What works on test server does NOT work on actual server…
That’s not the problem
Both machines are running WinXPsp3
and the same modI rebooted the machine that the mod is not working on figuring to clear the memory or something but that didn’t do it either.
Do you have two copies of Freelancer installed on it and both folders named Freelancer albeit in different parent folders maybe?
It really looks like it’s not reading from your new files.
No, there’s only one install of Freelancer and the files in that install are updated with the changes. Everything else works in the mod, but not the NPC encounters in Omicron Minor. I’m going to do a file compare between both servers over the weekend just in case there’s a file on the test server that was modded manually but when I do a time/date check of all the inis on the test server, they’re all time/date stamped as having been modified at the same time.
I notice also that on the main server, whenever I attempt to log in after a server reboot, I can’t get in, and a check of the server shows an exception in hook_playerlaunch error. I’ll cancel my attempt to log in and retry. I’ll then be on the last base I was docked and able to log in fine.
Any suggestions on what to look for? Could that be part of the reason why I don’t get the encounters?
Also, I just did a file compare of the ini files on both servers. Both servers are running the same game install, the same version of FLAC, the same operating system, and all ini files are identical.
This is just wierd. I’m going to try running it without flac just to rule that out, but i’m wondering more if there’s something in the player files that’s preventing it. I did have FLAC generate a new set of config inis including the hash list but that didn’t seem to fix it.
Here’s my St01.ini file minus the vignette zones just to save space. Anything in here that might point to why I’m not seeing ANY encounters?
The ships exist in both factionprop.ini and ships.ini and the encounters seem to work just fine in all other systems, so I’m guessing it’s something in here.
space_color = 0, 0, 0
local_faction = fc_or_grp[EncounterParameters]
nickname = area_trade_freighter
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_freighter.ini[EncounterParameters]
nickname = area_scout
filename = missions\encounters\area_scout.ini[EncounterParameters]
nickname = area_defend
filename = missions\encounters\area_defend.ini[EncounterParameters]
nickname = area_nomads
filename = missions\encounters\area_nomads.ini[TexturePanels]
file = universe\heavens\shapes.ini[Music]
space = music_omicron_space
danger = music_omicron_danger
battle = music_omicron_battle[Dust]
spacedust = Dust[Archetype]
ship = no_fighter
ship = no_gunboat
ship = or_elite
solar = d_n_battleship
solar = o_osiris[Asteroids]
file = solar\asteroids\St01_nomad_asteroids.ini
zone = Zone_St01_edge_nebula[Asteroids]
file = solar\asteroids\St01_mine_field.ini
zone = Zone_St01_to_St04_hole_minefield[Nebula]
file = solar\nebula\St01_edge_nebula.ini
zone = Zone_St01_edge_nebula[Ambient]
color = 60, 90, 70[Object]
nickname = St01_sun
pos = 70523, 30000, -62152
Archetype = sun_1000
star = St01_yellow_sun[LightSource]
nickname = St01_system_light
pos = 52571, 30000, -18588
color = 225, 220, 60
range = 100000
atten_curve = DYNAMIC_DIRECTION[Object]
nickname = St01_01_Base
ids_name = 196842
pos = -589, 0, -2712
Archetype = planet_icemntcld_2000
ids_info = 65809
spin = 0, 0.010000, 0
atmosphere_range = 2150
burn_color = 255, 222, 160
Base = St01_01_Base
reputation = fc_or_grp[Object]
nickname = St01_dock_ring_1
ids_name = 458775
pos = 1500, 0, -2191
rotate = 0, 75, 0
Archetype = dock_ring
loadout = docking_ring
dock_with = St01_01_Base
ids_info = 66141
reputation = fc_or_grp[zone]
nickname = Zone_St01_01_exclusion
pos = 2154, 0, -1879
shape = SPHERE
size = 8000
property_flags = 65536
property_fog_color = 40, 85, 70
edge_fraction = 0.200000[Object]
nickname = St01_to_St02_hole
pos = -5027, 0, -18614
rotate = 0, -175, 0
Archetype = jumphole
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
goto = St02, St02_to_St01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia[Object]
nickname = Alien_Jumpgate
pos = 40773, 0, -12339
rotate = 0, 90, 0
Archetype = nomad_gate
ids_name = 261793
ids_info = 66146
behavior = NOTHING
visit = 0[zone]
nickname = Zone_St01_to_St04_hole_exclusion
pos = 41116, 0, -12528
shape = SPHERE
size = 7500
property_flags = 65536
property_fog_color = 40, 85, 70
edge_fraction = 0.100000
encounter = area_defend, 19, 0.200000
faction = fc_n_grp, 1.000000[zone]
nickname = Zone_St01_to_St04_hole_asteroid_exclusion
pos = 41070, 0, -12594
shape = SPHERE
size = 9000
property_flags = 131072[zone]
nickname = Zone_St01_to_St04_hole_minefield
ids_name = 458977
pos = 41116, 0, -12528
size = 10000, 10000, 15000
interference = 0.500000
property_flags = 4128
Music = zone_field_mine
ids_info = 66000
visit = 32
sort = 99[zone]
nickname = Zone_St01_to_St04_hole_minefield_lane_access
pos = 34335, 0, -9925
rotate = 0, -70, 0
shape = BOX
size = 2500, 1250, 18000
property_flags = 131072
sort = 99[Zone]
nickname = Zone_St01_to_Ew02_hole
pos = -7782, 10000, 42418
shape = SPHERE
size = 4000
interference = 0.500000
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99
toughness = 17
density = 9
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = wormhole
relief_time = 15
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
encounter = area_defend, 17, 0.240000
faction = fc_ou_grp, 1
encounter = area_scout, 17, 0.120000
faction = fc_ou_grp, 1
faction = fc_or_grp, 0.300000
encounter = area_trade_trader, 17, 0.410000
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.700000[Object]
nickname = St01_to_Ew02_hole
ids_name = 458831
pos = -7782, 0, 42418
rotate = 0, -175, 0
ids_info = 66146
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Ew02
jump_effect = jump_effect_green
visit = 0
archetype = jumphole
goto = Ew02, Ew02_to_St01_hole, jump_tunnel_green
dock_group = ALL_DOCKABLE[Object]
nickname = St01_wplatform_1
reputation = fc_uk_grp
pos = 40296, 0, -13534
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_pi_04_flu
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = St01_wplatform_2
reputation = fc_uk_grp
pos = 40710, 0, -10951
archetype = wplatform
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
behavior = NOTHING
loadout = weapon_platform_pi_04_flu
difficulty_level = 19
visit = 0
pilot = pilot_solar_hardest[Object]
nickname = St01_hazard_buoy_1
ids_name = 261163
pos = 25624, 0, -6818
archetype = hazard_buoy[Object]
nickname = St01_hazard_buoy_2
ids_name = 261163
pos = 30664, 0, -8479
archetype = hazard_buoy[Object]
nickname = St01_hazard_buoy_3
ids_name = 261163
pos = 34688, 0, -9892
archetype = hazard_buoy[Zone]
nickname = Zone_St01_pop_ambient_St01_01
pos = -2682, 0, -1072
rotate = 0, 35, 0
size = 23069, 16631, 16631
sort = 51
toughness = 19
density = 9
repop_time = 25
max_battle_size = 6
pop_type = fc_or_grp, single_base_unlaw
relief_time = 15
faction_weight = fc_or_grp, 10
encounter = area_defend, 19, 0.800000
faction = fc_or_grp, 1
encounter = area_trade_freighter, 10, 0.200000
faction = co_me_grp, 1[Zone]
nickname = Zone_St01_pop_ambient_St04_hole
pos = 52844, 0, -19581
rotate = 0, 23, 0
size = 35408, 21191, 21191
sort = 51
toughness = 19
density = 9
repop_time = 25
max_battle_size = 6
pop_type = Background
relief_time = 15
encounter = area_nomads, 19, 0.700000
faction = fc_n_grp, 1
encounter = area_scout, 19, 0.300000
faction = fc_or_grp, 1[Zone]
nickname = Zone_St01_pop_ambient_Ew02_hole
pos = -10461, 0, 40504
rotate = 0, 0, 0
size = 16899, 20386, 20386
sort = 51
toughness = 19
density = 9
repop_time = 25
max_battle_size = 6
pop_type = Background
relief_time = 15
encounter = area_defend, 19, 0.700000
faction = fc_ou_grp, 1
encounter = area_scout, 19, 0.300000
faction = fc_or_grp, 1[Zone]
nickname = Zone_St01_pop_ambient_third_hole
pos = -29238, 0, -29238
rotate = 0, 28, 0
size = 18777, 17972, 17972
sort = 51
toughness = 19
density = 9
repop_time = 25
max_battle_size = 6
pop_type = Background
relief_time = 15
encounter = area_defend, 19, 0.400000
faction = fc_or_grp, 1[zone]
nickname = Zone_St01_edge_nebula
pos = 536, 0, -1877
size = 100000, 100000, 100000
property_flags = 33794
property_fog_color = 40, 85, 70
spacedust = organismdust
spacedust_maxparticles = 75
interference = 0.500000
Music = zone_field_asteroid_nomad[zone]
nickname = Zone_St01_01_asteroid_exclusion
pos = 2151, 0, -2143
shape = SPHERE
size = 10000
property_flags = 131072[zone]
nickname = Zone_St01_order_planet_death
pos = -589, 0, -2712
shape = SPHERE
size = 2075
damage = 20000[LightSource]
nickname = LIGHT
pos = -353, 0, -2886
color = 255, 255, 255
range = 3000
atten_curve = DYNAMIC_DIRECTION -
Note that DSE and Outcasts should also appear but they don’t despite me using vanilla settings for both of them.
Straight away i can see this encounter isn’t defined
encounter = area_trade_trader, 17, 0.410000
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.700000so add this line to the beginning of your ini file
nickname = area_trade_trader
filename = missions\encounters\area_trade_trader.iniAs to the DSE, you have a level 19 encounter with level 10 DSE ships, why they won’t show up
encounter = area_trade_freighter, 10, 0.200000
faction = co_me_grp, 1Change that to 19.
You told us the two copies are identical.
So you lied! lol
Stop faffing about and copy the whole working Freelancer folder to the duff machine, you’re just wasting your own time and giving yourself undue hassle, pal.
OK, now let’s see if I’m understanding correctly. I set toughness = 19 because I wanted the maximum level of encounters to be 19. I figured anything less would still show up but I didn’t want to limit it to the lower level.
So, you’re saying that the fact that I kept toughness = 19 in Zone_St01_pop_ambient_St01_01 is why my level 10 DSE encounters don’t show up? I kept that at level 10 as that’s the highest level of DSE ship available without adding more.
That doesn’t explain though why the Order encounters aren’t showing up in the system, why the Nomads don’t show up near the alien_gate, and why the outcasts aren’t showing up near the hole to Beta.the area_trade_trader should’ve been area_trade_freighter, that’s a mistake, thanks for noticing that.
I’ll correct these errors and see what happens.
@ST, I’m still learning your sense of humor…
The two copies ARE identical. I confirmed that yesterday using FolderMatch.
On Thursday I was able to repeatedly log into the test server and see ALL the encounters; Order, Outcasts, DSE, and Nomads. I worked all day on Friday and when I came back to the server yesterday morning, no more NPCs on the test server either. The server had auto-restarted FLServer a couple times over that time period. -
Good, keep the faith, my humour is hard for many.
This is wrong:
encounter = area_scout, 17, 0.120000
faction = fc_ou_grp, 1
faction = fc_or_grp, 0.300000The two fractions must add up to 1.0, these are 1.3
Don’t forget many “file compare” utilities do NOT compare the file contents!
I’m not convinced. You say one machine runs fine and the other does not.
One or more of the files are different in that case.
Save yourself a lot of time and just copy the entire Freelancer folder from the working machine to the not-working machine with a USB memory stick. 10 minutes’ work plus travel, plus coffee breaks, plus expenses(!).
Then you can spend the time troubleshooting the real problems like the one Gibbon posted above - the encounter difficulty and undeclared encounters.
This Tech Tip might help you to understand a little more about this area:- http://forums.seriouszone.com/showthread.php?61638
robocop wrote:
OK, now let’s see if I’m understanding correctly. I set toughness = 19 because I wanted the maximum level of encounters to be 19. I figured anything less would still show up but I didn’t want to limit it to the lower level.So, you’re saying that the fact that I kept toughness = 19 in Zone_St01_pop_ambient_St01_01 is why my level 10 DSE encounters don’t show up? I kept that at level 10 as that’s the highest level of DSE ship available without adding more.
That doesn’t explain though why the Order encounters aren’t showing up in the system, why the Nomads don’t show up near the alien_gate, and why the outcasts aren’t showing up near the hole to Beta.Zone_St01_to_Ew02_hole issue.The reason the Order won’t show up is as my learned colleague Startrader points out, encounters cannot add up to more than 100% so 0.500000 each would produce an equal amount of Order and Outcast in the area scout encounter you have there.
Zone_St01_pop_ambient_St01_01 issue. As already discussed, the DSE have their li_freighter defined for up to level 19 so all you have to do is put
encounter = area_trade_freighter, 19, 0.200000 instead of
encounter = area_trade_freighter, 10, 0.200000
as that can’t work. By defining a level 19 encounter, ships with levels below that will not show up, as you are asking for a level 10 ship.
Zone_St01_pop_ambient_Ew02_hole issue. The only reason i can see why the outcasts aren’t showing up is that you are using an area defend encounter. These are normally for use when something needs defending like a base, or ship. try this instead,
encounter = area_scout, 19, 1.000000
faction = fc_or_grp, 0.500000
faction = fc_ou_grp, 0.500000There’s also been some debate about the use of the line, faction weight. I use it in all my encounters as per vanilla ones and don’t have any problems, changing the numbers also has an effect i’ve found. They are missing from nearly every encounter you have. Each faction used in the encounter should have an entry.
Hope that lot helps.
Yeah, I caught that little glitch there too.
encounter = area_scout, 17, 0.120000
faction = fc_ou_grp, 1
faction = fc_or_grp, 0.300000and I fixed that as well when I went back.
Fixing the area_trade_trader, changing the difficulty in that zone, and making the above correction has restored encounters on the test server. I think I used FLExplorer to visualize some of the zones and must’ve done something that hosed those zones.
At any rate, we’re running again on the test server and will be testing the changes on the main server soon.
FolderMatch does check the contents of each file, identifying any differences in red. It’s really a very useful program.