Data for map visits in the save file
I have been searching for an answer to a very unusual question. I have not seen anything close in the forums here or elsewhere.
The setup.
In mission 4, 5 and 10 (in particular) we travel through a few mission jump holes. Now, I know the hashes and how to unlock them either in the newplayer and character saves. The big question is this: When playing a mod these holes, Omega-3/Cambridge, Cambridge/Leeds, stay hidden on the exit side. The Chugoku/Sigma-13 and Sigma-13/New Berlin holes do not have any post use problems, but do not appear for mods. Nor does the information appear in the save file until accessed through missions. For example visit = 3247256322 for the Sigma-13 jump hole in Chugoku or locked gate = 2694587652.
What I am looking for is a way to trigger these without the missions or adding map data (cheating). I would like to have them appear as most items do after being in proximity as most things on a system map do. Another alternative is to have an NPC sell the info, like Neural Net info (e.g. “I can give you information about a lost patrol ship”, or similar.
I have tried to find where this data is even kept, but it has been elusive to me and a couple other members I have contacted individually. Any ideas?
Pascal05 -
The visibility of JumpHoles is controlled in the system.ini
for instance in the BR03.ini (cambridge)
find the jumphole
nickname = Br03_to_Br04_holeChange the flag
visit = 128for
visit = 0That will make it visible, repeat for the other invisibles
You could have an NPC tell you where it is, that is controlled by interface\knowledgemap.ini