Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
Then why didn’t you follow up on that thread? I’m fairly sure adoxa expected the solution to work, and not replying to a solution tends to be a tacit way of saying it works.
Your apparent aggressiveness is rather misplaced.
Does anyone have a hack that would narrow the window of the player jumpin point when using jumpgates/jump holes?
Right now a player spawns at a random point within +/- 550m of the jumpin point when jumping into a system. I’d like to narrow that window to 50m, or even tighter for a specific jump. I’m going to guess it’s an all or nothing deal, i.e. if you do it for one it will work that way for all, but I can deal with that.
Back on page 24 or 25, there was a hack to remove underscore from names on a server. I applied it and it works fine, now i want to reset it to standard and the hack has been removed. Does anyone know which address to goto and what to change it to again please?
robocop wrote:
Awesome. And it works just as I had hoped.
Now, let’s say I wanted to increase the range of the scanner. Let’s say I wanted to be able to see where a player was in the system, no matter how far out. Is that possible?I see you (Adoxa) say to “search for the nickname and you’ll find the square of the distances before it.” Are you speaking of the plugin? I searched the plugin using tiny hexer but it didn’t come up with anything for ge_s_scanner_02.
edit: And that’s because I was doing it wrong… Now I find it and am experimenting with distances.
All hail Adoxa!
Anyone add another scanner to their game using this plugin? I’m wondering how it would affect unmodded players.
I needed to be able to supress Freelancer Critical warning dialog (which mainly shows as ‘unsupported videocard’ ) and surprisingly for me i came up with initial patch in an hour and thinned it down to one byte in another three hours. Was a night well spent
One byte size made me really happy
I can’t remember if anyone did this already but in case anyone needs it:```
Freelancer.exe 001B16FC 84->33 = supress Unsupported video dialog ~OutCast -
c’mon hackers, anybody hack map limits that will allow array systems behind 18x18 square in navmap…
I’ve tried, no luck, but here some useless offsets:freelancer.exe 1D3164 0.279f = Navmap's Letter Grid align on screen (X-axis) ~WhiskasTM freelancer.exe 1D314C 0.279f = Navmap's Number Grid align on screen (Y-axis) ~WhiskasTM freelancer.exe 1D3168 0.07f = Navmap's Letter&Number Grid freespace(distance) beetwen letters and numbers (kind of stretching)~WhiskasTM freelancer.exe 1D3C48 1.5d = stretch texture of Universe map (?-axis) ~WhiskasTM freelancer.exe 1D3C50 1.175d = stretch texture of Universe map (?-axis) ~WhiskasTM freelancer.exe 1C99C8 0.0099999998f = frequency of twinkling diamonds on Universe Map ~WhiskasTM freelancer.exe 1D3D30 0.06666667f = bunch scale of all systems' diamonds on Universe map and in the same way speed of tradelanes' animation on map (method 1) ~WhiskasTM freelancer.exe 1D3D2C 200000f = bunch scale of all systems' diamonds on Universe map (method 2) ~WhiskasTM freelancer.exe 915B8 112000f - bunch scale of all systems' diamonds on Universe map (method 3) ~WhiskasTM freelancer.exe 1D3D28 100000f = bunch coordinates of all systems' diamonds on Universe Map (-XY axis) ~WhiskasTM freelancer.exe 1D3D24 5000f = bunch coordinates of all systems' diamonds on Universe Map Y-axis ~WhiskasTM
First sorry for my bad English.
May anyone can help my question?
I try to edit :
1D–>00 server.dll 0112A3 adoxa need level to buy ships/equipment in MP (PART 1)
18–>00 freelancer.exe 07FCE0 adoxa need level to buy ships/equipment in MP (PART 2)
28–>00 freelancer.exe 08049A adoxa need level to buy ships/equipment in MP (PART 3)
0A–>00 freelancer.exe 082E96 adoxa need level to buy ships/equipment in MP (PART 4)
05–>00 freelancer.exe 0B850E adoxa need level to buy ships/equipment in MP (PART 5)
1B–>00 freelancer.exe 0B948E adoxa need level to buy ships/equipment in MP (PART 6)When I finish those edit work and go into my mod test, I find that :
my equipment setting :
MarketGood = emp_sp_weapon01_mark01, 0, 0.3, 10, 10, 0, 1
ship setting :
marketgood = Razorback_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
when I will buy those thing, the game tell me that I must have more then high level and more friendly to buy, even my level and friendly higher than the mod setting.
May anyone can tell me how to fix it ?
Thanks for your help.
Need to relogin or doing mission and then relogin.
Just reconnect - that’s all -
HeIIoween wrote:
Just reconnect - that’s allReconnect?
But I was reconnect and still have the problem.
My game level is 23, buy a ship only need level 1, my friendly is 0.8, buy an equipment only need friendly 0.3, but when I finish those hex hack edit, the game tell me that, need higher level and more friendly to buy those thing.
No one has this problem?
And mission?
HeIIoween wrote:
And mission?You mean that I must to do a mission first?
But my mod is if you are a new player, you need to buy a ship form start, if the player can’t buy any ship, they can’t start the game.
Sorry for my bad English, hope you can know what I mean.