Star Trek Online
It’s not worth it till they roll out the next series of episodes. The new grind-or-pay economy really, really sucks.
I used to be a high-tier crafter, sold Aegis kits for decent e-cred. Now that crafting requires dilithium, it’s no longer profitable, it actually puts you in the red. In fact, most things put you in the red now. And dont get me started on how long it takes to grind for the new STF gear.
I’ve downloaded it and have yet to play it.
If it gives me a few hours of fun I’ll have considered it worthwhile, but I’m not gonna invest any kind of serious time into that.
Actually I have rather enjoyed it. Haven’t wasted my time crafting since I don’t need those items nor wish to sell them. Make plenty enough stuff to sell by doing missions plus I’m part of a fleet so I just throw some dilithium in the fleet bank and get one of the gold members to craft what I want (only 2 items so far).
In just a week and a half, I’ve made 150k energy credits, 12k dilithium and rank 38. Not a hard game to play and alot of story arcs to do… If you see me on there then friend me, already met a few fellow FL players, even some senior members. I go by Lancer_Solurus…
oh, dont get me wrong, the gameplay is pretty good. The problem is that I’ve played since launch, burned through the content to max level at the time in a week or so, waited a quarter year, played through the new content in 3 days, waited a half year, did the same again.
Cryptic just isnt good at doing new content in lumps that keep me happy. Call me odd, but I dont like grinding the same 3 raids 10 times a day, every day.
Their servers are slow as hell
I downloaded the game today so that I’d give it a try and see how it is. It took like 2 hours or more to download and that’s incredibly long considering I usually download a file of a similar size in like 30 minutes from other places. Then waited for it to install …. after that I said “finally it’s done” but no, when I ran the game it started to download a patch, 500mb in size, that was half an hour ago and it’s still not done. Wtf, I have to wait an entire day to play this god damn game. By the time it finishes setting up I’ll probably be sick and tired of the game already.
… not a good day for gaming …
Edit: actually, my bad, it was more than 2 hours considering I started downloading the game when I saw Lancer’s reply and that was at 5:46, now it’s 11:54.
Pando downloader sucks monkey butt! I’ve been downloading it for over a week now, couple of hours every day. Probably never play much anyway, same as black prophecy, but can’t grumble for free like.
It’s a fun game, I personally hate the away missions but the space missions are pretty cool, I do agree the three end raids the STF missions could be better, or atleast some different missions. I like the customisation, that’s pretty cool.
All in all i like the game.
Well today is a bit of a bad day to download. They just released 2 new ships u can get for free simply by doing a simple mission. The servers are packed, it usually doesn’t take me but a couple of minutes to patch but it took right at 8 minutes for this one.
Finally got around to playing the game and I kinda like it. The only downside that I see is that it is repetitive as most of the missions I did were basically the same thing with a different name.
I’ll add you as friend LS once I figure out how to do it cause there are tons of menus and options in thereSide note: I’m downloading the game again, this time on my laptop and on a low speed wireless connection at work, so I hope to have it done by next Christmas.
Actually all I need is your user name in-game and I can send you a friends request. Its something@something, mine is lancer_solurus@lancer_solurus
Just a quick question: I just got an Odyssey class ship from a mission but looks like I can’t use it. Any idea what “level” I need to be to use it ? Or what I need to do to activate it.
This is it: I try to use it is says:
“You do not meet the requirements for this item”
But what are the requirements hehe ?Currently I’m Lieutenant ( 8 )
AKA level 50, one nice thing is you gt a free ship when you rank up (IE from commander to captain), every 10 levels.
Same here, tactical and I use an escort fitted with 2 torpedoes and 1 cannon as fore weapons and 1 aft phaser. Not sure if I should use 3 cannons instead …
having two torps is relatively useless these days. You’re better off with the constant DPS of one set, especially since you’re at such a low level and cant mount many skills in your BOff slots. Focus on cannon skills till you get up to ~CDR or CAPT. Then you can mix and match as you like.
Basically, kit out on lots of phaser relays, Cannon Rapid Fire, Cannon Scatter Volley, Tactical Team, Attack Pattern Alpha/Omega if you can fit it. For engineering slot, make sure you have emergency power to shields and engineering team, and for sci, you’ll either want jam sensors or polarize hull, and science team once you can fit it.
as a Tac Officer, your job is DPS as long as possible, so you have to focus on damage and some tanking. dont worry too much about support skills, that’s for engineers and science officers. focus on skills that do things to you and for you.
One thing if you get the chance is to train your tactical officer with a torpedo spread. Other skills that are useful is evasive maneuvers, jam sensors, photonic fleet, redistribute shield power, eject warp plasma & tachyon beam. You can trade in your recruits for those extras or visit a base to train your bridge officers (BOff). Also give your duty officers (DOff) as many missions as you can but if they have a red setting do not assign them to that mission, it tends to end in disaster.
Another tip, do the ‘Red Alert’ missions, it’s bonus XP and will help you level up faster. Also the mirror universe missions are an excellent way to level up. I tend to jump up a level almost every mission I do. Those missions are level based so what you fight will be matched to your level.
In just 2 weeks time I have made it to level 48 by doing the above and playing episodes, almost ready to fly my Odessy ship…, don’t forget to talk to the admiral at the Earth starbase to get a new ship at every 10 levels, this includes free to play users.
Edit : I’m running around in a Sovereign class atm, sweet ship, currently working on loading it out with MACO equipment (ex 18.74 warp engines) from the STF missions
gratz on getting to Admiral LS, I’m still a bit behind you, but then I do have 3 characters on the go
I take it you got your free Federation & Klingon ships for the event that’s on atm
My 3 toons are -
Kajada@bejaymac <– Fed
Bejaymac@bejaymac <-- Fed
Aze’bur@bejaymac <-- Klingonso if you see me give us a shout
That I will, btw nice to see you here. Funny though, I’ve seen ur kajada char b4. Ohh and some of the ship names I see, saw one last week called ‘Tasty Burger’ and another called ‘Banana Split’…