Hello everyone. and i have a question
Hello everyone. I used to play freelancer discovery quite a bit. and i loved the game and everything. but i hated the immense RP and PvE grinding. So I come here with a question which Google can not solve…
Is there any PvP Freelancer mods or servers, If there are please tell me them and a link to the download/ mod site would be very much appreciated. Thank you. ^^
Draconus Majorum is one of like that.
U just need to find opponent or catch someone online to try it out.
Other than that from this lists u can catch most popular atm and check their description does it fits u.
http://www.flserver.de/topservers.htm'n welcome to TSP
direct link is
Also listed in the Global Server Workaround
Also don’t forget to check the Freelancer community network bar at the top of this page. Many servers there. I rather enjoyed ShatteredWorlds for a while. I’m pretty sure it is still around.
They are now a few servers running latest Discovery with relaxed RP.
They should come up if you load the mod, just choose one.
Here is a list and some info.
http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?showforum=41 -
Hamburg City equally run as an RP/PVP collaboration. The community network bar which Cannon references should be able to provide you with connection information to most of the servers already suggested.