Make base buy equipment at higher price
I’m making the Nomad Prototype (special_nomad_gun03) a loot item.
I want certain bases to pay more for this weapon than others.
The price specified in weapon_good.ini for this weapon is 2480. I want Cambridge Research Station to buy it from the player for 24,800 but not offer it for sale.
So, buy only, not sell; and buy at 10 times the price specified in weapon_good.ini
I added the following line to the Cambridge Research Station market_misc (Br03_02_base)
marketgood = special_nomad_gun03, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 10 thinking that the format would follow market_commodities.
making the third and fourth values = zero sets it for purchase, not for sale, correct?
And the final value should be the price multiplier.
Cambridge however is offering only 7,440 for the item, not 24,800.What am I missing? The gun uses no ammo, so ammo shouldn’t figure into it as there’s no free_ammo specified for the gun either.
0.3f freelancer.exe 1D0E2C fox resale % for equipment (client-side)
0.3f server.dll 08AE7C fox resale % for equipment (server-side, must match variable above or 1.1 server dll will kick client for cheating)
0.3 * 24800 = 7440
crud… another exe hack…
I guess I’ll have to scrap that idea then. I want vanilla players to also be able to take advantage of the feature.
That’s annoying.
What’s the problem? Just make all prices 3.333333… times higher and you won’t have an issue. Instead of 10, enter 33.33333 and you’ll be set. Since you cannot get the item new from that base, it doesn’t matter.