Star Trek Online
gratz on getting to Admiral LS, I’m still a bit behind you, but then I do have 3 characters on the go
I take it you got your free Federation & Klingon ships for the event that’s on atm
My 3 toons are -
Kajada@bejaymac <– Fed
Bejaymac@bejaymac <-- Fed
Aze’bur@bejaymac <-- Klingonso if you see me give us a shout
That I will, btw nice to see you here. Funny though, I’ve seen ur kajada char b4. Ohh and some of the ship names I see, saw one last week called ‘Tasty Burger’ and another called ‘Banana Split’…
I got to level 20 and I was supposed to get a free ship but seems it’s not the case. None of the available ships are free to take, as it was when I got to level 10, they all got a huge price tag
Go speak to the admiral at the starbase at Earth. If you look in your missions you will see it listed there. The coding for it is a little bugged so you have to get the bonus from him first and the talk to him again to get the free ship token. He doesnt always give it to you the first time. If the mission is still active after you speak to him simply talk to him again. The token allows you to get the ship for free. There is only 3 ships available to choose from per level that use the token.
Well, I got to level 50 today so that kinda ruins the game for me, cause there’s no reason to play anymore as I can’t go higher or better said, I wont be getting any more free ships, officers and such for leveling up.
Damn … -
Hehe, got alot of good ideas from the game. Been at level 50 for awhile now, playing STFs and helping fleet members level up.
Still got alot of missions to complete, maybe you will help me finish them up or help one of our lower ranked fleet members in their missions?
Come and join the Black Diamond Syndicate on TS 3 at
That is one of the problems with the game, it’s way to easy to level up, just doing the Featured Episodes will have you at lvl 50 before you’ve finished them, and that’s without doing any of the other mission and events.
Don’t forget you also have the Klingon side to do, so your not finished yet -
I’ve got about a billion more missions left to do till I really finish/beat the game but it’s not the same feeling as when I would get XP for destroying ships etc. Just noticed that now I’m not getting any more XP to further improve my skills so that sucks.
I tried a couple STF missions today, they’re hard but still they can be done rather easily given the other guys don’t suck.
LS, count me in. I actually sent you a PM today when I saw you online but the PM system in this game really sucks. I mean if you’re not watching the chat window 24/7 you’re not even gonna know someone sent you a PM and on top of that, the writing in the chat window moves so fast that even if you’re paying attention to it, you’re probably gonna miss it anyway
I’m gonna install TS3 now. -
Ok guys, some quick questions here:
- what can you do in this game other than missions and more missions ?
- are there alliance wars ?
- can you control a territory or a space station (as a player or corporation/alliance) ?
- is there any serious PVP in this game ?
Just trying to figure out a reason to keep playing this game cause for several days now all I do is missions and for an MMO, that is downright boring. Plus that it seems I’m stuck at a mission which I tried like 20+ times because of bugged AI so I can’t complete that mission to further advance in the game.
I like the game, but I just can’t find something to keep me at it, so that’s why I’m asking you guys about any features that game has and that may be unknown to me.Thx
Don’t play it so much you nutter. I have yet to find a game that doesn’t bore me to death if played for hours every day.
It’s good to mix it up I think, so I do a mission, set up a few duty officer assignments and log off. I’ll go and get killed a lot on BF3 for an hour and then turn that off.
Pretty soon I think there’s going to be so many of these free to play games out there that I’m going to be spoilt for choice. World of tanks is a blast, black prophecy is okay for an hours blasting, STO is cool for an hours blasting, and they’re all free. Awesome!
What to do other than missions - Daily Missions and STFs, Foundry Missions
Alliance Wars/Territory Control - Nope, but supposedly planned
PvP - Yup, but you pretty much need to know very specific builds and combat patterns or you get killed very, very quickly since Cryptic has a hard-on for the Klinks. -
It’s true that most games bore you if you play them a lot … but not all. Take EVE for example, I played it for years, daily and many hours per day and still felt good about it and the only reason I left it is cause Black Prophecy showed up and it promised to be even better better than Eve, plus I liked the fact that in this game you could actually control your ship. Still, due to some severe lag and some issues/bugs with Black Prophecy I soon quit playing it.
World of Tanks, I aced the game long ago. I used to play with the russian heavy tanks, mainly IS-4. Could easily get the IS-7 but it doesn’t seem that much better than the 4. As cool as this game is, after a while you notice patterns and you start to know where the heavies will be, or the meds/lights and you know exactly what to do to fight them off, so it gets repetitive pretty fast as it lacks any sort of campaign or some missions here and there.Sizer, thx for the info. Guess I’ll just have to quit the game for a while until they add some of those features. Right now all my modules and guns on the ship are pretty much about the best I can get so there’s no incentive to keep playing STO. Plus I’m pissed off cause I spent more than a million credits on one of those keys to open a rare cardassian box hoping I’d get that nice new cruiser and instead I got a retarded module worth 3k credits. If that’s what you get from a rare box, makes me wonder what you get from those normal boxes that you can find everywhere, I have about 50 of those or more.
If they do add more features to the game and you guys are still playing it please let us know here too, so I could go and check out the new additions.
Cheers -
Yeah, since Perfect World bought STO, they’ve been doing the whole rare ship in a box thing. Thing is, the drop rate is less than 0.5%. It’s a money scheme, and it works. Buy master keys off the C-Store, have a miniscule chance to get ship. They make their money from 2 people. The poor schmucks that don’t realize the low drop rate and throw 20 bucks away trying to get it, and the hardcore collectors willing to spend 500 bucks to get it.
Btw, your sig always cracks me up everytime I see it
I try my best.