Itano Circus
I just dl’d this mod from ModDB and I hope it’s the right version? I’ve been trying to get on this sever for some time now and I hope this works.
Is the server still up?
It is not for multiplayer initially and server frequently crashed, so it seems to be he did stopped his attempts to up the server.
Thanks, HeIIoween and this explains why I’ve never been able to join the server in the past.
Will check it out for SP and see what goes.
Tried for interest to run local server - works. crash fixes by replacing content.dll from 1.1 patch even if server.dll still non-patched (straaaange) -
Actually coincidentally i was trying to install IC today to replay SP with it; does it require anything before it, such as 1.1 install?
I was getting a crash on hitting the New Game button.
As Helloween says, you want to patch to 1.1, then definately run it through FLScan2, took me quite some time to get rid of the bugs in the mod. Suppose I should get around to uploading a fixed version somewhere.
Not tried SP - not intresting.
Rename My Games\Freelancer\Accts\SinglePlayer, run game again - must work -
Timmy51m wrote:
As Helloween says, you want to patch to 1.1, then definately run it through FLScan2, took me quite some time to get rid of the bugs in the mod. Suppose I should get around to uploading a fixed version somewhere.Dont think so that mod has bugs…
You’re kidding right? lol
Loadout errors, missing torpedo hardpoints and encounter errors a plenty my friend. The mod will just crash randomly until you sort them. I’ve got a fixed version hanging around, I’ll dig it out.
About hardpoints - not so much to fix i see.
Sound errors, system encounter warnings - but no loadouts errors…FlscanII crashes when scanning, but FL Error Checker works well
FLScan 1.3 shows all ok, FLCompanion gives no errors.
I’m not going to get into an argument over it chief because it’s been a while since I fixed it, but from what I remember you will find some of the elite fighters are missing a torpedo hardpoint if you look. 2 are declared in shiparch and some are missing one of them in the cmp.
I think you’ll find there are mix ups with the weapon loadouts with regards to weapon class declarations in the shiparch file, you’ll be there all day trying to find them, I was.
I’m sure all the npc ship entries for gunboats, cruisers and battleships were screwed up, npc_class entries were invalid nonsense.
There are loads of encounters called for factions that don’t fly transports, liners etc, like the zoners, img, gmg. Easy enough to fix by either removing them from the relevant zones or inserting the ships into faction_prop, whichever suits you.
There are plenty of examples in the transport encounters where the same faction is called twice as well, no big deal that one, but for the sake of clean code!
Get flscan2 running, or if you believe it’s all good, enjoy the crashes
Here’s the last version I can find before I started making any major changes to the mod. Should be bug free, but if you find any let me know.
There’s a set of my old custom starspheres in there, dynamic asteroids from 88flak, fagus ship textures, hd planets textures, some dynamic lighting or whatever you want to call it that makes the guns etc give off lighting, gamma hack. Other than that I think it’s just vanilla Itano Circus.
Use it if you want, bin it if you don’t, makes no difference to me. Oh, and there’s no ENB included.
No crashes for me yet :P. Thx, will see
You have not tweaked dynamic lightning (crashes at engbase.dll), try to tweak or/and install engbase-11c22.dll
Not quite following you, what is it I need to do?
The exe is hacked for them and all the entries are in the effects.ini, lightanim.ini. New ale files in FX/weapons. Blast away all day and never crashes for me. Better retest I guess.
Dunno, really. What was your initial question?
It crashed once, after installing adoxa’s engbase-11c22.dll no crashes anymore.
Hmmm… if it is no crashes for you so what is the problem? oO
HeIIoween wrote:
You have not tweaked dynamic lightning (crashes at engbase.dll), try to tweak or/and install engbase-11c22.dllThink you are confusing something. That .dll was made by adoxa for debugging a crash issue for Freeworlds. We have since implemented another fix and are crash free.
And yes, this was related to dynamic lighting on beams. -
@ W0dk4 it was crash at 0x00011c20 offset
Ah got it. Was thinking about last 124bd description. -
I’m getting a bit lost in this now. Is it a problem with my implementation, if so can we fix it? Or something specific to FW:TOW and all it’s dx9 goodness?
I realise it’s not perfect by any means, but hey, it’s limited because it’s not FW:TOW