FLMMv2 Chokes on mod activation - attn Adoxa
Trying to activate our mod using FLMMv2 but it chokes halfway through the activation. FLMM just locks up and hangs until ended via taskmgr.
I’ve narrowed it down to an ini file (systems_shortest_path.ini).
If the ini file is in the mod directory the mod won’t activate. Removing that one file will allow the mod to activate.
This is not an xml edit, it should just be an overwrite of an existing ini file. The existing ini file is not marked ‘read only’, nor do I see any other reasons why FLMM won’t copy the file over. The other two files (shortest_legal_path.ini and shortest_illegal_path.ini) copy over just fine and the mod will activate.
Any ideas?
Also, memory refreshment needed. If these three files are changed on the server, do all clients need to have the same changes in order for waypoints to work?
edit: one more thing. changing the filetype from ini to txt will allow the mod to activate indicating perhaps that it’s not the file but the overwrite process. But of course, the file won’t be changed as needed.
No, I’m using FLMMv2 which works admirably up til this particular hiccup. Switching back to 1.3 would require an entire rewrite of the mod which is heavily scripted.
This particular problem is isolated to this specific file which seems to be an overwriting issue.
I may have to take all of the edits to these three files and script them into the mod anyway depending on whether or not path files generated by FLScan are compatible with vanilla users.
I tried that, they didn’t re-appear.
I’ll try again…edit: huh… it worked this time, i wonder why not before. I do see that Freelancer.exe does NOT regenerate the paths inis on restart. Maybe that’s what I did before.
I still wonder though if the waypoints will show up properly to players not running the mod.
Yes, yes, I know. That works on the server end but it doesn’t work on the client end. I thought to delete the systems_shortest_path.ini file when activating the mod (both client and server) and when the programs restart, a new file would be created. That works on the server end but not the client end.
When I say it works on the server end, I mean if I delete the file manually it works just fine. I’m trying to accomplish the task automatically by using the following script:
<data file=“DATA\UNIVERSE\systems_shortest_path.ini” method=“renamefile” newfilename=“DATA\UNIVERSE\systems_shortest_path.txt”>;Server ONLY
This script should delete the file on mod activation but just as FLMM can’t overwrite the file, it also can’t seem to rename the file. So, I’m at a loss for the moment. The file properties shows the file having the same attributes as the other two path files but FLMM can’t seem to delete or overwrite it while it can the other two.</data>
What’s really interesting now is that if I put these lines in a separate mod
<data file=“DATA\UNIVERSE\shortest_illegal_path.ini” method=“renamefile” newfilename=“DATA\UNIVERSE\shortest_illegal_path.txt”>;Server ONLY
<data file=“DATA\UNIVERSE\shortest_legal_path.ini” method=“renamefile” newfilename=“DATA\UNIVERSE\shortest_legal_path.txt”>;Server ONLY
<data file=“DATA\UNIVERSE\systems_shortest_path.ini” method=“renamefile” newfilename=“DATA\UNIVERSE\systems_shortest_path.txt”>;Server ONLYand run that mod it works fine. It’s just when it’s incorporated into the main mod that it fails.
So, what I need to do for the moment is activate the server mod and then activate this mod. Clunky.
I wonder if there’s some limitation at play. Perhaps a number of scripts that I’ve reached or instructions limit that’s been hit.</data></data></data>
So, not necessary but devastating potentially to unmodded players, especially newer players without the map knowledge earned after years of playing.
Yeah, that might be a problem