3D Model Showroom
Nice job mate. I like the way it turned out. I tried to do that one once, but ended up going off on a tangent with it and buggered it up totally.
So, when and where can we down load this?
Figured I’d put my latest ship model out there in the community. To anyone who bothers texturing this ship (it’s broken into pieces and already UV mapped), all I ask for is your textured version back.
@Arvis Taljik
Hey Mate, thanks for sharing the model. Thought i would post and show you the progress on it for texturing. Note that it is not textured according to the reference pics. Plus i am gonna go back now and start adding in some of the details from the ref pics that are missing from the main hull. Just to give it more definition.
the render is 1680x944 so it is linked to instead of using the img tag.
Forsaken wrote:
Something Im working on. Its not perfectly textured yet. Tweaking UV’s take some time especially since I’m not a pro at it.This line of ships was produced by DFM Engineering founded by brilliant team of ex-Ageria enginneers and technicians. Capitalizing upon the recent increase in Outcast attacks against the IMG and GMG in the Tau’s. DFM Engineering managed to to secure a shared exclusive shipbuilding contract for the IMG and the GMG. There have been reports of the Lane Hackers flying these ships, experts speculate that there are sympathizers to the Lane Hacker cause within the companies ranks. These reports have caused much worry for law enforcement and corporate entities. In the past, despite Lane Hacker, advanced IFF spoofing technology, many veteran transports were able to quickly identify Lane Hackers due to the distincitive shape of the Borderworlds Fighters flown by Lane Hackers and take evasive action. With the new shipline, the Lane Hackers are striking with more impunity. Recently blamed for attacks against the LPI the IMG have stated that these assaults are the work of the Lane Hackers with fake IMG IFF codes.
Great little ship. Handles well.
imo the wings should not point that much down. a little more flat will do. nice one however.
I didn’t really add any of the other main hull details as I was losing patience while shaping the main hull and trying to make sure it was proportionately correct. Looks good so far as far as the overall look goes though.
here is a couple of more renders of the Volga. 2 variants shown:
Carrier Variant:
http://darkreunion.rolanddynamics.com/gallery/1_08_03_11_5_23_05.pngBattleship Variant:
http://darkreunion.rolanddynamics.com/gallery/1_08_03_11_5_17_05.pngStill Works In Progress, but getting there.
i like those volga’s. are they customly designed?
Fagu_Aegeis wrote:
Anubis wrote:
once again, it’s been a long time since i’ve posted something here, but meh, it happens.
It doesn’t make sense the cockpit there :-?
What doesn’t make sense? It’s almost an exact copy of a SW canon ship…
http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/YT-1930And, for that matter, what would make sense? lol
The ship looks really good…and yea not every YT must have a cockpit on the side…actually it would be boring
no not custom, the original base objects were created by Arvis Taljik. I took them and am working on finishing them off. However i am not keeping to the original source here though. Kinda going in my own direction with them to some degree.
I agree, you wouldn’t be able to see a bloody thing out of that cockpit lol. Good job it’s just a game hey.
The entire left hand side of the classic YT-1300 cockpit is completely blind. Cockpits in SW don’t make sense (besides, you’d fly by instrument, anyways).
Any cockpit covered with glass makes little sense in a hostile environment. It is more safe to get rid of the glass, make the cockpit well armed and use the bloody monitors, cameras and stuff to navigate…but who cares about sense and realism in sci-fi like Star Wars anyway?
The problem with the Darkstar One Zeboa, is that it has all the parts (I never played the game + I don’t know what it is supposed to look like) plus it is a high poly model (60k+) so HardCMP is not going to work on it. I’ll have to look for it since I did not add it to my mod (Probably sitting on my PC somewhere).
I’ll get round to uploading all the darkstar one models at some point, just can’t be arsed with FL lately, too many other games to play. I managed to strip that darkstar one mesh down into all of it’s pieces and glue some of them back together again, so it’s not a problem anymore. Total pain though, must have been at least 100 parts.
Nightstalker wrote:
The problem with the Darkstar One Zeboa, is that it has all the parts (I never played the game + I don’t know what it is supposed to look like) plus it is a high poly model (60k+) so HardCMP is not going to work on it. I’ll have to look for it since I did not add it to my mod (Probably sitting on my PC somewhere).Halo NS
Men i love that ship end u did it right. This is DS1 full upgraded version what means is hull ,wings ,end engine ar +10 upgraded
Personaly i don’t even wont high poly end if some parts ar mising who cares just striped down if u can XD . i got some skrineshots form the game so take a look at them :I have more if u nide NS .
Thes is the coolest ship ever made on any game is mean end will be unbelievable for Roleplay or SP even in PvP. In my personal mod i created mission that Trend have to found that ship end the story is awesome , well i youse another of your creations atm. but will never be the same us DS1 . I cant weight for DS1 guys end i like to thank u NS end Tammy for doing this. I wish i can do it my self with out bothering u but i can’t end btw why u 2 brilliant minds get together end fix the dam thing
I don’t care bout texture us well ,ad anything u like on it just don’t make i purple haha, hell if u can actually make another ship that look similar i be happy two
I be weighting us long it takes don’t care just make it guys
All the best to both of u
Btw NS ,4.66 is awesome end i think people should try it end i know u didnt put it there cuz i was looking for it end the rest of Darkstar ships ar absolutely awesome
Have fun guys xD