Starting Ships
Here is a tutorial on how to modify your own game for single player to start with any standard player ship.
The tutorial shows the Eagle.
EDIT: I have now added for you in the attached .zip file a decoded m01a.ini.txt and a list of playable ships with 1-3 loadouts for each of them. There are more loadouts in the file Freelancer\DATA\SHIPS\loadouts.ini and you can use any of them once you learn your way around.
If you use a multiplayer mod and connect to a modded server you will probably have a different starting ship but can’t choose your own.
To keep your original Freelancer folder intact, just make a copy of your whole Games\Freelancer folder and rename it to something else, e.g. Games\FLModded, then drag out a shortcut drom Games\FLModded\EXE\Freelancer.exe to your desktop. Then you can apply the mod using the tutorial.
But remember:
1. When you want to play your mod, firstly rename the folder “My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts” to “My Documents\My Games\FLUnModded\Accts”. When you start the game, it will create a new “My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts” folder.
2. When you want to start the unmodded game again, rename your new “My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts” to “My Documents\My Games\FLModded\Accts”, and rename your “My Documents\My Games\FLUnModded\Accts” to “My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts”.
Or you can also just rename the “Accts” folder to “Modded” and “UnModded” and you can also choose any folder name you like, if you understand this and prefer it. Up to you.
If you don’t do this renaming, your game may crash when you change from unmodded to modded. But you can try it after you save your saved games folder, to see what happens. You can use this to your amusement, nobody cares if you crash in single player except you, and if you saved your Accts folder you can undo it again easily.
Note - if you use the wrong mod and crash on a multiplayer server you may attract the wrath of the owner.
Have fun
adoxa wrote:
Alternatively, I have a save game to play the story with a decked-out Eagle (use FlCodec to decode it and change the ship).Check mine out again, I padded it out so you can choose any ship and the correct loadout for it.
Trumped ya, adoxa!
… Lumme, Guv!! That’s not an Eagle, it’s a battleship! lol
I was just looking through some the posts and noticed this one. Yes, there a lot of good starting mods available.
Here on TSP in the downloads go to the “T” section and go to page 18.
There are 4 trentstartingships mods which will allow you to start with freighter, light fighter, heavy fighters and very heavy fighter. All are designed for the vanilla version.
There are also a lot of good tutorials around. Making your own starting ship is not difficult, though when a beginner, it can be tedious. Biggest worry is the cinematic view, which is the equipment room and the launch cut scene where you meet King.
The info I have for that was, I believe from a post. Here is the title;
Changing the Cinematic Ships by Blaster @ SWAT PortalIf need be I can post it. It is only 9K in my text file.