Freelancer Mod Studio - 1.2
FriendlyFire wrote:
For the first one, I get three exceptions on this line every time I run the application. I tried to diagnose it (it’s saying the culture “gu” is not installed…) but couldn’t figure it out, and since the program runs fine without it I decided to put a try/catch around it just to stop the constant annoyance.Would you mind trying the following patch:
If that does not help maybe might help fix this issue as it might be a problem with your OS.
Sadly even with the patch it still does it. The exception seems to be handled by the application (outside of the debugger I don’t notice it), but if I debug first-chance exceptions it appears systematically.
As for the SO post, I did see it, but I don’t think requiring your users to install an obscure culture that they’re never going to use is the way to go. I was just curious as to whether the problem could be fixed instead of worked around.
stfx my love, the new versions of FLMS are lovely, with FF’s modifications even moreso, but still one annoyance remains.
Would it be possible to have the solararch.ini location saved into the program in some manner? Perhaps simply by a line in the options menu. It’s extremely annoying to have to go back and select it for every system, especially when the system directories are not in the vanilla filestructure.
Thanks for your work on the program, it’s made system work so much easier!
Version 1.2 is up!
Bobthemanofsteel wrote:
stfx my love, the new versions of FLMS are lovely, with FF’s modifications even moreso, but still one annoyance remains.Haha thanks. Hopefully I was able to reduce that annoyance somewhat by allowing you to specify a default DATA path in the settings in case the DATA path can not be found relative to the opened file. This includes finding archetype file as well as model files. Thanks for the idea.
I was able to fix rotating the camera while flying at the same time. If I would not have been able to fix it properly I probably would not have changed it as unpredictable behavior is much worse than restricted functionality - well at least in this case I think but anyway it works now so all is good
About that strange exception, I was just assuming that you are one of the very few people in the world to have that error. And the cause seems to be the OS so I would rather not add random exception catch code just for that.
Btw I added the object move functionality probably more different than you expected but I played around with it quite a bit and decided that this was one of the better options. That aside you might be interested to see how I implemented it - also changing it to what you had is now rather easy.
Finally the code to allow choosing from archetypes/loadouts is not really usable as you already mentioned and I don’t plan on writing it properly as this would be a massive task. So it is unlikely that it will make it into the official repository - thanks for letting me see it though
Version 1.2 added support to read/write comments from/to ini files. However all comments within a section will be written at the end of that section and therefore possibly losing their context. So keep that in mind when writing comments - you can also write them from within Freelancer Mod Studio. I think this situation is much better than removing them completely - which you still can by specifying that in the application settings btw
There were some other nice additions and fixes in 1.2 so make sure to check out the changelog and re-read the FAQ before downloading the new version and playing with the source
sweet changelog
thank you very muchnow i feel the urge to build smth again
stfx wrote:
Hm did it also happen with ealier versions? If yes reinstalling the .NET framework 3.5 sp1 might fix your issue.hey stfx,
so even the latest version have had the same bug on my machine, crashing when the 3d system editor is opened. I tried to debug the exact cause… however I could not really figure out the exact reason. It definately had something to do with the helix engine when first trying to actually draw something (at first I thought the dockpanel suite was to blame, but I dont think so).
Anyways, on the helix homepage I read that the target profile should be .NET 4.0 so I simply went ahead and switched all 3 projects to .NET 4.0 and now I can also use your fantastic editor
If anybody has the same issue as me, I’ve attached an updated .exe (compiled in VS 2013).
If you dont see any issues in switching to .NET 4.0 maybe you could also do that in your main release.
I am glad that you were able to fix this issue however this sounds like a problem with your .NET 3.5 install on your OS. Maybe installing .NET 3.5 SP1 might help?
Also I am using a modified version of HelixToolkit which does not need .NET 4.0 and targets .NET 3.5. The reason why I would not want to switch the framework is that .NET 3.5 is already on many machines starting with Vista by default.
Or maybe we will find out why your .NET 3.5 doesn’t like it, seeing the error message would be greatly appreciated.
If anybody else has this issue please let me know
Sadly there is no error message whatsoever. The debugger just closes when the error occurs. The program fails somewhere when the Show method for the 3D viewer window is called (in some weird callback hook as far as I could find out…).
When running the program without debugger it says it reached a user defined breakpoint.It may be that its just my system though I tried uninstalling all .net stuff and reinstalling didnt fix it. Ah well, I can just compile my own binaries for the time being
Hi stfx,
i work with your software (FL Mod Studio since a couple of weeks . The software is very nice, but there are some little “cloudy’s”
and there are no updates to be found by FLMS
Open the Delaer list and you see the keyword left side in the list. Like LI01_01. OK, this is Manhatten, but can you say adhoc what is “Iw06_01” ? If you see a chance, for customize or changes, that the modder can see the correct name? (Leiden Base). In other respects the modder has to check up every key in a List with the correct names.
The 2nd is, there are no search posibilitys. If i work with the equipment ini (verry huge) and serach a special torpedo, or something else, i have to serach by my own eys. I call this process: “electronic dataprocessing by feed”
If you see a possibility, to enhance the FLMS to support the modder with some search algorhythmen?Best regards, and mary xmas
cougan -
I see, well at least you are able to finally use Freelancer Mod Studio haha
Glad that you like it.
I agree that those features would be nice to have along many many others. Unfortunately I just don’t have the time to implement them.
Anyway I already thought about those two things in the past and concluded that reading/displaying the strings from the ressource dlls could not be easily done in a satisfying quality.
However I have been meaning to add a search function for the longest time so this could happen sometime in the future;)