[Space Sim News]Black Prophecy Open Beta
2.2GHz, 1.5GB RAM, 8600GT. Struggling at the lowest possible settings.
To anyone curious, I just gave it a shot and they do not accept accounts created in North America. Anyone who isn’t in Europe is just SOL if they want to play.
You’ll have to wait a few days/weeks.
Defintivly a nice game and I can only recommend it to you.
Since many people complained about it when it was closed beta - has changed soo much?
What about 1…2…3…4…X Starport guildes, anyways?
Has anyone found a BP fansite forum? I tried with a google search, but wasn’t able to find anything. Strange though, you can somehow add a fansite via the webform at the publisher’s homepage, but I can’t find any list of those.
Thing is, I am not sure if my PC is good enough for BP (I highly doubt it is) and I am not able to login to this #$%% official forums. I connected my account of the game with X, Y and A, but it doesn’t seem to work at all. Why they can’t use a simple forum registration process, gosh?
But ok, better let’s make it more complicated than it should be…
Even some links pointing to the official forums areas are not working, hell… -
seems they removed them - found the english unofficial fan site by google. The german one was better lately - but i guess either they were running out of money or gamingo has put their fingers in it.
Have you tried to look in the inet archive for it?
Have found prophecynation.net after a long google search.
WHo of you is still playing this fantastic game, name, server?
Name: Bas
Server: EU-Ger -
Name: OmegaVesko
Server: EU German, because the English one is too laggy :L -
Name: The DvD
Server: EU-Eng
(I play once in a while) -
Bas wrote:
Defintivly a nice game and I can only recommend it to you.Since many people complained about it when it was closed beta - has changed soo much?
What about 1…2…3…4…X Starport guildes, anyways?
Got an early Beta invite, but have never played it. GFX was below min spec
I need to upgrade my rig as since WIndows 7 is now installed my gfx doesn’t even have proper drivers (no ATI driver, only windows own, which doesn’t appear to have OpenGL support…or something).
So please let us know how it plays folks as it may be a thing that causes me to upgrade finally
If people club together and play, try capturing a bit and youtubing it
Jury is out for me due to the crashes i was experiencing for ages with BP that put me off it a bit. I’ve been testing this from last year sometime.
@ Chips
A little search on youtube brings you here: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=black+prophecy+gameplay&aq=1
Honestly, youtube videos without persons observations about gameplay dynamics/mechanics is a rather limited perspective… X universe games are a great example - gorgeous, and honestly, love the game - but not like FL. True one or two vids have good commentary, looks promising, but that doesn’t negate one thing.
I can watch videos made by others, I can read opinions by total strangers. All these do not compare to hearing the opinions of people who share similar tastes to my own.
It’s that simple
I’d really rather hear/see FL players opinions
How are people getting on with this game then, I know it’s only a beta but does it seem like a game that you would spend a lot of time playing?
I think it definitivly has some potential.
The game will be released tomorrow (at least in europe).
MS style… Time to earn money with this unfinished game. -
Crazy wrote:
The game will be released tomorrow (at least in europe).
MS style… Time to earn money with this unfinished game.You think that’s MS style? You should buy some Paradox Interactive games
I love the publisher (also developer) as it makes some of my favourite games, but seriously…the rule is don’t buy their games until at least the first expansion
Best current example is Magicka. It’s a fantastic (and very cheap) game. However, it’s being patched up left, right, and centre - and often the patch breaks other things (or uncovers other flaws) that break the game for some folks, and cause problems for others.
So it has potential and it’s been launched as an unfinished game are the only response I’m gonna get by the looks of it lol. Be damned if I’d buy a game that has potential and isn’t finished. Time to find some reviews.
You do understand that Black Prophecy is a free to play MMOG?
Also, it has just been launched officially, so you can try it out yourself right now!