is working now
Thanks =Alex=
Mod Starting links is:
Designed to give players the basic idea of what is needed to start modding.
What tools,programs and resources are needed. Why you need them and the direct link
to the download at the time the list was built.
It is my hope that the developers of said tools and resources will take the time to download
and review for accuracyTo assure i have not violated there dignity in any way.
If this is found to be a decent resource i’m hopeful that it can be updated as needed and modified
according to the needs required of it.It certainly does not need to be limmited
to the usefulness of beginners It could become
the way to get that
TOOL OR RESOURCE you once Had and forgot
or the way to see the newest or most stable
in a tidy list easily accessible.I am NOT suggesting that it becomes an archive
of links no longer usefull to Quickly gaining Tools and resources
but DO As you will with it.
My goal for it is simply to give PLAYERS WANNA BE
MODDERS Like me A Small Clue of how to get started.
with what is really needed.Downloading the Entire archive of several servers may be a
good learning experience but is in my humble opinion far
too time consuming.I hope that the creators of the tools and resources within along with the willing and the wise
help me by assuring the accuracy of the information
and aid me in updating information, Resources and tool’s in player Speech for the minds
that Fall short of modder Speech.
There are many improvements that can be made in all aspects of the list
i fall short on the knowledge required to abtain even my own goals.
I hopefully look forward to using this for my own gains.I will have to assume i’m forgiven if i have accidentally violated your dignities in any way.
If this is worth while and updated often i would suggest using a date not a version #.
Thanks: SKY-Blazer. -
I’ve been meaning to get the TSP wiki in to shape for the longest time, just never found the motivation to do it xD
Thanks for your work on this!
This is a great idea!
It’s hard for us modders to write in easy speak (lol) whilst some awesome tut’s exist, some are complicated others outdated in some way (remember… we’ve all learned things the past few years in regards to why certain parameters and other things exist that back in the day nobody knew)
And we have WAY better tools now. the tools referenced in most old tut’s are pretty old now (if not bug causing or obsolete)