Slow Loading / Timeouts
FriendlyFire wrote:
He’s not a kid at all, I think he’s like 30.He probably doesn’t give a damn what his mother thinks.
Not a kid at all and doing this kinda stuff??
Oh well, according to the WHO about 25% percent of the world’s population has got traits of a personality disorder, so he is not alone (but I’m sure he must feel lonely)
Worfeh wrote:
Been playing a lot of “World of Warcraft” in my free time
So am I. After having cursed the game after patch 4.0, I got more and more curious about how it would look and feel on my new laptop. So I bought the expansion and six months playing time. Having quite some fun, tbh.
FL is way cooler, but I do wish we could have some more variation in the missions…
Moonhead wrote:
Worfeh wrote:
Been playing a lot of “World of Warcraft” in my free time
So am I. After having cursed the game after patch 4.0, I got more and more curious about how it would look and feel on my new laptop. So I bought the expansion and six months playing time. Having quite some fun, tbh.
FL is way cooler, but I do wish we could have some more variation in the missions…
It has been fun the first 4 weeks, after that its getting back to doing the same.
I stopped raiding because i can’t find the time anymore. And after leveling 3 characters to level 85 i have seen the new zones a little bit too much.Edit:
For the ones who don’t know me. I was a lil bit active on TSP when it became a popular modding community. -
Hi Worfi, nice to see you again.
Eh, remembered me to a german-dutch joke:
"In einem Zugabteil sitzen ein Deutscher und ein Holländer nebeneinander und Ihnen gegenüber eine Nonne und eine junge Frau mit einem sehr knappen Minirock. Als der Zug durch einen Tunnel fährt, fällt plötzlich das Licht aus und das Abteil ist völlig dunkel, es gibt einen Knall und alles ist ruhig bis der Zug aus dem Tunnel wieder rausfährt. Der Holländer hält sich die rot angeschwollene Wange und denkt:
Verdammt, der Deutsche hat bestimmt versucht die Frau anzugrabschen, hat dabei die Nonne erwischt und die hat mich versehentlich geschlagen.Die Nonne denkt: Der Holländer hat bestimmt versucht die junge Frau anzufassen und die hat ihm eine gelangt.
Die junge Frau denkt: Der Holländer hat bestimmt versucht mich anzugrabbeln und dabei die Nonne erwischt und die hat ihm eine gelangt.
Der Deutsche denkt: Im nächsten Tunnel hau ich dem Holländer noch eine runter."
No offense intended.
Sorry guys, SOMEBODY had left the autorenew on the domain turned off :roll:
That would have been me… and it was on!!.. but it failed =[
Worfeh wrote
[about WoW]It has been fun the first 4 weeks, after that its getting back to doing the same.
I stopped raiding because i can’t find the time anymore. And after leveling 3 characters to level 85 i have seen the new zones a little bit too much.I can imagine; my initial excitement is also slowly shifiting towards the fatigue/boredom I had… But it’still nice atm. I’m happy with my worgen druid, but I’m still not quite used to being in the ally camp now (had some ally chars before, but mainly to get rich off cross-faction deals).
Never did any raids btw… :oops: Find it too much of a hassle. I even don’t like dungeons/instances that much. Or rather, the way most people want to play them (as fast as possible and skipping all trivial stuff - but to me trivial stuff is pretty much the quintessence of life
) Maybe Blizz should change their reward system.
Bas wrote:
Der Deutsche denkt: Im nächsten Tunnel hau ich dem Holländer noch eine runter."
FriendlyFire wrote:
Sorry guys, SOMEBODY had left the autorenew on the domain turned off :roll:I was really worried!! Good to see the site’s on its feet again!
Time for relaxation now… -
Yeah nice to see the site is back up
I did a small joke with Gisteron ^.^ Sorry for that, but the moment was perfect and it made really fun xD
This is NOT an instruction, pls do not ever do that xD xD -
I’m always open to some… arrangement, provided the price is right.
Moonhead wrote:
Worfeh wrote
[about WoW]It has been fun the first 4 weeks, after that its getting back to doing the same.
I stopped raiding because i can’t find the time anymore. And after leveling 3 characters to level 85 i have seen the new zones a little bit too much.I can imagine; my initial excitement is also slowly shifiting towards the fatigue/boredom I had… But it’still nice atm. I’m happy with my worgen druid, but I’m still not quite used to being in the ally camp now (had some ally chars before, but mainly to get rich off cross-faction deals).
Never did any raids btw… :oops: Find it too much of a hassle. I even don’t like dungeons/instances that much. Or rather, the way most people want to play them (as fast as possible and skipping all trivial stuff - but to me trivial stuff is pretty much the quintessence of life
) Maybe Blizz should change their reward system.
Bit of a late response
But well, tried to do the worgen start area and i hated it the minute i had to fight my friends the forsaken/undead.
Im Horde all the way, with all 4 chars (at 85) now.
The raiding is ok. But i miss the excitement and the community as it was before.
I am a healer on 3 characters, and i basicly have a say in dungeons, and believe me; i hate skipping stuff in them as well.
Right now im back to semi active raiding, 3 times a week for 3 hours per evening. I do this with good friends, and that makes it nice. -
I’m pretty sure we’ve moved the domain to new DNS servers with the host switch.
So if you wondered about the ddos attacks a few days ago (slow loading), seems like they came from the Freelancer: Continuum mod, aka the mod:
I wonder what kind of grudge they have against us?
If anybody knows anything, please let us know.