Slow Loading / Timeouts
Everyone should ignore Op instead of responding. He had a point (outsiders may not know whom tlr script kiddy meant, although then they won’t know what tlr means either!).
I’d recommend editing post to reflect who it is, presently or historically, then remove the garbage from the thread
It’s all just spam
Oh it’s AzzA alright… As for where his allegiances are, if he has any, I guess it’s up to you to decide.
FriendlyFire wrote:
Oh it’s AzzA alright… As for where his allegiances are, if he has any, I guess it’s up to you to decide.Lol, Is this freakin idiot still doing this? Thought he would have moved on right now.
I do can feel the pain w0dk4, been there and such.
Anyway, how are you peeps doing?
And there’s another ghost I didn’t see coming
How’re you doing mate?
I was beginning to think he was pregnant and that’s why we hadn’t been experiencing the fallout of his period pains. Just looking at the dates of w0dk4’s posts (22-6, 29-7, 1-8, 24-9, 25-10, then 2 month gap to 24-1) would indicate that it’s a time of the month thing, poor sod, I really feel for him.
On a side note, just shooting wildly here, I recently read an Article about the Rustock botnet which was offline from early December until a couple of weeks ago, resulting in a huge drop in worldwide spam mail. Just a hunch, that may be why you didn’t get attacked during that two month period. It was probably rented out to the people who were attacking the banks and what not that dumped wikileaks.
Should someone inform this AzzA kid’s parents?? DDOS-attacks are illegal afaik, and they might be held responsible if their little boy does this kinda naughty things…
Cybercrimes are only illegal if the victim has a lot of money.
FriendlyFire wrote:
Cybercrimes are only illegal if the victim has a lot of money.Still, his parents might not like having their kid doing this kinda stuff.
He’s not a kid at all, I think he’s like 30.
He probably doesn’t give a damn what his mother thinks.
w0dk4 wrote:
Oh and hi Worfeh how are youI am doing great, thanks.
Been playing a lot of “World of Warcraft” in my free time in a great community.
Been logging in this place from time to time just to check if it still existed, and it still does! So you guys are doing an excelent job -
FriendlyFire wrote:
He’s not a kid at all, I think he’s like 30.He probably doesn’t give a damn what his mother thinks.
Not a kid at all and doing this kinda stuff??
Oh well, according to the WHO about 25% percent of the world’s population has got traits of a personality disorder, so he is not alone (but I’m sure he must feel lonely)
Worfeh wrote:
Been playing a lot of “World of Warcraft” in my free time
So am I. After having cursed the game after patch 4.0, I got more and more curious about how it would look and feel on my new laptop. So I bought the expansion and six months playing time. Having quite some fun, tbh.
FL is way cooler, but I do wish we could have some more variation in the missions…
Moonhead wrote:
Worfeh wrote:
Been playing a lot of “World of Warcraft” in my free time
So am I. After having cursed the game after patch 4.0, I got more and more curious about how it would look and feel on my new laptop. So I bought the expansion and six months playing time. Having quite some fun, tbh.
FL is way cooler, but I do wish we could have some more variation in the missions…
It has been fun the first 4 weeks, after that its getting back to doing the same.
I stopped raiding because i can’t find the time anymore. And after leveling 3 characters to level 85 i have seen the new zones a little bit too much.Edit:
For the ones who don’t know me. I was a lil bit active on TSP when it became a popular modding community.