Can we make a faction hostile to other faction
Hey to everyone!
My first post here, it’s a question.After search in the forum, I found related topic. And at the first look I thought that FLCharAdmin tool is the cure I looking for, but somehow not sure.
Well, lets said what I’m trying to do. I extend an existing mod, making it more interesting for SP (single player) and probably abs incompatible with MP (multi player). All this is mainly for my own pleasure. Probably will publish my mode some day, but that’s not interesting at the moment.
What I want to ask a help for in this topic is about the factions (not only new one) hostility. What I know (correct me if not true) is that we cannot configure factions enemies by editing INI files. Lets say (for ex.) to make Bretonian and Kusary navy fight each other, or Liberty vs Rheinland, and etc.
Also adding new faction(s) to the game make them neutral to all the rest factions. And I really wonder why massive mods (with a lots of people working on it) continue adding new and new factions with some fake info card about their enemies, as all of this new factions are Neutral to everyone (not mean the player, that’s changeable).
Ok, it’s too much words for the fist post, thanks for reading
So, I need some start point though. Thanks in advance.
Uh, nope, you can very easily make factions, old and new, hostile (or allied) to one another. Everything you need is located in InitialWorld.ini. The only reason I can think of why people would say that you can’t is because you have to both delete restart.fl from your saved games folder and start a new game for any changes you make to take effect. The reason for this is that a faction’s reputation with respect to another faction is stored in the save file itself, as well as restart.fl, and when you start a new game Freelancer reads restart.fl (if it exists) for the reputation data. The only time it reads InitialWorlds.ini is if restart.fl doesn’t exist.
Many thanks for the rapid response!
Hmm, interesting, I dont know about restart.fl and looks like
Discovery mod creators miss that file too, as their InitialWorld.ini is never readed.Well, if I get it, if I just delete restart.fl file but not start new game, the game will not use my new settings?
Ok, I hope its so easy as you said, thanks again. I’ll test this one day and post the result.
Meanwhile, I saw by chance that after renaming a faction (its ids_name and/or ids_short_name), this changes become active instantly on the next game load, and without deleting restart.fl or starting new game. That mean the game read from InitialWorlds.ini all the time.
It’s working!Huge Thank You!
Something… just curious, old Reastart.fl was 80 kb, the new one is 237 kb. Maybe the game copy some data inside from the rest saved *.fl files?
Well, now remain to find out why no one offer missions against Nomads
but maybe is a good idea to post this as new question, right?