Shattered Worlds UI problem
Hey folks.
I recently installed the Shattered Worlds SP version, and I’m having a bit of trouble with the UI. When I open the system map, the grid is completely awful - not even close to being properly aligned with the xy coordinates. I posted on the SW mod forums, and they tell me that it’s due to widescreen support being added (I’m still using an old CRT monitor). I’ve tried switching my game resolution around a bit, but nothing changes.So here’s my question: Is it possible to revert to the vanilla UI by restoring an original DLL or INI in place of the SWWT modded version?
Hey Jimbo,
In theory it’s possible, as the grids are just a graphic file. However it just depends what or how SWWT have implemented their map grid. Whilst plenty here may well be able to help you, you may be best checking with the SWWT Team first as they’ll be best suited to help you out.
Good luck,
Rik -
Yeah, I posted over there already and had no luck. A a reply or two from server admins, but nothing helpful.
Anyway, since I’m not playing MP, I can happily fool around with it myself if someone will enlighten me about which files I should be looking at. The whole SW UI is fairly different, but I can’t image that reverting to the vanilla UI will break the mod. There’s no added functionality or anything, just graphical changes.
I don’t know if SWWT contains any of the Widescreen fixes. Try here:’d try that first.
Alternatively if you have no luck you can try removing the navmap background graphics (which usually contain the grid).Ok, this is from memory so may not be 100% accurate….
De-activate the mod in FLMM.
Then in FLMM, click Tools > Open Mods folder.
Find the folder containing the SWWT mod.
There should be two files in there:
nav_prettymap.3dbRemove those.
Restart FLMM.
Activate the mod, see how you get on.Best of luck,
That did it, thanks a lot rik.
For future reference (just in case anyone else has the same issue at some point), I also had to remove SWWT’s custom navmaptextures.txm (located in the same folder) since the modded map textures covered the grid in some cases.Edit:
And nah, no widescreen support via hudshift or any other DLL’s. It was just a stretched map.