Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
You’re not using the No-CD EXE, are you?
It’s definately different since even the No CD version goes to 0x002dde03
My point is that the normal uncracked version won’t work. None of the offsets are compatible with it, since that EXE is packed/encrypted.
You need the no-CD to do hex hacks.
FriendlyFire wrote:
You’re not using the No-CD EXE, are you?Yes… although my Freelancer Version is a regular bought Version.
It doesn´t require a CD to play !!!
Strange that other offset-hacks worked fine…
Is there a way for you to find that offset in my version ?
If u don´t mind I would send it to you via e-mail…Greetings
Here it is: ~
We actually have it already in our download section, however it is marked as the no-cd patch. I’ve corrected the name and description since this is infact the original no-cd exe (coming from Microsoft/DA):
Ah, I see. That download is the never-protected exe; the offset FF supplied is for the cracked exe that still has the protection code (possibly he’s taken the memory offset, subtracted 0x400000 to make it a file offset, but it’s BSS data that’s not actually present in the file). Try this instead:
0x1628F4 Freelancer.exe 48->50 Filter out incompatible builds on server list by default
the mighty adoxa !!!
Thx for the replys… everyone of u !!!
@adoxa: If u still want a copy of my offical german-no-cd.exe I´ll send it to u with best regards
BTW… LOTS of your dlls and hacks found place in my Mod and now I am glad to credit u in several IDS of it. Nice to see u mate !I´ll try this hack and will report in later.
Thx again
@adoxa: Aye, we’re using the cracked EXE and apply all the hacks in memory, so I just found the offset that worked for that case scenario.
So, I want to increase the amount of characters one can put into the chat box. Currently (default) it’s at 80 characters.
I find this in the wiki:
50b freelancer.exe 06A440 M0tah maximum number of characters in chat input boxThe default entry at that offset is 50 which obviously doesn’t mean “50” as I can enter 80 characters in the chatbox now.
How does this work? And If I wanted to increase that number, how high could I go, and what would I change the offset to to get there?
Because it’s in freelancer.exe I’m assuming it’s a clientside thing? Am I incorrect in that assumption?
R -
robocop, 50b is a hexadecimal value. Use calculator to see that 50 in hex exactly equals 80 in decimal.
Got it.
What’s the maximum amount you can change it to? Also 127, or is there no real limit?R
255 (FF), I guess. -
Tried 160, didn’t work.
Tried 125, that did work.
I’m assuming that 127 is the maximum. -
I’m able to send messages of 127 characters in length in system, private, and group chat.
I can’t do it using universe chat (/u). I’m assuming something in FLServer.exe has to be changed in order for that to work.
Anyone have any idea what?R
2A01 --> 0000 freelancer.exe 0EC288 adoxa show aiming lead on all ships
Added to Wiki here