3D Model Showroom
Hi! I show you another model : The Nomad Punisher
What do you think of that?
Thank you Kuze!
Hm, I don’t like it that much… It just doesn’t get in line with the common design elements of Nomad ships. For instance:
Nomad spikes tend to have their thickest point rather close to the origin than to the tip.
They are supposed to look organic, but not like open flesh, so that semi-slimy connection between the spikes just totally ruins it.
The spikes are an essential design element, yet they are a necessity of Nomad anatomy on larger ships and serve no direct purpose (or are a major ship compartment for that matter) - If they could, they would have gunboats and battleships without spikes altogether.
The shape of the central corpus is sure supposed to be smooth, but it is also supposed to be organic and not look as regular as something would that was designed with intent.A side note: I’m not criticising the design itself. I find the general idea very nice, its just that for what it is now it hardly is what one would expect to be part of a Nomad fleet. And I also think that it could quite well be made to fit the Nomads, too.
This rifle makes me wanna pick a Star Trek game and play the heck out of it for some reason
Nice model mate !
So when I was doing some 3D stuff in C4D after a long time today, I am byproduct. A random low-poly BS shape thingy. Now I need your opinion guys. Is this shape interesting enough to make a proper capital ship from it, or it is s**t and delete it?
I’d say it is quite interesting so keep at it.
Any idea how to make FL-ready models in Blender?
There’s no trick for ‘fl-ready’ models. There are two exporters - the MS3D exporter, and the 3ds Max 2010/2011 Exporter. The Max Exporter supports smoothing groups, and DX9 vmesh data.
There are some general poly count limitations, but there are ways around it in both exporters, though 3ds is more flexible. I don’t remember the numbers off the top of my head.
Does the exporter support Max 2013 student edition?
Dang it! I don’t want to pay $35 for Milkshape, and certainly not $5,000 for an earlier version of MAX. Any other options? Converters, free tools, open source SUR projects?