Cant think of a good title
Hey I’m new to the star port and pretty much new to modding. I got freelancer back in high school… still my favorite game. Sadly in 2006 ot 07 I moved out of my parents house and well I haven’t had real internet sences. durning the move I also lost my copy. recently I grabed a new one; started to play it again… needless to say i feel right back in love with it. Anyway I thought I should Introduce myself. I’m Malfunction, my little nick name actual has abit of history to it. I have bad luck, everything that can go wrong will go wrong but some how I always come out ok. There alot more to it but just dont like being to long winded. Anyway you can call me Mal for short. Hope i get the net back soon so i can start flying with ya all soon.
Thank you! I plan on learning to make mods but its going to be a slow process; however I look forward to learning.
Welcome to TSP
Welcome matie,
It’s good to see FL still has a place in so many hearts; if you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to shout up.
I am no modder, but I think the best advice on offer would be not to bite off more than you can chew - start small and work your way up.Best wishes,
Bear -
Haha that is very good advice… However, I always do. Anyway thank you for the warm welcome!
Welcome, Mal.
Hello and welcome!
This one of the reason I love freelancer the free lancer community is very nice, everyone is very respectful. I dont always get such a warm welcome many places I go online and offline.
Hi this is Jose here pleasure to join this forum.
Welcome people. Feel free to ask around. I’m not a grand size modder, but if you need basic knowledge in Systems, I may be able to give you some.
But generally, people here know a lot more than me.
So what? Space is a great place to be, eh?
… enjoy!