No Destroy Solar Missions
For some reason I can’t find a destroy solar mission anywhere. It doesn’t matter if the faction is lawful or unlawful, or if the vignettes are exclusion, field or open. I’m even using the TCM starter pack’s random mission inis. I can’t even find a mission to destroy a few weapon platforms.
Bases still offer kill ship, assassination and destroy/capture cargo missions. Bases, encounters and vignettes seem to check out. So why won’t they offer destroy solar missions?
Double check \randommissions\killablesolars.ini
If you’re using new factions, make sure your faction has entries in there (and at the correct difficulty level for the mission)…
nickname = rm_space_freeport01_pi_D19-D22
solar_type = Big_Solar
string_id = 9
faction = fc_c_grp, fc_ou_grp
archetype = rm_space_freeport01
loadout = rm_space_freeport01_pi_04
hitpoints = 2997, 4800
difficulty = 5.256606, 13.484057
pilot_choices = 4Hope this helps.
rik_starkiller wrote:
Double check \randommissions\killablesolars.iniIf you’re using new factions, make sure your faction has entries in there (and at the correct difficulty level for the mission)…
nickname = rm_space_freeport01_pi_D19-D22
solar_type = Big_Solar
string_id = 9
faction = fc_c_grp, fc_ou_grp
archetype = rm_space_freeport01
loadout = rm_space_freeport01_pi_04
hitpoints = 2997, 4800
difficulty = 5.256606, 13.484057
pilot_choices = 4Hope this helps.
The factions I’m using are recycled from the Vanilla ones like li_n_grp. I did add a few new ones, but putting them in the killablesolars.ini file hasn’t made the destroy solar missions appear.
Have you checked VignetteParams in the Randommissions folder? new factions have to be added to the listed factions line (see below)
node_id = 316
Offer_group = rh_m_grp, rh_n_grp, rh_p_grp, li_lsf_grp, li_n_grp, li_p_grp, br_m_grp, br_n_grp, br_p_grp, ku_n_grp, ku_p_grp, fc_or2_grp, fc_nom_grp, fc_nc_grp
offer_text = append, 327829
offer_text = append, 327982
offer_text = append, 328135
child_node = 366Look up the 6 digit numbers in FL Dev for mission details targets etc
CK256 wrote:
Have you checked VignetteParams in the Randommissions folder? new factions have to be added to the listed factions line (see below)[DataNode]
node_id = 316
Offer_group = rh_m_grp, rh_n_grp, rh_p_grp, li_lsf_grp, li_n_grp, li_p_grp, br_m_grp, br_n_grp, br_p_grp, ku_n_grp, ku_p_grp, fc_or2_grp, fc_nom_grp, fc_nc_grp
offer_text = append, 327829
offer_text = append, 327982
offer_text = append, 328135
child_node = 366Look up the 6 digit numbers in FL Dev for mission details targets etc
I tried this, still no destroy solar missions.
I think there’s some confusion here. The factions that won’t offer missions are Vanilla ones, eg. li_n_grp (Liberty Navy), co_me_grp (DSE), fc_ou_grp (Outcasts), fc_m_grp (Mollies) etc. that already have these entries.