Transports (and bigger) - Un-Docking problems
I’ve been exploring Discovery 4.85 for the last few months.
Each time I purchase a “Train” or other large transport
(ie anything bigger than a Dromedary) I keep getting hung
up when departing some of the stations or shipyards.
There doesn’t seem to be any particular station model that
affects it, but if I can’t exit a particular station, then I can’t.
It’s not that I can;t get out once and can the next time.
It’s as though the transport is TOO large to fit the airlock
and just can’t get out.Is there a fix for this ?
Bob S.
you might try on the discovery forums if you need particular help about an issue you have in that server.
is the problem that the game hangs up on the loading bar when exiting the station, or you just get stuck inside the model of the station when you undock?
strafing to the left or right normally slides you out of the station in question. also, in discovery there is a command called /stuck
if you type /stuck your ship will be moved a little so that you can untangle yourself from whatever your ship might be stuck on, a classic example is battleships being stuck on asteroids, particularly large battleships often need to spam this command to get them through.
also, your ship must not be moving for this command to work.
Many thanks for your reply.
The ship simply can’t exit the dock. I’ve tried strafing and that worked on one station, but not the next … The game still runs without a problem. Will check the forum you suggested.
Many thanks for your suggestion. I’ll let you know if I find a solution.BobS
some mod makers do that on purpose to force people on the server to dock on planets with bigger ships . it is the same with the epsilon mods they made on really big ship that only docked with planets only. can you use a moor sometimes a mod maker will make the moor work when you cant dock. anyway ask your question on the discovery site to get the best help.