New Renderer (OpenGL 3.3)
To be honest I dont expect much of a difference in the game.
At the same time seamless 1024X1024 HD texture is sufficient but filtered with Neural networks it can preserve sharpness.
I’m using this to upscale my textures and it works very well, sharpness and details are kept, so I’m optimistic of the result ingame.
I am already using 4x upscaled textures in the videos and that did make a lot of difference (some of this is because of the DDS compression). I hope there will another jump with the new ones. We will see. The current ones I use are quite good, though.
I am still training the networks and experimenting with different layers so the results might change (like the colors still do during training). I think that is was SWAT_OP-R8R noticed.
Here are some from yesterday (rheinland) which Freestalker wanted. I only applied antialiasing afterwards (which helps a lot).
Also Freestalker thanks for the kind words
You’re welcome !
Thanks for uploading but now I remain a little bit lost. Especially with DTL2… I’m less lost with DTL3, it clarifies the window part. DTL1, easy.
I am still trying different network configurations and am looking for a way to get less aliasing. The results are already somewhat better, but I am not satisfied yet.
Here are results from a completely different network:
I did not apply any further filtering besides upscaling again. As you can see, hard edges can be quite aliased. I might have to filter the input with antialiasing without making it to blurry.
The only thing you remove with upscaling is the aliasing effect. The texture itself does not get any more details. Only repainting those can bring more details. Also the higher resolution just blurs the image more and more, which doesnt look good for my feeling.
The thing in question: Does it pay the effort…?
It’s not so easy. The DXT compression introduces a lot of artefacts, so if you upscale it without them and compress it with a better compressor or even better into a different format, you will have won a lot. Also I don’t have to do much since basically the networks are training while I am working on different stuff
Also unless someone is willing to redo them we don’t have an alternative. I think Freestalker is currently trying, but who knows how many he can afford to rework. The models also have to be reworked, but no one is doing that currently I think.
Here is an example to show what the networks are doing:
Vanilla upscaled (Lanzos3):
DXT NN filtered, antialiasing (hard edges), NN upscaled, Lanzos3 Upscaled:
Maybe this helps you understand why I am doing this
Yes, you can of course sharpen the image and apply other filters, but that is for later when am tired of testing networks
The goal is a good starting point.
The main problem with this is that there is so much work that it’s clearly hard to say when it could be finished, the game has hundreds of textures and Freelancer texture creators was not an only man carrying all the texture conception, and we have to remind that it was only diffuse map. Even if I do one texture per day, and it’s not easy due to the fact I have a job and I’m kind of slow, it could could take 3 years to complet the project…
For now it’s diffuse then height then normal and the trickiest part specular. And everything has to be optimized. I have simplified the process using Filterforge to have stencils ready to use. But to use it you have to pay so I use the 30 day demo and finding the good filter is difficult. If I want to do a new filter, my CPU isn’t sufficient and it overheats so I have to spend a lot of money in an Intel I5 8600 K, I can’t afford that investment only for a free project, and will surely not do games every days, I’m more a casual than a gamer.I don’t say I give up but some guys helping me should worth it.
And a 1 and a 2 and a 3…
I think there is a misunderstanding here. What my wrapper is doing is exactly using normal and height maps (although I am not using dxt5_nm, but rather ati2n for normal maps and ati1n for the height maps, which gives you nearly lossless compression). So we all agree that it is needed, but you don’t need dxt5 for it (the nm format just uses the alpha channel to get less compression artefacts in the normal maps). If you go back a few pages you’ll find screens and videos of my wrapper in case you missed it. They are done with Freelancer and it uses normal and parallax mapping thanks to shaders (i currently even use some optional dx10 stuff for the antialiased post processing).
The problem now is to generate all the height and normal maps including high res textures which at best don’t have any height baked in them like FL textures have. Even if your method e.g. allows automatic height map creation or eases it up a lot this would help out quite a bit. And don’t get me started on the old low poly models
Nope pal. That’s exactly why I msg you. You GET it. What I’ll show you is to NOT bake the texture. What it’s about is using DXT5_NM into the 3D software’s material channels (Normals Map and Displacement set for Sub-Polygon displacement to render a 1024 x 1024 texture directly from the 3D packages renderer into .dds and or .tga files. No resizing, no aliasing, clean sharp lines and no faking the highlights or shadows). The result is exactly what Freelancer uses and that’s a 16, 24 or 32 bit targa or a DXT1 dds file or 3 or 5 depending on what your needs are if your using alpha mats or whatnot. This technique uses the power of your renderer to take the burden off Freelancer’s engine. Why bake when you can make?
And you’re absolutely right about DXT5_NM’s compression artifacts…If you don’t know how to completely bypass the entire issue. Which I do.
As a matter of fact if you use DXT5_NM in that alpha channel as advertised. you’re in SERIOUS trouble.
That’s why the pros know EXACTLY what to do and everybody else DOESN’T. -
And who says that hasn’t already happened?
It’s just when I roll the puppies out it’s going to be in MY mod.
However I’ll probably leave them to the site in my will.
Other that R_dts3 I rendered for the tutorial what you’ve seen on my models (except UberFoker) are pretty much stock Freelancer mats only redone into seamless and such.
I’m really only interested in only that portion on the mats that I intend to use on my models. It’s the process that’s key.
So here are two videos of the current state after some parameter tuning: of the bugs are (currently) gone and only small ones are left. Fullscreen is working (although I needed a workaround and will have to revise that later).
What’s left are some tools I need to write and of course polishing. After that I need to decide if I add some more stuff or directly release a first version for testing (which will be in our mod).
Nice to see you back. Hope your feeling okay now. Think I caught your cold. Great vids. Add Add studio programs to list of software I want to send.
Hehe it’s better, but still not gone. Needed some distraction.
Since it is more of a stylistic choice I am interested whether people like the different metallic look (if they notice at all). I plan to make a video where I change the parameters via GUI so one can see the impact of all the different ones (which still don’t cover all the cases). Also automatic exposure control is still missing so that would be an additional factor for the visuals later on. If I add bloom this will also impact how it looks.
I think the latest videos show the best look, cleanest height reflections and a very pleasing metallic feel.
I literally cannot wait to test the looks in your mod and in the back of my mind I hope, after its first release in the New Universe mod, that you’d be willing to share the renderer for other mods to use.
It is fascinating and humbling to see the work you put into it and the quality (you are from Germany after all, where quality is at the forefront of everything). Really great job, that’s all I can say!
P.S. What’s your vision for nomads, how would they look with heightmaps, will they get that organic feel or more like a shiny crystalline exterior?