will have it’s own issues modders will have to be aware off. Can be done ‘by hand’ too but automated will be much nicer.
PS I had some diagnostic medic test this afternoon, and they gave my dormicum and morphine. All went fine but I’m still a bit druggy now.
Yes axes are always a small stumbling block in the beginning.
In FL, Y is “real-world” up-down (vertical), and Z is forward-back. When you set pos= coordinates in ini files, the first is X, the second is Y and the third is Z.
On the FL system maps, the X axis is of course left-right, but it is the Z axis that is up-down (as in 2D vertical) on the map. The Y axis is not visible because it comes out of the screen towards your face. Pretend you are an alien looking down on the world!
For the docking rings you will see:-
pos = x, 0, zIf you look at the Mooring fixtures, which are above the docking rings, you will see they are raised by 300 - so their co-ordinates are usually:-
pos = x, 300, z.To compound the problem, in HardCMP the axes are incorrectly named X, Z, Y.
MilkShape uses X, Y, Z like FL, Y being up-down (vertical).
3DS Max and other professional packages use Z axis for up-down (vertical).
One day… !!
@ StarTrader: that’s all most confusing… The only axis everyone agrees on, is the X-axis, it seems…
I assume I must have based my assumption (X,Z,Y) on the fact that I must have taken the NavMap as defining item, and took it as a familiar XY grid. I never used HardCMP (although I might have opened it a few times) but maybe the UTF editor uses the same letters? And I do think someone explained it that way to me… either personally, or in a thread, or in a tutorial I found.
Anyway it wasn’t my intention to criticize Rimshot’s app! The coords itself are on their familiar place anyway: W-E, U-D, N-S.
if i remember correctly they are called lefthanded and righthanded coordinate systems. its been a long time ago that i learned professional 3d programs though.
i believe you can even change the coordinate system used in most of the programs settings.@Moonhead:
just to clear that up, for pos = x, y, z+x is east, -x is west
+y is up, -y is down
+z is south, -z is north