[The Starport News]Looking for new staff
The-Starport started active and strong back in 2008, but over time we have lost pretty much all of our staff members to inactivity. We now have a fairly active and effective admin team but what we lack are some motivated staff members that can take on some of our burdens.
The most important tasks would be
- finding and posting news topics
- maintaining the Wiki
- forum moderation (mostly moving threads to their proper forum)
- creating new polls
- moderate website submissions (comments, downloads, news, etc…)
Also, we are looking into adding a new feature to the website: a “Random Hint” section on the left menu with trivia and tips/tricks about the game. This would be another project new staff members could take on to fill (or moderate submissions for).
If you would like to help us out, do not hesitate and either contact us in the comment section of this news post, or send a PM to w0dk4, FriendlyFire or Sushi. You can also email us at contact@the-starport.net
Thank you,
The Starport Administration -
Good news, new stuff here soon
It will be funny, and make TSP more “alive” and “live” with fresh news regularly -
TSP probably doesn’t need a face like me.
Though, I do look forward to seeing some more active staff members. especially if it means more on the news front.
Good luck to anyone thinking of applying.
Bobthemanofsteel wrote:
TSP probably doesn’t need a face like me.Is that an application?
Well, it’s certainly not an ‘oh god never in a million years’
About missing news: Maybe T SP should allow advertisements of mods as news items as well, but only ad per mod?
I’d be happy to help out with the WIKI stuff. It’s about time I gave something back to this community that’s always helped me so much.
I think I’m in a reasonably decent place in order to be able to write a few pieces for the WIKI. I don’t have spectacular modding skills but my breadth of knowledge is relatively broad and I think I can turn my hand to most things modding related.
I think there’s a great deal of content in the forums that could be repurposed into step-by-step tutorials etc which might sit nicely in the WIKI, I’d be happy to have a go at a bit of this.
The only problem is I don’t know how much time I can really commit at the moment.
If anyone wants to talk more just drop me a line on this thread or PM me.
Rik -
I would think that Mod ads would come under ‘Freelancer Mod News’.
I’d be happy to help out if you guys are still looking. What does maintaining the wiki involve? Just checking the recent changes for spambots/bad edits or something more complex?
Bobthemanofsteel wrote:
@Bas,I would think that Mod ads would come under ‘Freelancer Mod News’.
Yeah, but actually entries have to be news, actually.
Maybe the “wiki work” should be even a bit more devided, maybe into FAQ/Beginner’s tutorial/manual, modding and hacking, and stuff for players like equipment and systems. I did the last thing for a time, but it seems I didn’t finish that one or at least some if not all of the images are broken, but I might still have them at my HDD.
€// Sample system, new york:
http://the-starport.net/freelancer/wiki/index.php/Systems:new_YorkAnother sample, even a bit more simple than the previous one:
http://the-starport.net/freelancer/wiki/index.php/TexasSystems overview:
http://the-starport.net/freelancer/wiki/index.php/SystemsSome system pages are somehow name system:name, such as Systems:new_York, while others are not. Don’t ask me what I did there back then.
But I think maybe it should be focussed more on the stuff for players, maybe creating a group for it, maybe with internal forums, idk. I mean, that a group of ppl is dedicated to update the wiki etc. pp. for the player stuff.
I am not sure if I will re-work at the wiki, but if I do I certainly need somebody who gives me technical help as I still have some questions and troubles with the wiki software. Oh, and I need someone to kick my ass regulary so I don’t stop working at it because I am bored or I forgot about it.
//Uh, maybe add sub-domains for the cats? wiki.t-sp, downloads.t-sp, forums.t-sp?
Bas wrote:
Some system pages are somehow name system:name, such as Systems:new_York, while others are not. Don’t ask me what I did there back then.But I think maybe it should be focussed more on the stuff for players, maybe creating a group for it, maybe with internal forums, idk. I mean, that a group of ppl is dedicated to update the wiki etc. pp. for the player stuff.
New York is actually it’s own page, Systems:new_York is just a redirect. Personally, I think we should scrap the Systems: namespace and just use the system names as article titles.
Having internal forums for something which needs as many people as possible? Doesn’t sound like a good idea to me. A normal forum for the wiki could be useful, I guess…
As I said I am quite nooby when it comes down to the wiki.
http://freelancer.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page /info
So, the q might be if we should continue recording the basic stuff in our wiki or if we link to that site, eh?
Bas wrote:
Yeah, but actually entries have to be news, actually.
Is there a news guidelines or something you’re reading from that I missed?
Not that I don’t believe you, but it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to have it like that, given anything about a mod can be news, to it just starting up, server just launched, etc etc.I also think the subdomains thing is a cool idea, though perhaps this isn’t the best place to be discussing it.
Hey I’ll take a bite at this , if its still available? pretty much had my mouse curser invovled in this game since it hit the shelves … and pretty much been in and out of TSP since its birth.
Bas, I’d hold off copying stuff from wikis that use licenses which require attribution. Messy if you want to stay in the clear legally.
http://the-starport.net/freelancer/forum/viewforum.php?forum=18 <- Maybe add organization subboards like for the wiki?
Just added a general Wiki discussion board in the feedback area:
//Uh, maybe add sub-domains for the cats? wiki.t-sp, downloads.t-sp, forums.t-sp?
Waht about the mod advertising thingy I asked some posts ago?
Subdomains aren’t good for SEO.
Hi i have been a member here sat in the background watching for a ever so long time, recently i have started waking up and getting more active in the Freelancer community again. Im currently hosting Ds9 main server due to the admin and owner having some personal time, im also working on the remodel of the Ds9 mod. And btw WOW you guys have really really really done some amazing work on FL ie with Hook and finding all those other bits to rebuild the game with and also those amazing little programs you all have produced, You should all be extremely prowled! Any way back to it, I think that advertising news from all the mod severs out there would be the way to go as that is what i loved about the original TLR scrolling down and reading up on what’s new and what has been going on. I would also like to put myself in for that job if you decide to do such a thing, i can also do some forum editing ect. In recent months i have done my and ds9’s forums and im very prowled of the way they have turned out… I can give a link on request as i would not like to seem im advertising it
But on all serious note please think about the idea as scrolling down that site every week was like a kid in a candy store