Converting mod to open single player
I’m interested in converting an old mod to open single player as I can’t get the server to run on win 7 (fine on XP but my old XP box has finally died) but have no idea where to start.
Has anyone got a guide/tutorial on converting mods to open single player?
Thx in advance!
I’m sure that was solved some time ago, but can’t find it.
Can anyone help find the thread?
Doesn’t XP compatibility mode work?
Also you might try a Virtual XP machine running on your Windows 7, using Virtual Box or other free virtualisation software?
There are some opensp mods around you could try. They may or may not work with your mod. You will have to try them and see. Have a look in the downloads section. I’m sure there are some there you can try.
Thx for the replies, recently I’ve been playing the Genesis mod by Gibbon in open SP (great stuff BTW!) and got to wondering what changes are needed to make a mod OSP compatible.
I’ve had a look at the game files but I couldn’t see anything obviously different from a typical mod, the old mod I have works on XP with a server and client setup running but I can’t get the server working on Win 7.
try this out open sp basically you have to change out some files. you change out missions 13 in your missions file, then content dll those are basically the files you change. the one I linked you to has some extras its made by chips.
For OSP you need these files,
EXE folder - newplayer.fl
DATA/MISSIONS/m13.iniIt really is just those two files.
If you’re playing Genesis, check those two files to see what’s in them, the first one contains your startrep and cash etc, the second file fools the game into thinking you’ve finished the campaign and starts you at level 38. The content.dll is irrelevant for OSP.
Tried the two files by copying the ones from Genesis the game does start when the new game button is hit but it opens into the FP7 intro scene and crashes soon after, thx for the info as it is progress
Is there an open SP starter pack like the TCM one? I could build the mod files around that if there was.
Thx again guys!
The conventional way is to use the original open sp v1.1 that most people have used for donkeys years.
Its quite hard to help without knowing which mod you are wanting to play, but if the mod uses the original systems and you want to start fresh with an original ship, you can make your Mission01a.ini look something like this…
[Mission] mission_title = 1 mission_offer = 1 reward = 2000 npc_ship_file = missions\m01a\npcships.ini [Trigger] nickname = INIT_ALL System = ANY InitState = ACTIVE Cnd_True = no_params Act_ForceLand = Li01_01_Base Cnd_BaseEnter = Li01_01_Base Cnd_SpaceExit = no_params Act_SetShipAndLoadout = ge_fighter, msn_playerloadout Act_LockDock = Player, Li01_to_Li02, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li02_to_Li01, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li03_to_Li01, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li01_to_Li03, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li01_to_Li04, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li04_to_Li01, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li01_to_Li05, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li05_to_Li01, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li01_to_Iw03, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw03_to_Li01, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw03_to_Br04_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li01_to_Li03_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li01_to_Li04_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li02_to_Li04_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li03_to_Li01_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li04_to_Li01_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li04_to_Li02_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Br02_to_Iw03_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw03_to_Br02_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw03_to_Li02, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li02_to_Iw03, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw03_to_Br04_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Br04_to_Iw03_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li04_to_Iw01, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li04_to_Iw02, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li04_to_Iw02_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li03_to_Iw05, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li03_to_Iw05_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li03_to_Iw06, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li03_to_Iw06_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li02_to_Iw04, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li02_to_Iw04_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw01_to_Li04, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw02_to_Li04, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw02_to_Li04_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw04_to_Li02, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw04_to_Li02_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw05_to_Li03, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw05_to_Li03_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw06_to_Li03, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw06_to_Li03_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Bw01_to_Br03_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Br03_to_Bw01_hole, unlock
To change where you start you will need to edit this bit:
Act_ForceLand = Li01_01_Base
Cnd_BaseEnter = Li01_01_BaseTo edit the starting ship and weapons edit this bit:
Act_SetShipAndLoadout = ge_fighter, msn_playerloadoutThis is NOT tested, but should work ok. Hope it helps.
EDIT: Just had a re-think, with this you wont level up… if you want to use it you would have to edit the mission with
[Mission] mission_title = 1 mission_offer = 1 reward = 2000 npc_ship_file = missions\m01a\npcships.ini [Trigger] nickname = INIT_ALL System = ANY InitState = ACTIVE Cnd_True = no_params Act_ForceLand = Li01_01_Base Cnd_BaseEnter = Li01_01_Base Cnd_SpaceExit = no_params Act_SetShipAndLoadout = ge_fighter, msn_playerloadout Act_LockDock = Player, Li01_to_Li02, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li02_to_Li01, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li03_to_Li01, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li01_to_Li03, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li01_to_Li04, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li04_to_Li01, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li01_to_Li05, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li05_to_Li01, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li01_to_Iw03, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw03_to_Li01, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw03_to_Br04_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li01_to_Li03_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li01_to_Li04_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li02_to_Li04_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li03_to_Li01_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li04_to_Li01_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li04_to_Li02_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Br02_to_Iw03_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw03_to_Br02_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw03_to_Li02, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li02_to_Iw03, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw03_to_Br04_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Br04_to_Iw03_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li04_to_Iw01, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li04_to_Iw02, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li04_to_Iw02_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li03_to_Iw05, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li03_to_Iw05_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li03_to_Iw06, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li03_to_Iw06_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li02_to_Iw04, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Li02_to_Iw04_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw01_to_Li04, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw02_to_Li04, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw02_to_Li04_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw04_to_Li02, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw04_to_Li02_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw05_to_Li03, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw05_to_Li03_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw06_to_Li03, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Iw06_to_Li03_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Bw01_to_Br03_hole, unlock Act_LockDock = Player, Br03_to_Bw01_hole, unlock ActTrig = timer [Trigger] nickname = timer Cnd_Timer = 10 Act_ChangeState = SUCCEED
and all the other mission .inis with
[Trigger] nickname = INIT_ALL System = ANY InitState = ACTIVE ActTrig = timer [Trigger] nickname = timer Cnd_Timer = 10 Act_ChangeState = SUCCEED
so one of the above methods will probably be better
Thx khayman that seems to work (some!) it’s got past the FP7 intro and crash scenario and starts on Manhattan with a Starflyer,
However the screen resolution is wrong or the hud display is messed up as the room icons aren’t visible but it’s significant progress!The mod is a bit of an oldie I worked on several years ago it was called the Antares expansion mod, the final release had about 100 systems and over 300 bases,
The difficulty level was set pretty high so it didn’t attract the casual playergone but not entirely forgotten.
Thx again guys for all the help
Edit; I’ve added some screengrabs from the mod so if anyone has a quick fix……
There’s also SP from MP, which creates a “New Game” based on the initial multiplayer character.