3D Model Showroom
I think that there is not a single X2 + X3 ship that isnt already in a FL mod.
Perhaps though I haven’t seen one yet. Yes X2 ships, but they were pretty rough. I’ve been in that community since 2006 and pulling together tools now. They even have video tutorials… In Russian though I’m looking for ones in English.
Now here’s a couple of X3 ships. Have you seen them in Freelancer?
dunno about the carrier but the M1 for sure
I think that all the small ships have been used while the bigger ones were not so easy to import… especially back when the creation of sur files was still a kind of art -
Well you have that spot on right Swat, that why I didn’t try this back in the day as late as 2008. Now I can “Decimate” them down to well within reason and still keep the UV’s and it seems all the tools needed have been or are being revamped to Win 10. However the big guy carrier is off a new conversion program called 3D Object Convert 6.50 from Hungary. The registration costs $50 US, but to cure some conversion problems between GW OBJ and Wavefront OBJ it was worth it and I’m trying to talk Zoltan the inventer into tacking CMP and MAT. He’s an okay guy.
Edit: Well it all works, but it’s still a process. But polygon reduction got this guy down to 9635 polygons (quads) 18189 (triangles) which is not too bad for a capital ship. This was imported into MAX 8, output into Wavefront .obj. Textures I changed to tga from dds to render this using C4D. Output in tif with an alpha mat so I could superimpose it over the background nebula. This render used the X3’s diff, luminance, bump, normals and specular files. However for Freelancer the same effect can be had be using all the channels on a flat plane with the camera 90 degrees from the plane and area lit and area shadowed and size the render at the size of the original texture.
Total time from import to render: 96 min. (I timed it).
Packing them up now. All in dds. 1am here and I’m outside in the tent. Tomorrow if the zip is too big for one zip I’lm break it into two zips. In .obj-mtl and post it for the community. Then on to this next huge pretty mother from Boron later. This process is is a bit too involved for most and needs 3DS MAX and takes a catalog unpacker, a conversion program to change .bob to .bod and so on. I’ll concentrate on on the capital ships since I can knock the 30+ k polys of some down to Freelancer’s tolerance. At the least there’s hundreds of new DDS textures here. That in and of itself is a score. Some Real pretty nebulas, planet textures besides ship plates. What might be just as nice? Groups of GUN looking GUNS! Turrets that make you say ouch just looking at them. So on.
Coming attractions now that I can read this screen.Edit: Still packing up the Carrier. Will have to put on cloud drive and submit for downoad. It’s big.
Packed into 2 zips 1 for dds 1 for tga they sum up to over a half a gig.EDIT: Sometimes things sneak up on me and this did.
The VAST amount of materials. Unpacked from their native catalogs, batch converted to .dds and .tga. It’s 3.68 gigabytes of textures. At present I’ve dropped other projects to move related textures into packs. (Ship-Station pack, Effects pack, Planet-Space pack, etc.) Since I created a template of 3D meshes from templates of the better (my opinion) Freelancer ship textures, I plugged in X3 textures with their Diffuse maps, bump maps, luminance maps, normals maps and specular maps and rendered using area light and area shadows into a single 1024x 1024 texture. I’ve been doing this with textures since I was under enthused with textures put out by using 2D photo and graphics software.3D is the way to go to get new 2D textures.
Here’s a jpeg of it cut down to fit the post and using only solar panel textures from one faction called Argon: -
Okay. Lots of work and big files for a big ship.
This is first place you had to head in thus game’s story line.Argon One where the big boss Ban Danna hangs out.
Were the hero’s father in in deep freeze. (For now)…
Download both zips, unpack into THE SAME DIRECTORY load her up. She’s in DDS textures. To use in FL take out the bump maps, normals maps and specular maps, the luminance maps can stay along with the diffuse maps. (Keep the .dds files for 3D rendered textures if your ambitious).
Here’s the link to to the Obj and Mtl files:
And here’s the textures:
(Or was that the other way around? Oh well doesn’t matter)
Freelancer - Jump to Lightspeed - SWBF Millennium Falcon MOD
See Lightspeed effect mod @ 2:30
Utterly cool ship. I’ve often wondered who hard it would be to cut FL’s dependence on jumpgates and go to a “from here ti X point in Y system.” Until I saw what that would take. The MF would be just the ship to do it too.
Hi again people.
Yes I was gone for quite a while. I’m still around but modeling is sort of out of the question.
Though it’s not a star ship and I didn’t do the model I can still slowly work at texturing.Edit: I took this down after realizing politics is the
wrong topic to drag into this site. It should be (And is) a respite from such divisive issues and a place to
come together. -
Erm… Sorry but I don’t have the feeling that it’s a great place for politic. You don’t really know the inclination of people, it’s better to don’t know political tastes of people, it allows us to remain in good moods. I don’t really know the tacit rules of this forum a lot but it’s better to put this 3D model screenshot in a satiric forum.
I put one time a topic about TV/monitor calibration back in 2012 and despite the fact I have a greater knowledge of color science, I don’t know if it will be the right place to post something related to it except if it’s directly FL related.
@ FrienlyFire : I will never talk about it anymore. I was so bored that I was just nerd nit-picking. It’s just the tiniest, less significant and the most difficult to remember detail inside the whole game. In summary : “Oh. A star. To info : […]” one day later : no remembrance…
It’s the last model you post on the forum, it’s rather sad.
I enjoyed watching your 3d models.
I hope I did not hurt you in some ways.
@ Freestalker.fr
??? No in fact the opposite.
Politics aside I did that texture job on a stock model becasuse I to see… well I can’t see the point. Literally. I can’t see the points (unless I get nose prints on the screen) Macular Degeneration. Nasty business. Yes I feed my display into a wall sized HDTV, still no good.
That texture job was poor at best too, but I done my best.Hey I haven’t been gone really. Just that I can’t even play the game anymore. I use a text 2 speech program to LISTEN in.
Thanks for being concerned.
+Freestalker.fr this one is for political forums
Take civil FL texture from the liners -
To Freestalker.fr &Helloween
You’re right and I was wrong. Political comment even in jest as the model was done in has no place on this site which is a respite from it. Not a platform for it.And I was perhaps wrong about the last model you’ll see from me here. There are many more models, but promised to another mod in development. Only that mod might not happen. The main Dev has been off the grid for some time. If the mod is scrapped then since they’ve been already packed up months ago, they’ll show up here. However as I said, I won’t (can’t) produce new ones.
Great to see that you have remaining 3D models to show.
And I was perhaps wrong about the last model you’ll see from me here. There are many more models, but promised to another mod in development. Only that mod might not happen. The main Dev has been off the grid for some time. If the mod is scrapped then since they’ve been already packed up months ago, they’ll show up here. However as I said, I won’t (can’t) produce new ones.
Too bad you are not able to produce any other 3D model. There is less expensive and free ways to make 3D models, too.
Yeah, but it’s just not the same.
Though a peek at some waiting in the
wings. It might even raise someone from
the dead.The Liberty Dreadnaught is a full retexture package using 3D rendered textures.
All these are months old now.
Asteroid fighter not bad
Nice work !
Hi folks. Holy sh*t, my last forum post is almost from 3 years ago. Well, not the best 3 years of my life. Anyway, I decided make a few new ships, for old time’s sake. After all, I never really left Freelancer, just had an inactivity phase. Good to see TSP still active.
So here is my latest ship. I just finished it half an hour ago.
The Fulcrum class corvette/gunboat with 7 turret hardpoint or turret and 1 GB gun.