Options to "revive" (save) Freelancer
Gentlemen, way too soon to debate at any matter.
I hope that “IF” they add Freelancer they not limit it to only official publisher files. And “IF” they allow community MOD’s they are not forced to meet a standard for approval. Because “IF” that is a case it rubs a lot of MOD makers the wrong way. But, I seriously doubt that is a lot of “IF” we will have to worry about… Very Long Odds they will accept a title with a Original Release Date of March 4, 2003 into the Steam Catalog.
Things seem fairly active around here, but I’m beginning to get the feeling that I came to Freelancer/Starport a bit too late. I checked Steam and GOG to no avail.
When I first started it up, I was pretty shocked at how modern it played. I guess great UI doesn’t age much. I don’t know why this wouldn’t have a place as a digital download somewhere, along with a corresponding revival. With Steam’s recent support for modding Skyrim, one would think Freelancer could fit in with that model.
Anyway, pardon a noob and his ignorance. I’ll get back to familiarizing myself with the game so I can try my hand at multiplayer without shaming myself.
planned coordinated approach, not over the top, but a balanced replayable, and one that ecourages , a fair pvp system, also forcing players to do missions in groups by making them harder and moer rewarding, i,ve been modding fl alot over the years, i,ve never polished a mod up, but prove the concepts neede to be balanced and replayable, called it balance of power, not adding so much, just polishing what freelancer really coould have been, i’m willing to share freely my work, to come up with 1 good solid mod, that we all can enjoy and not wait for ccompanies that didn’t care that much for yhe game in the first place to make a sequel, just my thoughts, fl is the only game of this genre that didn’t suck, it could use a little xtra love in my opinion, who else feels that way?, we need a standardized mod, simple balanced, and fun, i know it can be done, i’ve started again so i’ll be available for any assistance i can offer
You won’t ever see a ‘standardised’ mod, pointless thinking that will ever happen. With so few players left in the FL community, i’d say less than 500 looking at the server listings, people now play the mods that have active servers. These include Discovery, Crossfire, Evolutions, TNG, Genesis, and obviously the new star wars one when it’s fully released.
These mods all have active communities. Each of those mods is as different from the other as they can possibly be, leading to plenty of different content offered by each one. That is the beauty of modding and also it’s curse. It’s too much effort to ask the bigger mod makers to come together and do what you ask. Most are not even active anymore, plus it’s been tried in the past and failed miserably.
With the likes of Elite Dangerous now in beta and Star Citizen on the horizon, finally showing something after all the cash that has been invested, these two games, at least in the near future will be the games that players of the genre will be playing.
I love FL and always will, but time has caught up with it. I will always play it when the mood takes me, but the other two games i mentioned will rule the roost for years to come with regular updates and new content being added. FL can never compete with that, plus these games offer all the things FL did and then some.
honestly, i realized that any hope of a revival, passed at least 5 yrs ago, but the fact i havent seen a game that really captured the feel of FL always makes me hope that it would be something that could happen, maybe other games will pan out, i just will just be comparing them to FL, like a kid gining up his favorite blanket
I agree with you, i will be doing the same, comparing features, gameplay etc. Freelancer was/is a great game with some fantastic features, just hope the new generation of games reflect the same fun and enjoyment that FL has given to many thousands of players over the years.
Not to mention that some of us are approaching 60 and feel a bit sheepish when our kids have no interest in it and those who have grandkids are told that this is not an interesting enough game.
One option you may try is to put reviews of the game on sites that sell FreeLancer, such as Amazon. In the review you can point to sites such as Starport as to where to get more information
Don’t forget to mention how addictive FL is as we have been at it for eleven years (nearly).
Also mention that it can function on older computers, unlike Star Citizen which requires a quad-core, a 1 GB video card and 8 GM memory.
This is the best door opening advise I have, goo luck.
C# coders welcome to help rewriting the old FLServer. Low-level protocol stuff is actually done, the game logic is what’s left.
I think you understand what new open-source server would give to FL.