The Great What Are You Listening to Thread ;D
Especially great to read all the comments! All those good memories people have of the game!!
More ethereal music from Genesis…
Hey what’s on top 10 in Moscow now a days?
Used to listen in on Shortwave until they changed frequencies. If you know what frequencies there using now I’d love to tune in again. (Shortwave Frequencies) -
(Deep sigh) makes me wish I could post Frank Zappa’s Roxy, but only have it on blu-ray.
Edit: Grammy Night! Not modding tonight!
Edit Edit, Had to stop and grab my earbuds for hawkwind!
Edit edit edit.
Taking this picture it set off the camera’s selfy feature. I think Frank scared it. It turned Turtle on me….(slow burner there)Then there’s my goto Floyd.
Jefferson001 wrote:
Hey what’s on top 10 in Moscow now a days?
Used to listen in on Shortwave until they changed frequencies. If you know what frequencies there using now I’d love to tune in again. (Shortwave Frequencies)I dunno because prefer foreign and word music (Warning - some blood)
Your post stunned me not only for it’s music but as an animator. Thank you beyond words. Because cerilic isn’t on virual keyboard I’ll resort to phonetics:
Pazalsta Tovarich!Flat on back with bad cold got from stargazing in 9 degree (F) weather here for two all night seminars Fri and Sat. (Astronomy. Not done in daytime Duh.)
Last post until internet back.
Edit: No had to post links did after severe snooze.
Had friend trying to post to inbox for me. She gave up.
Called be sounding befuddled. Told her skip it.
Did so giving eyes a rest.2am got up check email, found post.
Moved to magnifier now.
Short wave from Russia used to have “bootleg” and “pirate” stations broadcasting music that the powers that were objected to. Radio “QSL” was something my maternal grandfather got me hooked on at age 5.
Listening for and finding these quick to appear and just as quick to vanish stations became a hobby within a hobby. I wanted to learn Russian, was advised against it at the time. Wanted to learn in the service. Told what I was doing was more important than crosstrain into translator.
Retired, wanted to sign up for Russian. Sorry only as a major.
My shortwave radio is now a card in my computer and old Zenith blew chip. My portable goes stargazing with me. It’s looks as complicated as it really is. Though it’s presents and a thick book on international stations frequencies has brought a touch of home to many, many foreign students on many, many nights under the wonders of the heavens.
Here is my portable vehicle that flies me around the world for tastes of music that will never get airplay in stereo over the US FM radio bands. For that matter on satellite radio either.
Will post cloud link to a favorite song later I bought a right to use in production but now it’s a 55mb .wav file and will have to wait to convert to .mp3 when I’m out of bed.
Edit: (( First time rip to .mp3 on Win 10. Software asked for lame codec. Pulled from scorceforge. Make on compile showed missing files in source download. Software wants older codec than new one that did compile. At least while I’m in bed I can tie my laptop to desktop with home LAN. Song is studio master of Poets of the Fall’s “Lift Me Higher.” (2004). When working with a company doing a benchmark program I first heard the song. They weren’t on the radio here then. Were later. Wanted the score for my own animation. (First time working a project via internet with company overseas. Got an education right there.) I don’t want to rip this to .mp3 with Microsoft’s or anybody elses software that I can’t control the output quality of. I want it to do them justice. ))
Edit: Can’t seem to post on here on edit Lost submit.
post on new one. (Sorry)Dos Vidonya
Here’s Poets of the Fall. “Lift Me Higher”
Link to above music video:
Game soundtracks! Found library. Thousands of soudtracks!
Used to contribute to Doctor Demento back in the days of his syndicated Radio weirdness too.
Belonged to a group that advocated “Freedom of the Airwaves” before the internet was thought of. Looking for songs on youTube Red crom old playlists from group of music banned from US radio.
(Posted later, took song off cloud drive, got full of models.)
Pixies - Where is my mind? -
Good question. Good song. Going to youTube Red just busted my data cap. Worth it.
Let’s change up the beat here and with my favorite traveling songs. These next three at one time were banned from US radio. Back when the “internet” was was something you cast upon the water to catch fish.
Quite a few people with transmitters used to risk jail by filling the airwaves with such “dangerous” material.
I wouldn’t know who personally but in a place that touted it’s freedoms it got REAL IRONIC.
Warning: Songs advocates things that gives the authorities in most countries ulcers, hives and blood pressure problems. (Which is why they became anthems for people like me who wanted to do just that to “authorities”.)
From 1971 here’s Little Feat singin’ Willin’.
Here’s a song that was in it’s day (1969) just as dangerous, but was more famous because it was on the soundtrack of the “dangerous” movie Easy Rider".
Sang by The Band and lead vocals by the later actor Levon Helm here’s the link to “The Weight”.Kick back and enjoy and strike a blow or two for freedom.
Lastly someone I know. Played gigs in New York when I was living in Rome NY. Used to travel the state on Friday nights to catch his gigs. This is one of his classic jam sessions. Johnathan Edwards singing Shanty
John got booted off the radio and back on the radio in 1970-71 for this song he wrote about Nixon. It’s back to being banned because it seems to apply more to the US’s current “regime”. Here’s his song “Sunshine”:
For those who like Freelancers FX, here’s a oldy but goody that got praise at our local and semi-famous “Big Muddy Film Festival”. (MTV wasn’t back then)
Poor quality copy but it was grabbed from big screen. Fair audio.
A trip nevertheless.
YES “Nights in White Satin”