3D Model Showroom
The problem with the Darkstar One Zeboa, is that it has all the parts (I never played the game + I don’t know what it is supposed to look like) plus it is a high poly model (60k+) so HardCMP is not going to work on it. I’ll have to look for it since I did not add it to my mod (Probably sitting on my PC somewhere).
I’ll get round to uploading all the darkstar one models at some point, just can’t be arsed with FL lately, too many other games to play. I managed to strip that darkstar one mesh down into all of it’s pieces and glue some of them back together again, so it’s not a problem anymore. Total pain though, must have been at least 100 parts.
Nightstalker wrote:
The problem with the Darkstar One Zeboa, is that it has all the parts (I never played the game + I don’t know what it is supposed to look like) plus it is a high poly model (60k+) so HardCMP is not going to work on it. I’ll have to look for it since I did not add it to my mod (Probably sitting on my PC somewhere).Halo NS
Men i love that ship end u did it right. This is DS1 full upgraded version what means is hull ,wings ,end engine ar +10 upgraded
Personaly i don’t even wont high poly end if some parts ar mising who cares just striped down if u can XD . i got some skrineshots form the game so take a look at them :I have more if u nide NS .
Thes is the coolest ship ever made on any game is mean end will be unbelievable for Roleplay or SP even in PvP. In my personal mod i created mission that Trend have to found that ship end the story is awesome , well i youse another of your creations atm. but will never be the same us DS1 . I cant weight for DS1 guys end i like to thank u NS end Tammy for doing this. I wish i can do it my self with out bothering u but i can’t end btw why u 2 brilliant minds get together end fix the dam thing
I don’t care bout texture us well ,ad anything u like on it just don’t make i purple haha, hell if u can actually make another ship that look similar i be happy two
I be weighting us long it takes don’t care just make it guys
All the best to both of u
Btw NS ,4.66 is awesome end i think people should try it end i know u didnt put it there cuz i was looking for it end the rest of Darkstar ships ar absolutely awesome
Have fun guys xD -
If all you want is the maxed out 10-10-10 then here it is.
Hey no probs, it’s just a ship man. Either have to make your own sur or resize an existing one. Take a look around the forum and you should find a thread about schmackbolzens tool for making sur files, i hear it’s very good.
“just a ship”…
that’s funny timmy
& thanks a bunch
Welcome as always Xar.
Zeboa wrote:
This is not a ship, it is art . DS1 fully works now is shear beauty end is 1 to 1 like in original game
With people like u ,NS ,Sol , Kuze end many athers Freelancer will be up for a long time .Thank u end all either greth moders for kipping FL a live.Thank you mentioning me, but I feel like I am mentioned unfairly here…I only made few ships…and I made only very little impact on FL community.
Anyway this remind me, I have few ships laying on my HDD waiting to be released