Models giveaway
OK guys, here it goes, my first model after a long long long time. It’s nothing major but it does help me warm up
The Typhoon S1-12 Launcher: count - 772
A very welcome returns m8ty
Nice gun (well missile launcher)
Very ver nice SolCommand, I hate to do thus but would you be willing to help create missiles bays from Eve-Online since the game has none, and I’m creating a total conversion for it. I would like to have working Missile bays. If your up to it please let me know. It will be like 9 or 10 missile bays.
Thanks Mate!
Hey guys, it’s nice to see someone still remembers me
@ oZed
@ lonestar
I haven’t played EVE for quite some time now and I forgot lots of things about that game. So I’m not sure what is it that you actually need. You got some pics of those missile bays ?
@ eagleclaw
Sorry man, but those things really aren’t my style. Now that I got back, I only wanna do stuff that I actually like, which is “terran” design. The ships in those pics are way too alien for my taste.
@ Xarian_Prime
Hey man, how goes the progress on your mod ? You still working on it cause I believe last time I looked you mentioned something about switching to modding another game, FPS or something.
It’s good to see you all guys !
It’s a bit late but … Merry Christmas
Well, i even suprised myself with this very quick turn around. Here is the first screenie of the launcher. It needs kixing (i exported it backwards!) but the size seems right for small ships, i think i’ll do a large version for capships seing as it seems a little waste for all that detail to be scaled down so small!
So here it is:
Great model, and a very good good return!
Ozed -
:lol: Indeed, it’s supposed to be for cap ships, stations or as scenery object for a planetary base but DAMN, you’re fast man
well thats the thing there ARE no missile bay models in Eve-online The ships just fire them from the center of the model. yawn
If your up to it, i would need rocket, standard, assault, heavy, heavy assault, cruise, torpedo, Citidel torpedo, and Citidel torpedo models in order of size. Rockets, Standard are frigate sized with the standard larger. assault, heavy, and heavy assault are cruiser sized, Cruise, and torpedo are battleship sized, and the Citidel are capital sized.
If you go over to and look in the item database they do have icons of each missile bay and more better description that here as this is just a sum up of them.
If you unable to make them I’d understand, and not sure if I put this in the first post, but Welcome back Mate.
Hey sol matey old pal old friend
yeah i was about to crash and burn there, but that seems it wasn’t the case… just needed some time away, the workload was growing and my enthusiasm was low… funny how this game has its highs and lows even from the modders perspective… hehe back now though & in a few days probably back in full swing.
LoL… no requests from me… hehe … yet
I’m still trying to figure out what to do with the awesome Darlek you sent me a whiles back & all my sweet V ships
not to mention every other model, base and dohicky you’ve made.
Happy holidays M8ty, great to see ye back
Alright, got a couple more screenshots for you!
This time they are proper capital ship size as you will see they are all placed on a liberty dreadnough so you can judge the size. I have to say this model really looks good in game! This time round i managed to export them the right way so everything works!
Ozed -
Who’s gonna mess with that ship now ? It’s got a “missile-shield”
They’re a bit too large but still, they look darn good on that ship, really really cool !
@ lonestar, I’ll take a look at those things and I may put them on my list, but no promises. Anyway, even if I do like them I’m not gonna start making all of them, cause there’s way too many of them
Doesn’t look bad, but don’t you think you coud have done this panels via the texture? So could you maybe make at least a second LOD?
Nope. I like it this way but if you want it like that, feel free to edit it.
Lonestar, I had a look over those pics … they’re incredibly small man, I like using large resolution images when I make a model after something. If you’ve got any such images let me know and I’ll have a second look.
Meanwhile, I’m working on a new weapon. If I’m happy with how it turns up I’ll post it here for you guys to use, if not, i’ll scrap it
Sorry man, I don’t have ANY pictures on the missile turrets >.<. But I’ll take what I can get from you when you have time to do em. Its not crunch time for the missile bays. I still have a TON of work to do on EveLancer yet. But I Am looking for people to help me when they can were they can. As to help me along the way so I never hit that crunch time and start to run around arms raised going “Oh Noes!”
If you are wondering what I need send me a message so I don’t hijack the tread, if I haven’t already >.<
The current model I’m working on is a version of the CIWS gun. The mesh is done and now I’m working on texturing it.