It's about you!
Maybe add a user string for xfire user names? It is a quite popular programm and used by some members here.
Hey Bass,
Please feel free to go ahead and start one.
Maybe one in the Private area for Admins/Owners and one for public use for all people?
? I mean an additional user string in the profile so you can add the xfire username there
Like here:
(last string)But eh - You got me to an idea, will create a global FL Xfire group & chatroom
OT Aurora on Xfire
Youtube Freelancer Group
Incase someone wants 2 keep in touch and stuff…Greetz,
Mörser out -
I wonder…are players interested in “play info” about mods? Such as where to find which equipment (even though this can be easily find out with FLDS), systems?
Maybe we should work out a survey to recieve more feedback from players what they want at SP?
In order to get voices at that, server OPs might could cooperate by giving players a little credit sum for participate in that survey.
Bas wrote:
I wonder…are players interested in “play info” about mods? Such as where to find which equipment (even though this can be easily find out with FLDS), systems?Maybe we should work out a survey to recieve more feedback from players what they want at SP?
In order to get voices at that, server OPs might could cooperate by giving players a little credit sum for participate in that survey.
I mused that it shouldn’t be difficult to program a parser for mods (activated, xml script files would be far too annoying to deal with) that could parse the files and then output, in html, with appropriate linking, all the corresponding information for the mod (maybe with db inserts and queries etc).
I think I mentioned it to Op at a month or two back. That way it can create a web-based…repository of information for mods.
Is that what you meant?
Yeah, such a thing.
But if you don’t know FLDS you should surely try it out to see what that app can do: -
Screenshot gallery? <- left bar
What about for linking the logo to the homepage or the forums index?
bump +
(Active Users: 35963 Inactive Users: 7059) <- o_O?
I hear a lot of people talking about building an ‘inclusive’ community, blah blah blah…
There are worthwhile suggestions being made, at least to use as talking points for possible developement.
I see the same old bigotry cropping up again and again…
TLR was the first FL community I joined, more than 6 years ago, for most of those 6 years it’s been the ONLY FL community I felt any need to be a member of.
I wasn’t part of the ‘rift’. never understood it, and frankly have no time for it.
But I do feel insulted every time I read some “StarPorter” slagging off my home community, in the name of what should be a dead quarrel.
Shambolic? Need to rehome all the mod dl’s? Implement a weblink embargo?
Let it drop., TLR exists, accept it, it has an FL modding community, they play FL like you, they mod FL like you, many of them use this place too, like you.
Attempts to replace TLR, to take over what we do, to pretend that we don’t exist will just make the rift worse, and divide the FL community.
If you’re gonna “Talk the Talk”, then you have to “Walk the Walk”, otherwise its just hot air…
We don’t pretend doesn’t exist. For the record, we’re not the ones that have a censor on the URL and name to the other side. That’d be
Here’s the thing. I do go and read TLR… mostly for laughs. Because the straight truth of it is that there’s nothing really worthwhile there. I read threads where the members are discussing some concept or idea that we’ve… already covered months, or some times even YEARS ago. TLR is the one pretending we don’t exist, not vice versa. If you find us ‘slagging off’ your community, It’s only because when you look at it objectively… there’s NOTHING of value over there. I’m sorry if you don’t see it that way, but that’s the long and short of it. The people holding this riff open are largely over there. The people perpetuating this conflict are, again, largely over there. I’m not saying we don’t have our own few trouble makers, but those are members. The people on ‘the other side’ that cause problems… well, those are staff members.
There’s a huge difference between the opinions of staff (which becomes policy) and the opinions of members.
I’m not saying that any of this conflict ISN’T petty. For the most part, it is. But objectively the largest part of the burden of this issue rests squarely on the shoulders of the TLR administration, plain and simple.
We don’t pretend TLR doesn’t exist, they pretend we don’t exist. It’s largely irrelevant to us because there’s nothing of value to us over there anyways.
AestheticDemon wrote:
LET IT GO…It’s Israel and Palestine my man, no amount of peacemakers and diplomats will ever change anything and there will be those who can never let it go.
Personally, as someone with no responsibility, I just don’t take it seriously and find it mostly makes me laugh. I really love it when OP loses his rag and starts dribbling and snotting all over the place. There’s no show quite like it in the freelancer community.
Before you say anything, I already know I’m not right in the head!
But I do feel insulted every time I read some “StarPorter” slagging off my home community, in the name of what should be a dead quarrel.
As a matter of fact hasnt been mentioned at all since the last “clash”. We’ve moved on since went down in like 2007/2008. So, who cannot let it go?
Yes, I PM’d you but only because I saw your insulting comments on and wanted to clear some things before you make a rage post over here. Didnt really work I figure…
AestheticDemon wrote:
sighTLR was the first FL community I joined, more than 6 years ago, for most of those 6 years it’s been the ONLY FL community I felt any need to be a member of.
I’m not reacting quickly to this kind of bull** about TLR, but it start to make me puke now, all those so called “wanna be TLR people”
The original TLR went down 3 or 4 years ago. After that MS pull of the plug.After this some people try to make a new start. Wich isn’t bad.
But if people always keep hanging on into the past, they must try to download a new life. And nobody pulls a gun against your head and tells ya that you need to feel a member here. But you could atleast respect everybody who have another opinion as you and/or do feel athome here on the TSP community.If you joined TLR 6 years ago and it’s already 3 or 4 years down, than you can never be a real “TLR” member again. What is death can’t become to life. Or they call it a “Zombie”
The new name is TLR.ORG. It’s still not the old TLR.COM
They can give it a try to let it flow again, but it will never be the same as the past.So please……
btw… Never pull old cows from a pool. Look forward into the future instead of always looking back. The past isn’t always “that good” Makes you quickly old and tired.
Ah, I was wondering what caused the sudden (completely off topic) post here.
My question - why is anyone commenting on this? Time to learn lessons and just ignore anything regarding it - “rise above” as they say. He’s trying to make some point, whether it’s valid or invalid, and that point may or may not be validated by posting in response to the point he’s making (I’ve been watching too much Yes Minister recently
I guess I am saying “stop re-hashing ad nauseam” - and if the odd person posts something that you disagree with, just ignore it. Not a single post, except perhaps w0dka’s, is worthwhile making… just re-read them - they have no point.
p.s Aesthetic, it was my home community when I joined it 8 years ago - including making over 4000 posts, and being a moderator for 4 and a half years until it disappeared. I don’t wish to sound egotistical, but I doubt there’s anyone left in the FL community who invested so much in the original TLR community. Yet I’m not welcome there…
Make of that what you will - but if you’re taking information from just one lone source, especially when it comes to history, then please at least think hard about what you’re hearing and how that may tally with what people did all those years ago… Sometimes you may realise what you’re being told just doesn’t add up
w0dk4 wrote:
But I do feel insulted every time I read some “StarPorter” slagging off my home community, in the name of what should be a dead quarrel.
As a matter of fact hasnt been mentioned at all since the last “clash”. We’ve moved on since went down in like 2007/2008. So, who cannot let it go?
Yes, I PM’d you but only because I saw your insulting comments on and wanted to clear some things before you make a rage post over here. Didnt really work I figure…
Insulting… Thats funny, half the posts on the first page of this thread insult TLR…
Insulting, Hmm, care to quote in context?
Two sites called TLR…
One accepts my login name and password and remembers how long I’ve been a member, one does not…
A community isn’t it’s domain name, or an archive of it’s old posts, it’s the community’s people, the membership.
TLR went down, it came back up, so what, it’s still TLR.
I’m a member of a site that has nothing to do with FL, couple of hundred thousand members, over the years since I joined it back in 04, it’s purged most of the old posts, purged more than 50,000 images from its upload gallery, and even had a different domain name while upgrading to new software, it’s still the same community…
I havn’t insulted your site, here or there, but you insult TLR happily. You send me pm’s to ‘make me aware’ of the past, I remember the past, and as I said, its dead and gone, at the end of your pm, you insulted me…
Shall I quote you?
Oh and just so you know: We didnt rip anything. We were given all the TLR material just like Op. In fact, a lot of people received “TLR”, so now there could actually be a lot TLR clones out there.
Also, our archive was online years before Op put the archive on We could also incorporate the TLR user database into our user database, we just didnt.
so you wanted the name, and the tourism value of the old posts, but to hell with the old members?
Just to give you a little perspective on things since I’ve seen you ranting about this place on
The-Starport was created after went down somewhere around 2007/2008. It wasnt rats or anything you make out of it. You might be surprised about the members that frequent this place, so you might also be more cautious when insulting this community.
Also, was originally created by AzzA which is a known Freelancer hacker and every once in a while takes down Freelancer sites with pretty heavy DDOS attacks. The site was given to Op by AzzA but he never stopped the attacks.
Anyways, I have a feeling that you dont care about any of this but rather follow Op into whatever he tells you. Fair enough, but at least I tried.
Sooooooo, if I don’t agree that its ok to have a war with a site, and it’s members because some guy who isnt there anymore wasnt a nice guy, I’m Op’s little brainwashed slave? I’d never had any contact with him till I found out the community was back up and he was the new admin.
Oh, and for the record, since you are German, and english isnt your first language, “Rats deserting a sinking ship” is a common english colloquism for people leaving something when they think it’s in trouble, its not ‘an insult to starport’.
Since you didnt bother to rerspond to the reply to your pm, I must assume that either you didnt get it (bug notification) or you dont want to communicate, just dictate.
There is more than one site, and the sites including TLR are picking up new members. How does it look to the new arrivals “Welcome to FL Community site X, we all love each other and are very inclusive, except for those heretics at site Y who must be destroyed”
It takes TWO sides to make peace, and you cant make peace with a gun in one hand and a “I hate you” placard in the other.
Insulting… Thats funny, half the posts on the first page of this thread insult TLR…
Read my last post in this thread.
As for the rest: Nice touch posting private messages from me. It seems like you really cannot let it go yourself.
/edit: Found your lost PM in the database. It indeed didnt reach me.