Is MilkShape soon to be passé?
I still haven’t bought Milskhape, and from some other threads I’m getting the idea that in the foreseeable future, it might no longer be a mandatory tool at all.
As I’m also under the impression that the program itself isn’t really popular, only used because it is the one program for which there ar .cmp plugins, I wonder if it would be wise to postpone my getting-into-modelling plans and await the day it is possible to create models & with 3ds Max and some converter tools to produce .CMPs and .SURs.
What wouldst thou suggest in this matter, oh fellow traveller?
i’d wait, too, if i were you (or cough - get a serial - cough of ms3d). actually the utf formats of cmps and mats are solved, the sur format is, too, and the vmesh format is for ages, too. a matter of time, until there will be a obj -> vmesh converter and you can do the rest with utfeditor.
Gisteron wrote:
[…] and you can do the rest with utfeditor.
Which will be lovely.
And, if it can be done with the UTF editor, it might also be doable with the XMLUTF tools, which will be even more lovely!!
Thanks for the joyful reply!
Mnd i my opinion MS3d isn’t really great for modelling, as it is rather difficult to select the right parts as you can’t select in the 3d view like in 3dsmax or gmax.