What do you think?
Stunningly good, can’t wait to see the finished product!
Woo! Cannot wait to see these bad boys in game!!
just can repeat what is already said a few times
beatiful and stunning work
Ohhh!…. Gorgeous and astonishingly timeless!
Took a long time, but finally i done with it.
Just plugged a few of these into the mod I’m working on.
They look fantastic, absolutely stunning work Hunor. Thanks for sharing!
Just a quick question, are the .TGA files embedded in the CMPs compressed?
Also, how would you wish to be credited? Just your name, Hunor, or do you want me to put anything else in, like a link or email address?
Thanks again,
We’re very excited to use these as well! Great work and yes, please let us all know how you’d like to be credited!
I replaced all the textures with dds, worked fine and the file size is loads smaller, especially if you’re using 2048 x 2048 like me. I should upload what I’ve got aswell so we can mish mash it all up lol.
Timmy51m wrote:
I replaced all the textures with dds, worked fine and the file size is loads smaller, especially if you’re using 2048 x 2048 like me. I should upload what I’ve got aswell so we can mish mash it all up lol.You beat me to it! How much size did you save?
Off Topic: BTW I’ve made a 2048*2048 Valkyrie LOD texture, with Fagu Aegeis retexture pack. Outstanding quality!
As far as I said before 20482048 tex are better to add details. But! Like I know some textures are better than CF ones I can make a mix with these two packs. Yours is better anyway, there is more 10241024 textures and that is more accurate to the original ambience of the differents systems.
Sorry fish king, I confused you there. I was referring to my own starspheres, not replacing the textures in this pack. I’m good at confusing people!
I know, I wasn’t confused at all. Your work is your work, Hunor’s work is Hunor’s work. And I definately prefer Hunor’s pack. More colorfull and brighter with the impression to be in FL univers. You know Ew05 starsphere is stranger than Crosssffire one, that was the goal of this system, it asks the question, why this aspect? And here Hunor makes me ask the same question, so that’s a way better. In the original you haven’t the feeling that you are in a neblulae and here, again, Hunor make the same thing. Yours is Darker, you do not feel in security so I prefer yours. I replace all the tex with yours. Here is the example that convict me to use yours than CF ones.
I started to work on it again, I want to correct some bugs and convert the textures to .dds and also I created the missing starspheres (ew01, ew06, I want to deal with st03b and the nebulaes in the next few days).
Within a few hours I upload the corrected version, which will contain only the starspheres. -
And here is the updated version:
I converted the textures format to dds, corrected some bugs, and upgraded the navmap background and. Also I created the ew01 and ew06 starspheres…