Starsphere from scratch
Hi all,
 I was back, ;D . im working on my mod for a long time, now i has determined to make some new Starspheres and update most the old starspheres, but a encounter some problem on make new starspheres.
 i make a sphere in 3dsmax, then export to ms3d for output it as CMP. and it can showup in HardCMP, but i replace it with starsphere_li01.cmp enter the game, it will not showup ingame(show black background). how do i fix it?
Thats some nice work there Nieckey ;D
HeHe… now i have a question… Im trying to build some Starsphere’s… Got Dev’s Utility working for “starbands”… but adding
anything else is a drama (tryed to add a nebula pic from NASA…) what size .tga would i need to “encompas” about 1/8 or the sky? all i’m getting is a tiny little square way out behind the starpshere…Is there a tut i can follow?.. been looking and i can’t find one for either the “tool”… or UTF… (also looking for a NPC/UTF reskin tutorial as well… thought i’d chuck that in… )
I’ve been missing with these lately and can’t seem to get them to work as well. In ms3d, I’ve reversed vertex order, to get them inside the box:
Now in Hardcmp and utf editor I see them:
Here’s the tree in utf (I removed the hardpoint)
Any ideas?
cata123 wrote:
Use NebulaTwo instead of Nebula material type .NebulaTwo ?? Wow, what does that do? A Nebula with a texture visible from both sides?
Btw is there a list of known / usable material types? I wanna make a planet and use two-sided textures, and it was something like DcDtTwo, but I forgot the actual code (it was years ago). And besides, knowing all possibilities would be good thing!
Here’s a list of all texture types courtesy of lancer solurus.
Timmy51m wrote:
Here’s a list of all texture types courtesy of lancer solurus.
Many thanks to you and to LS
Here’s to you guys for helping, enjoy:
Quick question, since I’m using a box shape, the edges are able to be seen. Is there a way to fix that? (the edges of the box) Here’s what I mean:
Yea i had many headackes with the border texture on a starcube .
You have to edit the UV coordinates to increase or decrease a little the values (for example you make the textures with uv = 0.009000 and 0.000100 at start and end - sorry i can`t explain better).
I recommend to export your skybox cube model with milkshape 3D ascii and edit manually yorself.
All the trouble is because the textures are interpolating at edge and by their sum it results the white border. -
well maybe you understand from the image :
See in first image the textures are interpolating at edge creating the black stripe.
In the cubemap the texture is mapped exactly at is the mapping square .
Second image is the cubemap edge “fixed”. You see the textures are a little shorter so they don`t come one on another .
The texture is mapped smaller than the mapping square .
Hope this time is clear .